Communications Equipment

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Communications Equipment is any equipment used to send or receive messages.

Description (Specifications)[edit]

Commumications Equipment is generally available in three different qualities:

  1. Civilian Quality Communications: sometimes referred to as "basic comms".
  2. Paramilitary Quality Communications: sometimes referred to as "standard comms".
  3. Military Quality Communications: sometimes referred to as "advanced comms".

Notes: The actual quantity and quality of sensors within the suite may vary from model to model, and between ship class, manufacturer's lot, or block. There may be other subtle distinguishments such as characteristic faults or "blind spots" in coverage.

Personal Communications[edit]

Shipboard Communications[edit]

Ships and vehicles are generally equipped with one or more communications devices.

  • Antenna, dishes and aerials (transmitters and receivers).
A concentration of such equipment may be referred to as an "antenna farm".

Signal Delay[edit]

Communications Equipment is limited by realspace physics. The broadcast or beam that a communications device produces takes time to reach its target.

  • A broadcast or beam travels at approximately 300,000 km per second. For example, a communicator attempting to send a signal to a target at a distance of 12 million km will have a signal delay of 40 seconds (40 seconds for the electromagnetic transmission to reach the target).

Other Factors[edit]

  • Encryption
  • Passive (receiving), or Active (broadcasting).
  • Relay satellites
  • Tight beam communications

Computer Control Standards[edit]

Computer Controls: In almost all cases where the ship's computer can control a given ship function (gravity, doors, etc.), orders fed in at the central bridge computer take precedence over those fed in at local controls. Only if the computer is inoperative will a computer override be ineffective.[1] Some ships have been known to be built with a different system set-up, but this arrangement is commonplace on most vessels within Charted Space. [2]

History & Background (Dossier)[edit]

Lower technology communications TL:1-3

  • Signalling and semaphore

At TL:4-6, the following systems tend to become widespread in many sophont societies as electricity and the earliest solid state electronics come into use.

  • Telegraph systems
  • Telephone networks

Holy Grail of Communications Technology[edit]

Advanced technology

References & Contributors (Sources)[edit]

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This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Mongoose Publishing or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.
  1. Jordan Weisman. "Book 2." Adventure Class Ships Volume 1 (1982): 6.
  2. Information provided to the library by Maksim-Smelchak