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Imperiallines-Logo The-Traveller-Adventure 28-Sept-2019.png

Imperiallines, LIC is an interstellar shipping corporation serving worlds off of the main trade routes of the Spinward Marches.

  • Most Class C Starports in the Marches are served by lmperiallines.
  • Imperiallines has a similar coverage of the other Imperial subsectors in the Marches.
  • Not to be confused with Imperial Lines.

Market Ticker Code[edit]

This business entity is traded under the following interstellar market code/s:

Market Ticker Code
Name Code Type Charter Remarks
Imperiallines ImpLin 4 to 12 alphanumeric character LIC Commercial & passenger starliner service.

Description (Portfolio)[edit]

Imperiallines employs a number of Type TI Frontier Transports.

Image Repository[edit]

  1. The classic logo carried by some older Imperiallines vessels operating within Aramis Subsector of the Spinward Marches.
    Imperiallines-Logo The-Traveller-Adventure 28-Sept-2019.png
  2. A newer version of the logo.

Commercial Competencies[edit]

  • Interstellar Shipping
    • Courier Service

Governance & Organization[edit]

Imperiallines never hires personnel who are not Imperiallines-trained except as low-level office workers.


Stock ownership (1105):

  • No information yet available.


No information yet available.

Best Known Products & Services[edit]

This business is best known for:

  • No Information yet available.

History & Background (Dossier)[edit]

Most Class C Starports in the Marches are served by Imperiallines.

  • Subsector headquarters is on Dhian.

Trade Partners[edit]

Trade Associates[edit]

Trade Competitors[edit]

Worlds & Sectors (Astrography)[edit]

This business is best known for frequenting the markets of the following worlds and systems:
Charted Space - Third Imperium:

Facilities Data: 1105[edit]

Imperiallines maintains facilities on all worlds in the Aramis Subsector with Class C starports: Violante, Pysadi, Reacher, Patinir, Carsten, Dhian, Feneteman, Yebab, and Jesedipere, as well as a terminal on Aramis.

World Listing: 1105[edit]

This business can be found on the following worlds and systems:

18 of 18 World articles in Imperiallines
Aramis (SM 3110)  •  Carsten (SM 2906)  •  Dhian  •  Ekha  •  Feneteman  •  Ffudn  •  Focaline  •  Jesedipere  •  Mora  •  Morian Khama  •  Patinir  •  Paya  •  Pedase  •  Pysadi  •  Reacher  •  Violante  •  Yebab  •  Zila  •  
startbacknext(18 listed)

References & Contributors (Sources)[edit]

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