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== Description ([[Specifications]]) ==
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Revision as of 13:09, 27 August 2019

Moot-FFE-Image 18-July-2019b.png

Imperial Moot: It is the Imperial government of the Third Imperium's only deliberative body, an Imperial Assembly. It has few powers and even more rarely exercises them.

  • In theory, the Moot includes all Imperial nobles of baronial or higher status, but most nobles do not find it convenient to travel to Capital/Core (Core 2118), and so many of those seated hold or delegate proxy votes.
  • Large blocks of these votes can be wielded by a single influential Noble under the reformed proxy system of 622.

Library Data Referral Tree

Please see the following AAB Library Data articles for more information:
Third Imperium:

Description (Specifications)


Technically, the Moot is supreme in the Third Imperium, but its power is extremely limited. In practice, its deliberations are advisory to the Emperor, and he is wise to heed them. The Moot has only one power: to dissolve the Third Imperium. When this power is brought to bear, it compels compromise between opposing factions.

  • When an Emperor dies, abdicates, or otherwise becomes unfit for office, the Moot becomes important as the validating body for the new Emperor. It has the power to examine the qualifications and credentials of the heir apparent and, in unusual situations, to reject him.
  • The Moot is largely based upon earlier political assemblies of a similar nature, the First Imperium's Igsiirdi and the Second Imperium's Council of Noble Officers.

Factions & Politics (Leadership)

The various political factions of the Imperium are traditionally identified with colors.[1] The nobles meeting in the Moot on Sylea are divided into a number of factions including:

Imperial Moot Facilities

  • Moot Spire: The Moot holds its sessions in the Moot Spire, which, at 1.75 kilometers high, is the tallest building on Capital. By tradition, the Spire is the only building allowed to tower above the Imperial Palace, which is 4.25 kilometers away.
  • High Moot: At the top of the Moot Spire is the High Moot, where select committees hold the most private deliberations. Elevators with gravitic compensators can speed visitors from the bottom to the top in eighteen seconds.

History & Background (Dossier)

The Imperial Moot has long been the traditional legislative body of the Third Imperium. The actual vested powers of the body have waxed and waned over the years. Stronger executive in the office of the Emperor have frequently diminished the power of the moot. As of 1105, the power of the moot is greatly diminished while the power of the Emperor is ascendant.

The Moot has about 6,000 participating nobles and about 12,000 total votes. Demographic studies indicate its membership is slightly less than half Human, with the next largest sophont blocs being Vargr and Aslan. Other sophonts are rarely more than half a percent each. Some nobles spend their entire lives on Capital participating in the Moot (and exercising proxies, often at the behest of special interests).[3]

Proxy Voting

Due to the vast distances involved with interstellar travel in an area as large of the Third Imperium or the even larger Charted Space, it sometimes becomes necessary to delegate voting franchise to other members of one's party of political faction located on a central capital world. This practice used by many polities throughout Charted Space has often led to controversy or even scandal. Some Imperial histories have even attributed the venerable practice of the proxy vote to periods of instability or civil war.

History-Era: Rebellion

Rebellion Era (Click "show" to reveal)

References & Contributors (Sources)

This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Mongoose Publishing or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.