Metallurgias Generales

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Metallurgias Generales.jpg

Metallurgias Generales is a corporation operating out of Dagudashaag Sector.

Market Ticker Code[edit]

This business entity is traded under the following interstellar market code/s:

Market Ticker Code
Name Code Type Charter Remarks
Metallurgias Generales MetG-Robo-Mfgr 4 to 12 alphanumeric character LIC None

Description (Portfolio)[edit]

Metallurgias Generales SA, LIC, also known as GenMett, specializes in automated mining facilities throughout Dagudashaag Sector.

  • GenMett specializes in automated mining facilities throughout the sector, primarily dealing in exploiting the richer metals. They have an uneasy working relationship with the other main mining company in Pact, ICE.

Commercial Competencies[edit]

  • Mining
  • Robotics

Governance & Organization[edit]

No information yet available.

  • TBD division
Talas-Iesha Extractions.jpg


Stock ownership: 1105

Banque de Dagudashaag: 23%
Viisarikaa family: 15%
Hortalez et Cie: 6%
House of Han: 3%
Noble families: 35%
Public: 12%
Other: 6%


History & Background (Dossier)[edit]

An ancient Terran mining company which moved to Dagudashaag with the first Solomani settlers.

In 441, GenMett tested LEONIS, a teleoperator system for controlling robots in hostile environments. The system involved direct interfacing with the controller's visual cortex and cerebellum via one or more neural plugs. The system was found to be too inaccurate and unreliable to be a commercial success, but it resulted in several hundred Alikasch having access to the technology. By 550, the Alikasch had equipped their cyberdesign systems with primitive personality constructs.

Trade Partners[edit]

Trade Competitors[edit]

No information yet available.

Corporate Timeline[edit]

No information yet available.

Worlds & Sectors (Astrography)[edit]

This business is best known for frequenting the markets of the following worlds and systems:
Charted Space:

Facilities Data[edit]

This business is known to host major facilities in the following locations:

World Listing[edit]

This business can be found on the following worlds and systems:

3 of 3 World articles in Metallurgias Generales
Fhaia  •  Medurma  •  Shuada  •  
startbacknext(3 listed)

References & Contributors (Sources)[edit]

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This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Mongoose Publishing or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.