Suedzuk Vargr

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Suedzuk Vargr
A typical Vargr Corsair
Base Information
Classification Carnivore/chaser
Status Vargr Ethnic Group
Locomotion Walker
Terrain Plains
Body Form
Confluence Semi-humanoid
Bio-Identenoid Canidoid
Size 1.6 meters
Weight 60.0 kg
Languages Native Language
Social Structure Balkanization
Technological Epoch TL:13-15
Psionic potential Standard
Origin World
Homeworld location Lair (Provence 2402)
StarportA Excellent: Starship Construction, Overhaul, Refined fuel
Size8 Large (12,800 km, 0.80g - 1.08g)
Atmosphere8 Dense
Hydrographics5 Wet World 50%
Population9 High (1 billion)
GovernmentB Non-Charismatic Dictator
Law9 High Law (no weapons out of home)
Tech LevelF High Stellar (anagathics)
Primary Star G5 V
Atmosphere Dense
Off-world presence Yes
Zoetic individuals Yes
Reference Vargr 3,32.
Canon Yes
Also see Vargr Extents

The Suedzuk Vargr are a technologically advanced Vargr ethnic group with a humanoid appearance.

Description (Specifications)

Suedzuk VargrRed Vargr (named for their red pelts and their tendency for viciousness). They are discriminated against by humans, Bwaps, and even some Vargr, due to a cultural reputation for savagery and violence.

The ‘Blood Vargr’ – the local Anglic term for the Suedzuk with their infamous coats of red fur – once had undisputed authority in the coreward Empty Quarter Sector, Gashikan Sector, and Arzul Sector, with only a few ‘fake Vilani’ Ovaghoun Vargr and ‘cutie-pie’ Irilitok Vargr interspersed in the general population. Their populations here are now much reduced -- most that weren't killed fled trailing to the Vargr Enclaves.


See: Suedzuk (language)

History & Background (Dossier)

The Blood Vargr are infamous for the destruction of the garden world of Gashikan, the homeworld of a minor human race called the Yileans, in A.D. 2862 (-1658 Imperial). However, in A.D. 3093 (-1427 Imperial) the Vargr were effectively exterminated within Gashikan Sector by the Yileans' Wolvesbane Project. The Project, an anti-canine plague, was successfully quarantined within the sector by the Vargr, but only at great cost.

The sudden rise of the humanist Hegemony of Lorean redrew the map of Arzul and the coreward Empty Quarter in the 800s, absorbing numerous pocket empires and independent worlds into its expanding frontiers. This also directly led to the shattering of Suedzuk Vargr culture in the region, and its eventual replacement with the man-friendly Irilitok Vargr.

The surviving Suedzuk in places like Arzul and the Empty Quarter are very aware that the Arzula wiped out their packmates and, in earlier times, much of Arzul Sector (with assistance from the Yileans in both cases). The more sophisticated of the Suedzuk Vargr leaders -- and the sophisticated leaders were the only ones left -- play politics as well as they hunt. The Pack leaders have pushed hard to funnel the natural aggression of their followers into avenues that don't bring them in conflict with the Lorean Humans.

Era: Collapse

A large group of the Suedzuk Vargr appeared in the Corridor and Deneb Sectors and were known as the Red Pelts. In Khouth Subsector, their appearance trailed the arrival of the Virus (which first arrived in 1137) and in Million Subsector they arrived with the collapse of the United Followers of Augurgh. They almost immediately extended operations to Antra Subsector in alliance with Tutankhamen on Filangger/Rroerruerz .


This race is primarily located in the following areas:
Charted Space:
Vargr Extents:


The homeworld of this race is:

World Listing

Significant communities of this race are known to dwell within the following systems and worlds:

No world articles for Suedzuk Vargr

References & Contributors (Sources)

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