Worlds of Leader Rukh

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The Worlds of Leader Rukh -- the Rukh Aegz -- is a polity that is located in Gvurrdon Sector.

Allegiance Codes[edit]

Polity Astronavigational Codes
Polity Survey Code Type Remarks
Worlds of Leader Rukh Pre-Imperial -- No standard code None
Worlds of Leader Rukh 1st Survey (300) -- 2-ltr code None
Worlds of Leader Rukh 2nd Survey (1065) VRuk 4-ltr code None

Description (Specifications)[edit]

This is a Vargr interstellar state founded (as the name suggests) by Rukh.

Corruption is common; bribes are made to officials to avoid certain taxes, and charismatic individuals can talk their way out of most potential problems and fees. Uprisings are also common, though usually quelled by the military before they gain too much support. To reduce any dissident movements within the military, soldiers are paid and treated well. The government also over-emphasises the threat posed by outside rivals.

Image Repository[edit]

No information yet available.

Government & Politics (Leadership)[edit]

The interstellar Rukh government is characterized by a very high degree of centralization that dictates strong policies to direct the entire state and strongly disregards local/planetary differences. The Worlds of Leader Rukh are classified as a Hegemony.

Rukh Government Structure[edit]

The Rukh government is an elite council which is led by a dictator.

To maintain control over the population to the degree that the Rukh government has, they need an opposition. To the annoyance of the Anti-Rukh Coalition, they represent this opposition. Militarily, Rukh could crush Anti-Rukh in a matter of months. But by doing this they would lose the external enemy the government needs to unite the populace.

Rukh also carries out operations to frighten the population into believing that there are more enemies present than there really are, creating the illusion that they have been penetrated and that the enemy is constantly in their midst.

Rukh Planetary Governance[edit]

World governments are not represented in the interstellar Rukh government and must follow the whims of multi-system leadership. The individual worlds have little local control when it comes to external policy. Internal policy is somewhat less controlled, but the Rukh doctrine must be followed.


Worlds have public elections for local rulers, but the candidates have to be approved by the Rukh Assembly prior to an election.

Business Regulation[edit]

One of Rukh's first acts, when he had secured his powerbase, was to nationalize most of the bigger corporations. The nationalization of the largest companies helped distribute the goods more evenly, but at the cost of galloping inflation.

Military & Intelligence (Force Projection)[edit]

All military forces are gathered under a central command. The forces are usually recruited from the world they are going to protect, but units do change bases from one world to another, quite regularly. This circulation prevents worlds from having soldiers that will not shoot at locals in case of upheaval. Soldiers sympathize less with Vargr they do not know.

The military forces are financed by taxation of the individual sophonts on the different worlds.

History & Background (Dossier)[edit]

Leader: Rukh.

Rukh was not only an extremely charismatic leader but a skilled tactician and experienced raider. After uniting several corsair bands on Orra, Rukh gained a loyal following. Within five years he had amassed a large military force and ruled half the subsector, naming it after himself. A decade later his empire spanned four subsectors and consisted of nearly 30 worlds, becoming one of the major powers in Gvurrdon Sector.

Rukh himself died in 1094, leaving his successors to follow the dogma he laid down. In response, the Gnoerrg Rukh Loell increased their pressure to splinter the Rukh worlds, an effort which failed.

Rushu (Spinward Marches 0215) declared independence from the Worlds of Rukh in 1099.

Later Eras[edit]

In 1112, a number of trade and forgery incidents between Rukh and the Zhodani Consulate forced six worlds to renounce their membership in Rukh and, backed by the Consulate, secede.

1123 saw the Rukh war between the Rukh and Anti-Rukh worlds.

Finally, in 1159, members of the Navy and Army forces staged a coup attempt and managed to kill several members of the ruling council. The remaining council members divided the loyalties of the remaining forces. A civil war quickly shattered the government. When the dust settled, Allez, Rroerz Uerra, and Rueks Legacy were the three largest splinter groups left.


  • 1064: Voullatueng taken by the Worlds of Leader Rukh; considered a strategic takeover. Voullatueng is actually one of several worlds to benefit from being conquered by Rukh.
  • 1069: Several governments unite to form the Gnoerrgh Rukh Lloell (Anti-Rukh Coalition). The leaders of these six worlds in Spurl Subsector have no desire to become part of Rukh’s empire; with Rukh’s fleet spread over four subsectors the combined forces of the Coalition are able to defend their territories and maintain their independence from Rukh’s influence.
  • 1070: The Rukh Aegz establishes a colony on Rushu, buying out the existing human settlements at a fair price.
  • 1090: Capture of Dharrgkhaksuzarorrdzuer, formerly a border world. Riots and infighting overwhelm its capital city.
  • 1097: Death of Rukh, in an assault on the Zhodani-claimed world of Khoeghersaeng. The nation continues, after a period of instability.
  • 1112: A number of trade and forgery incidents between Rukh and the Zhodani Consulate forces six worlds to renounce their membership in Rukh and, backed by the Consulate, secede.

Worlds & Sectors (Astrography)[edit]

This polity can be primarily found in the following areas:
Charted Space:

Capital: 1105[edit]

The capital of this polity is located in the following location:

World Listing: 1105[edit]

The following systems and worlds are a part of this polity:

11 of 11 World articles in Worlds of Leader Rukh
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This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Mongoose Publishing or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.