Lone Star (TB 2428) (world)

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Alien Moon 40a-0.jpg
Lone Star/Ventura (Theta Borealis 2428)
Classic Era (1116)
StarportA Excellent: Starship Construction, Overhaul, Refined fuel
Size5 Medium (8,000 km, 0.40g - 0.57g)
AtmosphereA Exotic
HydrographicsA Water World 100%
Population5 Moderate (500 thousand)
Government7 Balkanization
LawA Extreme Law (no weapons)
Tech LevelC Average Stellar (robots)
See also UWP
System Details
Primary M1 V D
Planetoid Belts 2
Gas Giants 3

Lone Star is a nonindustrial fluid world.

  • A fluid world has an oceanic geography consisting of heavily contaminated water or a substance such as ammonia, methane, hydrocarbons, or other exotic liquid.
  • It requires extensive imports of outside technology to maintain a modern, star-faring society. Having to import most manufactured and high tech goods drives the price up for these items at this world.
  • It is a Non-Aligned world dominated by human sophonts located in the Ventura (Theta Borealis) Subsector of Theta Borealis Sector.
  • This world is a "Twilight Zone World", a planet that is tidally-locked to its star. It has a hot side that permanently faces the star, a cold side that permanently faces away, and a narrow twilight zone in-between.
  • This world-system has a Naval Base, usually associated with military starships, which may be located on or off-world.

Description (Astrography & Planetology)[edit]

Stellar Data[edit]

Lone Star is a binary star system.

  • The primary is a red main sequence.
  • The secondary is a tiny white dwarf stellar remnant.

Binary Solar System

Lone Star Binary Star System
Lone Star
Solitary M Type.jpg Type Category Mass (Sol) Temperature (K) Luminosity
M1 V Main Sequence 0.5 3620 - 3660 0.08839
Unit Diameter Safe Distance Habitable Zone Jump Shadow M-Drive Limit
AU 0.0047 0.0247 0.31 - 0.59 0.47 4.7
Orbit #  *  * 1 1 6
Remarks None
Lone Star
Solitary D Type.jpg Type Category Mass (Sol) Temperature (K) Luminosity
D White Dwarf 0.53 6800 - 6800 0
Unit Diameter Safe Distance Habitable Zone Jump Shadow M-Drive Limit
AU 0.00011 0.00168 0 - 0.03 0.011 0.11
Orbit #  *  *  *  * 0
Remarks None

System Data[edit]

The worlds of the system have been surveyed. They consist of:

Mainworld Data[edit]

Lone Star is a Twilight Zone World.

  • In the narrow region between permanent night and permanent day, the primary star eternally hangs on the horizon.

Twilight Zone World Exotic 02.jpg

The mainworld orbits within the star's Habitable Zone.

  • It lies within the zones warmer inner H+ region
  • It receives higher levels of stellar energy.

Chart H+ Region Mw.png

Mainworld Size (S)[edit]

Lone Star is a Meso World between 7,200km and 8,800km in diameter. The world has a standard gravity between 0.4G and 0.57G. The horizon will appear about 4km away.

Mainworld Atmosphere (A)[edit]

Lone Star has an Exotic Atmosphere and possesses an unusual gas mix which requires the use of oxygen tanks, but protective suits not necessary, but are recommended. TL–8 or more advanced survival gear is required to settle this world.

Mainworld Hydrosphere (H)[edit]

Lone Star has 95-100% of its surface covered by liquid water or ice heavily tainted with other substances, which makes it dangerous, corrosive, or toxic. Wilderness refueling will be difficult. Water for the inhabitants needs to be imported and extensively recycled. These worlds may be Hell Worlds.

  • The water on the surface is unsuitable for use or consumption without extensive filtering and purification.
  • Refining for fuel may cause issues with shipboard purification plants.

Exotic World Type 03a.jpg

Mainworld Geography and Topography[edit]

No centrally held map of the world exists within AAB Library Data records.

  • Locally, detailed maps may be available.
  • Verified updated charts are constantly sought.
  • Detailed survey data commands premium prices.

Blank World Map Exotic Aqua.png
(Blank map, exotic world.)

Native Lifeforms[edit]

Exotic aquatic native life. Its metabolic functions drive the process of atmospheric renewal.

History & Background (Dossier)[edit]

Comp-Prog-Dav-R-Deitrick-Starter-Trav-Page-16 16-July-2018a.jpg

Lone Star subsists on gathering valuable compounds and substances created by the worlds native aquatic lifeforms.

  • Gigantic harvesting ships ply the world-ocean, each controlled by a different government.
  • Relations between the ship-nations are often strained.

World Starport (St)[edit]

Lone Star has a Class A Starport, an excellent quality installation which includes all the expected amenities including refined fuel for starships, brokerage services for passengers and cargo, and a variety of ship provisions. There is a shipyard capable of doing annual maintenance, overhauls and other kinds of repair, and construction of both starships and non-starships. Most ports of this classification have both a Highport and a Downport.

  • The starport is located on the world's only large island. It is considered neutral territory.

World Demographics (P)[edit]

Lone Star has a population of 500,000.


Large ocean-going harvesting ships, each the size of a small city.

  • Harvesting ships are sealed against local environmental conditions.
  • Ships move between different production areas.
  • Almost the entire surface of the world is ocean-wilderness.

World Technology Level (T)[edit]

Lone Star possesses a Technology Level of TL–12 or TL-C in Hexadecimal Notation.

World Government (G)[edit]

Lone Star has a Balkanized Government. There is no central world government. The world has several governments competing for control of the world. These may be allies, cooperating, competitors, or at war with each other.

  • Each harvesting ship is controlled by its own onboard governmental authority.

World Military[edit]

Approximately 3000 personnel.

  • Each ship-nation maintains its own standing force of shipboard marines.

World Law (L)[edit]

Lone Star has an extreme law level which covers every area of interaction. Laws are complex, detailed, and difficult to understand. Every interaction with the government requires an Advocate. Law enforcement is omnipresent and strict. Legal proceeding can take months to years to resolve and may involve dozens of people. A few worlds with this law level may be a Red Zone and others will be an Amber Zone. All objects specifically manufactured as weapons are typically regulated or prohibited (with no exception for private residences; visiting starships are only protected so long as they stay within designated starports and approach corridors).

World Economy[edit]

  • Resources: C (very abundant)
  • Labor: 4 (tens of thousands)
  • Infrastructure: 5 (limited)
  • Efficiency: +3 (improved)

Trade Data[edit]

  • Importance: 1 (ordinary)

World Culture[edit]

  • Homogeneity: 7 (discordant)
  • Acceptance: 6 (aloof)
  • Strangeness: 7 (confusing)
  • Symbols: E (extremely abstract)

World Timeline[edit]

References & Contributors (Sources)[edit]

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