Sarriaklir class Battleship

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Sarriaklir class Battleship
Type: BP Pocket Battleship
Category BCS
Size 200,000 Tons
Hull Configuration TBD Hull
Streamlining Unstreamlined Hull
Tech Level TL–14
Computer Model/TBD
Jump J-3
Maneuver 6 G
Hardpoints 2,000
Staterooms 0
Crew 1,832
    Officers X
    Enlisted X
    Marines X
High/Mid Passengers 0
Cargo 133 Tons
Fuel tank 0 Tons
Origin Zhodani
Year Operational Unknown
End of Service Still in active service.
Cost MCr216,992.84
Qty: MCr 173,594.272
Architect fee MCrRonald B. Kline, Jr.
Blueprint No
Illustration No
Also see Battleship
Canon Published, fan design
Era 1105
Reference Fan: Ronald B. Kline, Jr.
Starships are designed with the Classic Traveller format, using High Guard Shipyard v1.13 written by Andrea Vallance.

The Sarriaklir class Battleship is a heavy warship.

Description (Specifications)

In the Zhodani Navy the The Sarriaklir class battleship is a TL–14 design in service with the Zhodani Navy, a capable and useful line-of-battle ship; mounting Jump-3, 6-G acceleration and 6 agility it is an effective ship when coupled with other vessels capable of supporting it.

Image Repository

No information yet available.

General Description & Deck Plans

Tonnage: 200,000 tons (standard). 2,800,000 cubic meters.
Crew: 183 officers. 1,649 ratings.
Performance: Jump-3. 6-G. Power plant-10. 20,000 EP. Agility 6.
Electronics: Model 8/fib computer
Hardpoints: One spinal weapons mount. Twenty four 100-ton bays. One thousand six hundred eighty hardpoints.
Armament: Spinal mount meson gun (factor-S). Five hundred triple beam laser turrets organized into 50 batteries. One hundred eighty fusion gun turrets. Four 100-ton particle accelerator bays. Five hundred triple missile turrets organized into 50 batteries.
Defenses: Twenty 100-ton repulsor bays. Five hundred triple sandcaster turrets organized into 50 batteries. Meson screen (factor-6). Nuclear Damper (factor-6). Armored hull (factor-7).
Craft: Three 50-ton small craft.
Fuel Treatment: Integral fuel scoops; on-board fuel treatment plant.
Cost: MCr 216,992.84 standard. MCr 173,594.272 in quantity.
Construction Time: 56 months singly; 44 months in quantity.

Basic Ship Characteristics

Following the Imperial Navy and IISS Universal Ship Profile and data, additional information is presented in the format shown here. The small craft factor indicates the number of squadrons (...of ten subcraft) carried on the ship. Tonnage on the universal ship profile is shown in kilotons (...thousands of tons) where necessary. [1]

Basic Ship Characteristics [2]
No. Category Remarks
1. Tonnage / Hull TBD tons.
2. Crew TBD crew.
3. Performance Propulsion:
  • Jump-TBD
  • TBD-G acceleration
  • Power Plant-TBD
  • TBD-EPs
  • Agility-TBD
4. Electronics Model/TBD fib ship computer.
5. Hardpoints xTBD hardpoints.
6. Armament / Weaponry The normal weapons fit-out for it is:
7. Defenses Defensive Equipment:
8. Craft / Drones TBD
9. Fuel Treatment TBD
10. Cost MCrTBD.
11. Construction Time TBD months to build, TBD months in quantity.
12. Remarks Other Equipment:

History & Background (Dossier)

The Sarriaklir class Battleship is a ship serving with the Zhodani Navy.

Class Naming Practice/s & Peculiarities

No information yet available.

Selected Variant Types & Classes

Military Ship - Warship - Pocket Battleship:

  1. Type BP class Pocket Battleship
    1. Artemsus class Strike Battleship
    2. Chtrfiak class Battleship
    3. Courageous class Battleship
    4. Fauve class Battleship
    5. Fenris class Dreadnought
    6. Furious Anger class Battleship
    7. Ixobis class Dreadnought
    8. Kline class Battleship
    9. Kokirrak class Dreadnought
    10. Lefaen class Battleship
    11. Marat class Battleship
    12. Pador class Dreadnought
    13. Plankwell class Dreadnought
    14. Prince Ian II class Battleship
    15. Prince Morris I class Battleship
    16. Prince Roger III class Battleship
    17. Sarriaklir class Battleship
    18. Smelchak class Battleship
    19. Sutherland class Ship of the Line
    20. Tronskia class Dreadnought
    21. Type VB class Battleship
    22. Viepchakl class Battleship
    23. Voroshilef class Battleship
    24. Yrkath Ossu E*Wr class Battleship

References & Contributors (Sources)

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