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Base Information
Classification Omnivore
Status Minor Race
Locomotion Walker
Terrain Jungle
Body Form
Confluence Non-humanoid
Bio-Identenoid Mammalianoid
Languages Unknown Native Language
Social Structure Anarchy
Technological Epoch TL-0
Psionic potential Standard
Origin World
Homeworld location Tionale (Spinward Marches 1511)
StarportC Routine: No Construction, Major Repair, Unrefined fuel
Size6 Medium (9,600 km, 0.60g - 0.81g)
Atmosphere7 Standard (tainted)
Hydrographics4 Wet World 40%
Population3 Low (9 thousand)
Government2 Participating Democracy
Law1 Low Law (no explosives, poison gas)
Tech Level8 Pre-Stellar (superconductors)
Primary Star M2 V M5 V
Atmosphere Standard (tainted)
Off-world presence No
Zoetic individuals Yes
Reference "Amber Zone: Soft Bunk." Journal of the Travellers' Aid Society 09 28-29.
Canon No
Also see

The Sixes of Tionale (Spinward Marches 1511) are a Minor Non-Human Race with a non-humanoid appearance and technologically primitive sophonts.

Description (Specifications)

No information yet available.

IISS GURPS Astrographics Survey

1511 Tionale (Independent)

Starport: Class III.

Diameter: 6,050 miles (9,700 km).
Atmosphere: Standard oxygen-nitrogen tainted by airborne micro-organisms that can cause respiratory infection.
Hydrographics: 43%.
Climate: Cool.
Population: 2,200.
Government: Athenian-style democracy.
Control Level: 1.
Tech Level: 8.
World Trade Number: 2.5.

History & Background (Dossier)

Tionale’s extensive, heavily-jungled outback is inhabited by little studied, six-limbed sophont known colloquially as the "Sixes" (on account of their six limbs). Theirs is a pastoral, TL–0 hunter-gatherer culture with no governmental institutions other than tribal warrior chieftains. Warfare and feuding are endemic among the ‘Sixes’, but their relations with the colonists had generally been peaceful until 1103, when the first in a series of escalating attacks on outlying farmsteads took place. The reason(s) for this hostility are unknown, since the 'Sixes' have never been subjected to meticulous scientific study and only the rudiments of their language (which includes dozens of regional variants) are understood. Even their numbers are impossible to judge with any precision, though given the size of their range and density in the vicinity of the colonized region, the planet-wide population must number in the millions.

Due to the growing frequency and intensity of 'Sixes' attacks, the Travellers' Aid Society has classified Tionale as an Amber Zone. The colonists have been slow to respond to the mounting threat because they have no armed forces and are reluctant to create any due to the expense and the extremely limited size of the military-age population. Proposals to create a voluntary militia have been put forward and voted down in all of the popular assemblies held since late 1103. However, as attacks and casualties continue to rise, public opinion seems to be coming around to the view that the establishment of a militia is essential and inevitable. Most of the proposals that were defeated in the Popular Assembly foresaw a force of about 400 infantrymen equipped to TL–6 standards, no more than 200 of whom would be available at any given time. A small cadre of professional mercenaries would be hired to train the militia.

Worlds & Sectors (Astrography)

This race is primarily located in the following areas:
Charted Space:


The homeworld of this race is:

World Listing: 1105

Significant communities of this race are known to dwell within the following systems and worlds:

No world articles for Six

References & Contributors (Sources)

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This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Far Future Enterprises or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.