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|S4= External Link: [http://www.dedzone.net/traveller/sectors/provence/prov_a.html Traveller in the DED Zone]
|S4= External Link: [http://www.dedzone.net/traveller/sectors/provence/prov_a.html Traveller in the DED Zone]
|S5= Author & Contributor: [[David Drazul]]  
|S5= Author & Contributor: [[David Drazul]]  
|S6= Compiler: Lord (Marquis) and Master of Sophontology [[User:Maksim-Smelchak|Maksim-Smelchak]] of the [[Ministry of Science]]
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[[Category: Religion]]
[[Category: Religion]]
{{LE|T5 Second Survey|Vargr|Vargr Extents}}
{{LE|T5 Second Survey|Vargr|Vargr Extents}}
[[Category: Guidebook to Provence Sector]]

Revision as of 15:41, 29 March 2023

Llaezgaen Subsector
Knoukhs Vaerr Vorvoun

map from Travellermap.com

Sector Provence
Capital TBD
No. of Stars TBD
Majority Control Vargr Extents - TBD%
2nd Control Other - TBD%

No information or synopsis yet available.

Description (Specifications)

The Llaezgaen Subsector has an estimated population in 1202 of approximately 2.0 billion, a decline of 96.6% from its Pre-Collapse population. Llaegharrgh has the highest population (800 million) as well as the highest tech level rating (10). The Llaezgaen subsector had an estimated population in 1120 of approximately 60.1 billion. Its highest population was 20 billion at Tughghorr and Vo Oeg. Llaegharrgh had the highest tech level (16).

Subsector Summary: 1116

Llaezgaen, subsector A of Provence, contains 43 worlds with an estimated combined population of 60 billion, a per capita income of Cr5,078, and a total economy of BCr305,484. These worlds originate an interstellar trade of BCr3,219 through 42 starports (14 Class A, 17 Class B, 9 Class C, 2 Class D) employing 722,460 people. Driving this interstellar trade are nine Agricultural (Ag) worlds, five Non-Agricultural (Na) worlds, two Pre-Agricultural (Pa) worlds, four Pre-Industrial (Pi) worlds, seven Rich (Ri) worlds, and three Industrial (In) worlds. The governments in Llaezgaen maintain 15 Naval bases and four Corsair bases. The average technology level is 10 (with most between 8 and 12). The highest technology level is 14 at Kota (Provence 0205), Kath (Provence 0304), Klur (Provence 0403), Llaegharrgh (Provence 0604), and Faarzgaen (Provence 0704).

Llaezgaen, subsector A of Provence, contains 59 stars and 540 identified planets; 27 monostellar systems, 16 binary systems, no trinary systems, and no systems with four or more stars. 42 of the 43 systems (97%) have native gas giants. There are one Asteroid (As) belt, no Desert (De) worlds, five Garden (Ga) worlds, one Ice-capped (Ic) world, two Poor (Po) worlds, three Vacuum (Va) worlds, and four Water (Wa) or Ocean (Oc) worlds.

Llaezgaen has an estimated population of 60 billion distributed across seven High population (Hi) worlds, two Moderate population (Ph) worlds, 20 Non-industrial (Ni) worlds, seven Low population (Lo) worlds, and no Barren (Ba) worlds. The highest population worlds are Vo Oeg (Provence 0705) and Tughghorr (Provence 0805). The population consists primarily of 1 sophont group.

1 identified sophont population in Llaezgaen

Llaeghskath Interacterate

The Llaeghskath Interacterate has jurisdiction over 21 worlds in the subsector with an estimated combined population of 9 billion, a per capita income of Cr8,670, and a total economy of BCr84,321. These worlds originate an interstellar trade of BCr899 through 21 starports (12 Class A, 9 Class B, 0 Class C, 0 Class D) employing 222,355 people. Driving this interstellar trade are four Agricultural (Ag) worlds, four Non-Agricultural (Na) worlds, two Pre-Agricultural (Pa) worlds, four Pre-Industrial (Pi) worlds, one Rich (Ri) world, and one Industrial (In) world. The governments in the Llaeghskath Interacterate maintain ten Naval bases within the subsector. The average technology level is 12 (with most between 11 and 13). The highest technology level is 14 at Kota (Provence 0205), Kath (Provence 0304), Klur (Provence 0403), and Llaegharrgh (Provence 0604).

The Llaeghskath Interacterate has an estimated population of 9 billion within the subsector, distributed across three High population (Hi) worlds, one Moderate population (Ph) world, ten Non-industrial (Ni) worlds, two Low population (Lo) worlds, and no Barren (Ba) worlds. The highest population worlds are Kota (Provence 0205), Aellorr (Provence 0203), and Llaegharrgh (Provence 0604). The population consists primarily of 1 sophont group.

Empire of Varroerth

The Empire of Varroerth has jurisdiction over 17 worlds in the subsector with an estimated combined population of 422 million, a per capita income of Cr4,779, and a total economy is BCr2,017. These worlds originate an interstellar trade of BCr1,520 through 16 starports (2 Class A, 4 Class B, 8 Class C, 2 Class D) employing 238,460 people. Driving this interstellar trade are four Agricultural (Ag) worlds, no Non-Agricultural (Na) worlds, no Pre-Agricultural (Pa) worlds, no Pre-Industrial (Pi) worlds, six Rich (Ri) worlds, and no Industrial (In) worlds. The governments in the Empire of Varroerth maintain four Corsair bases and one Naval base within the subsector. The average technology level is 8 (with most between 7 and 10). The highest technology level is 11 at Ranghou (Provence 0409), Founeghen (Provence 0410), and Errokdzor (Provence 0710).

The Empire of Varroerth has an estimated population of 422 million within the subsector, distributed across no High population (Hi) worlds, one Moderate population (Ph) world, nine Non-industrial (Ni) worlds, five Low population (Lo) worlds, and no Barren (Ba) worlds. The highest population world is Founeghen (Provence 0410). The population consists primarily of 1 sophont group.

Jihad of Faarzgaen

The Jihad of Faarzgaen has jurisdiction over five worlds in the subsector with an estimated combined population of 50 billion, a per capita income of Cr4,382, and a total economy is BCr219,146. These worlds originate an interstellar trade of BCr799 through 5 starports (0 Class A, 4 Class B, 1 Class C, 0 Class D) employing 261,645 people. Driving this interstellar trade are one Agricultural (Ag) world, one Non-Agricultural (Na) world, no Pre-Agricultural (Pa) worlds, no Pre-Industrial (Pi) worlds, no Rich (Ri) worlds, and two Industrial (In) worlds. The governments in the Jihad of Faarzgaen maintain four Naval bases within the subsector. The average technology level is 10 (with most between 8 and 12). The highest technology level is 14 at Faarzgaen (Provence 0704).

The Jihad of Faarzgaen has an estimated population of 50 billion within the subsector, distributed across four High population (Hi) worlds, no Moderate population (Ph) worlds, one Non-industrial (Ni) world, no Low population (Lo) worlds, and no Barren (Ba) worlds. The highest population worlds are Vo Oeg (Provence 0705) and Tughghorr (Provence 0805). The population consists primarily of 1 sophont group.

World Listing: 1116

The following systems and worlds can be found within this area:

31 Worlds in the Llaezgaen Subsector
Ae Uer  •  Aellorr  •  Alloghz  •  Ardhaer  •  Errokdzor  •  Faarzgaen  •  Gzaerzserorgh  •  Inggvuenloek  •  Kath (Pr 0304)  •  Khid (Pr 0608)  •  Klur  •  Kota  •  Kunag  •  Llaegharrgh  •  Ngekhong  •  Ngulruedukh  •  Nurugholi  •  Ouskathoerz  •  Rothksigho  •  Sa Thaen  •  Taktelugh  •  Thurraekh  •  To Oukan  •  Tughghorr  •  Ung Uksa  •  Urr Orr  •  Vaggvuek  •  Vo Dikh  •  Vo Oeg  •  Vrraknog  •  Zekhghe  •  

Astrographic Features & Trade Routes: 1116

The following astrographic features and trade routes can be found within this area:

  • No information yet available.

History & Background (Dossier)

In 1114, unhappy with the menacing attitude of Faarzgaen (704), the Llaeghskath Interacterate was formed by Llaegharrgh (604) and Ouskathoerz (406). Believing in technology and scientific thought, these worlds sought to pursue an independent course from the Empire of Varroerth. Many of their spinward neighbors joined them.

The religious leaders of Faarzgaen were so outraged by this development that they too seceded from the Empire to form the Jihad of Faarzgaen. The leaders despised the Interacterate for their "ungodly" beliefs and felt that they needed to be eradicated from existence. Enlisting the aid of some of their trailing neighbors, they went to war against the Llaeghskath Interacterate. Those worlds which would not willingly join with the Jihad were forcibly annexed.

The religion is centered around the god Faarzgaen. His worshipers believe that he communicates to them through feelings. If you felt hungry, you were supposed to eat. If you wanted to kill someone, you were being commanded by Faarzgaen to do just that. The Jihad was brutal, even to its own citizens. Heretics were put to death. No personal entertainment devices were permitted nor was there any money. Off-worlders were paid in hard assets such as precious metals, finished goods, and even slaves from captured worlds.

With the exception of a temporary cease-fire in 1118, enacted when word of Strephon's death reached the region, the war was non-stop. The Jihad's devotion to eradicating the Interacterate was relentless. They might even have won the war were it not for a crucial mistake. The turning point came in 1125 when they decided that further expansion trailward was necessary (see Vorvoun for more details). The new regional governor, Gen Rungakh, was already annoyed with the ongoing feud. She issued a proclamation stating that neither group be allowed to expand any further. While the Interacterate complied, the Jihad did not. When the Jihad began to forcibly convert more worlds over to Faarzgaen, Rungakh began to retaliate by ordering all Jihad warships found outside of their 1125 boundaries to be attacked. Forced to fight a war on 2 fronts, the Jihad weakened.

In 1128, the Jihad agreed to another cease-fire. Negotiators stepped in to try and find a way to reintegrate both sides back into the Empire. During this time, the Jihad began to build more ships to recoup their losses. After 3 years of negotiating, the Jihad killed the peace negotiators from the Empire and the Interacterate and renewed the war.

The madness of the Jihad finally came to an end in 1135. The massive Vampire Fleet from Anghikh and Kaegrogz invaded and annihilated Faarzgaen. The planetoids themselves were pounded so heavily that they shattered into pieces. Even the inhabitable Jihad worlds suffered heavily. The death toll was in the tens of billions.

The Llaegskath Interacterate also took a beating from Virus. However, unlike the Jihad of Faarzgaen, it survived. Only Llaegharrgh (TL10) and Vo Dikh (TL8) remained intact enough to carry on the name of the state. Other worlds have begun to rebound from the devastation. Before the end of the decade, it is hoped that Ae Uer (302), Taktelugh (305), Sa Thaen (306), Urr Orr (401), To Oukan (502), Ouskathoerz (406), and Ung Uksa (606) will be able to, and want to, rejoin the Interacterate.

Polity Listing: 1116

The following polities can be found within this subsector:

  • Other Powers
    • None

Native Sophonts (NILs): 1116

The following races (sophont species) are believed to have originated in this area:

Demographics: 1116

Significant populations of the following races (sophont species) reside within this area:

Major Historical Events Timeline: 1116

These are some of the more important historical events that have affected this area:

  • No information yet available.

References & Contributors (Sources)

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This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Mongoose Publishing or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.