Zhodani Navy

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The Zhodani Navy is formally known as the Zhodani Consulate Combined Interstellar Forces, and is one of the most potent armed forces in Charted Space.

Please refer to the following AAB library data for more information:

Description (Specifications)

Zhodani Consulate Combined Interstellar Forces

  • The Zhodani maintain well-trained and supplied armies and navies of considerable size.
  • The Zhodani Military maintains both a formal, standing army of active service, the Zhodani Consulate Combined Interstellar Forces, as well as a reserve system, the Zhodani Consulate Auxiliary Guard, of auxiliary military forces for call-up upon need.
  • Nobles and Intendants serve as officers, in most command positions, while Proles overwhelmingly form enlisted rank and file, who mostly serve as combat arms (infantry) and in support roles (logistics, maintenance, etc.).

Mission (Goals)

Expansion coreward in support of the expeditions is a very high priority. Maintenance of border security throughout the rest of Consular Space is a dedicated emphasis. Checking the expansion of aggressive border states to support long term security for zhodani civilization is also a major objective for the naval forces.

Doctrine & Strategy (Operations)

Their forces maintain a high state of readiness and once a conflict has started, they have historically conducted well-planned, long-duration aggressive campaigns deep into enemy territory with the objective of isolating and laying siege to high value, high population planets.

Rank & Grade (Hierarchy)

Consular Navy Ranks
(Approximate Translations)
Commissioned Officers (Nobles & Intendants)
O12 » Consular Officer
O11 » Provincial/Sector Officer
O10 » Fleet Officer (First Rank)
O9 » Fleet Officer (Second Rank)
O8 » Fleet Officer (Third Rank)
O7 » Squadron Officer (= Chtefchoaz)
O6 » Capital Ship / Battleship Officer
O5 » Cruiser Officer
O4 » Destroyer Officer
O3 » Deck Officer (= Tsantcheil)
O2 » Watch Officer (= Tsantedr)
O1 » Learning Officer (= Ovet')
O0 » Waiting Officer (= "Subaltern")
Enlisted (Ratings) - (Proles)
E9 » Base Leader
E8 » Crew Leader
E7 » Deck Leader
E6 » Compartment Leader
E5 » Section Leader
E4 » Advanced Spacer
E3 » Spacer
E2 » Trainee
E1 » Recruit
E0 » Recruit

Some of the organizational ranks and grades used by this force are included in the table to the right.

History & Background (Dossier)

They have conducted numerous wars along the frontier to blunt imperial expansion into their territory. They have maintained steady state borders along most other fronts for centuries. One notable exception is the massive push toward the galactic core.

TO&E (Organization)

The Zhodani Consulate has a more rigid top-down authority than the Imperium. As such, they use a battle squadron built around a major ship, with multiple battle squadrons making up a fleet. A Battleship, Battle Rider Tender or Carrier will have associated Cruisers, Destroyers and Escorts, which will be under the Commodore's direct command. The Commodores of the various squadrons will be under the Fleet Admiral, and the various fleets of a sector under the Sector Admiral. This parallels the Consulate hierarchy of civilian life. [1]

Fleet Composition

More detailed information about the starship classes and named members of the fleet can be found here:

Selected Ship Classes

Some ship classes widely used within Zhodani Space include:

  1. Aatsdivr class Battle Tender
  2. Achzhdr class Battle Rider
  3. Akrzhdiats class Heavy Cruiser
  4. Anzha class Battle Rider
  5. Banya class Light Fleet Corvette
  6. Berka class Heavy Fleet Corvette
  7. Bra'la class Corvette Transport
  8. Chantoql class Courier
  9. Chatl class Leader Scout
  10. Chatl class Scout
  11. Chazhdr class Light Cruiser
  12. Cheveldi class Battleship
  13. Chiqrr class Battleship
  14. Chonzde class Frontier Merchant
  15. Chtanoql class Scout
  16. Chtierabl class Transport
  17. Chtrfiak class Battleship
  18. Dadiat class Heavy Cruiser
  19. Dezhdrle class Destroyer
  20. Diefr class Belter
  21. Dienjzhiae class Fleet Intelligence Corvette
  22. Dirqral class Battleship
  23. Dlevrrk class Light Cruiser
  24. Doklen class Armored Destroyer [2]
  25. Dranzhrin class Consular Corvette
  26. Dredlezhdr class Fleet Escort
  27. Driafria class Strike Carrier
  28. Echtover Dazhia class Council Cruiser AKA Dazhia class Council Cruiser
  29. Ejdle class Fleet Escort
  30. Enshbasi class Destroyer
  31. Fanzheinz class Far Trader
  32. Fitl class Strike Cruiser
  33. Frerzhzhdripl class Battle Rider
  34. Iadiadlsiz class Fleet Tanker
  35. Idlev class Superbattleship
  36. Ietlzhdrzhdrkre class Fleet Escort
  37. Ipltsiedle class Destroyer Escort AKA Ipltsiedle class Light Fleet Frigate
  38. Iprtsielezhdr class Battle Rider
  39. Jderveledr class Fleet Carrier
  40. Jdiaklen class Armored Cruiser [3]
  41. Jdimer'Tsie class Battle Rider
  42. Jerzhtsie class Destroyer
  43. Jotvobl class Battleship
  44. Kefchenzh class Armored Cruiser
  45. Kliqrv class Battle Carrier
  46. Lakr class Corvette
  47. Liapryrzh class Battle Carrier
  48. Lienjadl class Battle Cruiser
  49. Lienjshiaflaa class Patrol Corvette
  50. Neivrdlalh class Heavy Cruiser
  51. Nianemiev class Battle Carrier
  52. Nidashiajobr class Light Cruiser
  53. Ninz class Scout
  54. Noql class Free Trader AKA Noql class Transport
  55. Okedi class Battleship
  56. Panjiach class Heavy Cruiser
  57. Plizhdrint class Light Cruiser
  58. Plokl class Escort
  59. Riavl class Light Cruiser
  60. Sarriaklir class Battleship
  61. Shalis class Patrol Corvette
  62. Shianjo class Liner
  63. Shianzpla class Battleship
  64. Shivva class Patrol Frigate
  65. Shivva II class Patrol Frigate
  66. Shizhdr class Light Cruiser
  67. Shtiaba class Light Cruiser
  68. Staklen class Frontier Battleship [4]
  69. Stedlas class System Defense Boat
  70. Stisahsheql class Battle Carrier
  71. The Ghost of the Reach class Heavy Scout
  72. Tiaflfiet class Patrol Frigate
  73. Tletlkizhia class Escort
  74. Tliabazhdrinzh class Heavy Cruiser
  75. Type ZC class Courier AKA Vehrsabl class Courier
  76. Type ZHG class Council Cruiser AKA Zhodani Council Cruiser
  77. Vehrsabl class Courier
  78. Vieblazhdr class Heavy Cruiser
  79. Viepchakl class Battleship
  80. Vlezdre' class Light Cruiser
  81. Vlezhdatl class Frontier Cruiser AKA Vlezhdatl class Strike Cruiser
  82. Vozjien class Independent Trader
  83. Vrapkenchkinj class Light Cruiser AKA Vrapkenchkinj class Light Battlecruiser
  84. Yeiklen class Frontier Escort [5]
  85. Yetsabl class Courier
  86. Yiesieltsie class Light Cruiser
  87. Zdebr class Trader
  88. Zdieench class Destroyer Escort
  89. Zhdavldlits class Light Cruiser
  90. Zhdiak class Light Destroyer
  91. Zhdits class Destroyer Escort
  92. Zhdrbaeliprietl class Destroyer
  93. Zhodatl class System Defense Boat
  94. Zhosibadle class Destroyer Escort

Selected Smallcraft Classes

Some smallcraft classes widely used within Zhodani Space include:

  1. Aanz class System Shuttle
  2. Anzh class Heavy Fighter
  3. Baql class Light Fighter
  4. Chanjitl class Light Fighter
  5. Kia class Heavy Fighter
  6. Kitl class Heavy Fighter
  7. Kroie class Tug
  8. Tlatl class Fighter AKA Tlatl class Missile Fighter
  9. Type ZAB class Assault Boat
  10. Type ZSB class Ship's Boat
  11. Type ZSP class Pinnace
  12. Vlezhdest class Fighter AKA Vlezhdets class Particle Fighter
  13. Vokr class Fighter

Worlds & Sectors (Astrography)

This military is primarily located in the following areas:

World Listing: 1105

This military is known to regularly operate on the following systems and worlds:

No world articles for Zhodani Navy

References & Contributors (Sources)

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This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Far Future Enterprises or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.
  1. Information provided to the library by Jon Schattke
  2. Information provided to the library by Jon Schattke
  3. Information provided to the library by Jon Schattke
  4. Information provided to the library by Jon Schattke
  5. Information provided to the library by Jon Schattke