Airus (world)

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Airus/Kaasam (Mendan 2922)
Classic Era (1116)
StarportA Excellent: Starship Construction, Overhaul, Refined fuel
Size5 Medium (8,000 km, 0.40g - 0.57g)
Atmosphere4 Thin (tainted)
Hydrographics3 Wet World 30%
Population9 High (2 billion)
GovernmentA Charismatic Dictator
Law9 High Law (no weapons out of home)
Tech LevelE High Stellar (anti-grav cities)
See also UWP
System Details
Primary K5 V
Planetoid Belts 2
Gas Giants 2
Jump map from [1]

Airus is a poor, high-population, industrial world with a billion or more sophonts in population size.

Description / Astrography & Planetology[edit]

This system is part of the great main known as the Nudashiir Lagani.

Stellar Data[edit]

Airus has a solitary primary star.
Solitary K Type.jpg Type Category Mass (Sol) Temperature (K) Luminosity
K5 V Main Sequence 0.7 4300 - 4440 0.28697
Unit Diameter Safe Distance Habitable Zone Jump Shadow M-Drive Limit
AU 0.0065 0.0444 0.56 - 1.01 0.65 6.5
Orbit #  *  * 2 2 6

System Data[edit]

No information yet available.

Mainworld Data[edit]

No information yet available.

Mainworld Geography & Topography[edit]

No information yet available.

Mainworld Map[edit]

No information yet available.

Native Lifeforms[edit]

No information yet available.

History & Background / Dossier[edit]

No information yet available.

World Starport[edit]

Airus has a Class A Starport, an excellent quality installation which includes all the expected amenities including refined fuel for starships, brokerage services for passengers and cargo, and a variety of ship provisions. There is a shipyard capable of doing annual maintenance, overhauls and other kinds of repair, and construction of both starships and non-starships. Most ports of this classification have both a Highport and a Downport.

World Population (P)[edit]

Airus has a population of 2,000,000,000 sophonts (billions).

World Demographics[edit]

  • Human, almost 50% (mostly mixed Vilani)
  • Vargr, 50% (mostly Irilitok Vargr)
  • There is a statistically insignificant Bwap population nonetheless rather visible due to involvement in government administration.

World Languages[edit]

World Technology Level[edit]

Airus possesses a Technology Level of TL–14 or TL-E in Hexadecimal Notation.

  • Common Communication technologies for this TL include: Early meson communicators.
  • Common Power Generation technologies for this TL include: Miniature super-batteries, early collectors, and advanced fusion plants.
  • Common Transportation technologies for this TL include:

World Government[edit]

Airus is governed by a Charismatic Dictatorship. Charismatic governments justify their ability to rule by simply asserting their right to rule. Charismatic dictatorships are typically young governments, coming as a recent change, and rely on the leader(s) to supply head of government.

World Law Level[edit]

No information yet available.

World Military[edit]

No information yet available.

World Economy[edit]

Airus produces 10,200 Resource Units ('aryu').

Trade Data[edit]

No information yet available.

World Culture[edit]

  • Discordant
  • Extremely xenophilic
  • Strangeness of 6
  • Symbols of F (15)

As part of the Asimikigir Confederation, this world is one on which Humans and Vargr share a fully integrated society with total social, economic, and political equality between the two species. This extends even to the personal level, where the interspecies panet relationship is very common.

Historical Data[edit]

No information yet available.

World Timeline[edit]

No information yet available.

UWP Listing[edit]

No information yet available.

References & Contributors / Sources[edit]

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