Campaign:BTC/Kaak Thuszaerzgirrezknael
Kaak Thuszaerzgirrezknael was a large shipping line within the United Followers of Augurgh
Market Ticker Code[edit]
This is a privately owned company and is not publicly quoted
Description (Portfolio)[edit]
The major internal UFA line . The four largest vessels were all constructed in Imperial yards, but (excluding captured Imperial vessels purchased from the Dzarrgh Federate) all the remaining vessels have been built by the yards at Augurgh or Fosfog.
Commercial Competencies[edit]
- Shipping
Governance & Organization[edit]
Run by an administrative board appointed by the administrative board.
Investment in the company is possible through ship-bonds which give a share of the profits but confer no voting rights. Many of these are held by current and former staff.
Best Known Products & Services[edit]
- Shipping Services
- Hospitality
- Entertainment
History & Background (Dossier)[edit]
Trade Partners[edit]
- None
Trade Competitors[edit]
- Therkue Line (Previously Tukera Lines)
- Free Traders
- Corsairs
In 1115 there were 10 large (>1000 dTons) and about 100 small (<1000 dTons) vessels operational in Million and Aegaek Subsectors by the Shipping Division. By 1138 the larger vessels remained in service (and had been added to from captured Imperial vessels purchased from Corridor Sector) but the number of smaller vessels had fallen off due to Piracy and at least one case of Barratry.
The Hospitality Division owned accommodation at every starport and the Thuszaerzgirrezknael Tikh hotel chain was planet-wide on Fosfog with branches on Fel.
Corporate Timeline[edit]
The corporation was set up by one of Augurgh's first backers in 1089, and became a pre-cursor to the formation of the United Followers of Augurgh. It has expanded to cover every world in that state as it has grown.
The Kaak Thuszaerzgirrezknael ran a two-class service. First-Class was routinely of a higher standard than that provided by the standard Imperial High Passage ticket while Second-Class was about equivalent of the Imperial Middle Passage.
Worlds & Sectors (Astrography)[edit]
This business is primarily known to operate out of the following locations:
Charted Space:
Facilities Data[edit]
The KT Line had travel desks at every starport in the United Followers of Augurgh and overhaul facilities at Augurgh and Fosfog.
References & Contributors (Sources)[edit]
- Author & Contributor: BackworldTraveller