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## [[Se Koez class Frigate]]
## [[Se Koez class Frigate]]
# [[Type VJ class Seeker]] AKA [[Vargr Seeker]] {{Page cite|name= Vargr |page= 12 |version= Classic Traveller}}
# [[Type VJ class Seeker]] AKA [[Vargr Seeker]] {{Page cite|name= Vargr |page= 12 |version= Classic Traveller}}
## [[Udzuekh class Mining Vessel]]
## [[Zukseg class Seeker]]
## [[Zukseg class Seeker]]
# [[Type VM class Packet]] {{Page cite|name= Vargr |page= 13 |version= Classic Traveller}}
# [[Type VM class Packet]] {{Page cite|name= Vargr |page= 13 |version= Classic Traveller}}

Revision as of 20:09, 4 March 2019

Vargr general.png

Vargr Navy, Corsairs & Raiders are the primary starship-based forces found throughout the Vargr Extents.

Please refer to the following AAB library data for more information:

Description (Specifications)

No information yet available.

Goals (Mission)

No information yet available.

Strategy & Doctrine (Operations)

No information yet available.

Rank & Grade (Hierarchy)

There is no standard rank-terminology for the various Vargr military and para-military organizations found throughout the Extents. Different polities and individual organizations will often have their own independent terms and naming conventions. Various organizational ranks and grades used by the Vargr have been known to include, but are by no means limited to, an assortment of the terms shown in the tables below.

(Note: The rank names in the accompanying tables are common Anglic renderings, but the actual Vargr-language terms may vary widely based on individual worlds' and polities' cultures, traditions, and language dialects. As a result, most Imperial observers use familiar rank-names and terms such as those in the accompanying tables to render approximately corresponding Vargr rank-levels).

Vargr general.png
Vargr Naval Ranks (Examples)
(Approximate Translations)
R15 (O9) » Fleet Admiral (Grand Fleet Overleader)
R14 (O8) » Rear Admiral (Fleet Overleader)
R13 (O7) » Commodore (Fleet Leader)
R12 (O6) » Captain 1st Rank (Fleet Captain) / Group Leader
R11 (O5) » Captain 2nd Rank (Frigate Captain) / Force Leader
R10 (O4) » Captain 3rd Rank (Corvette Captain)
R9 (O3) » Captain-Lieutenant
R8 (O2) » Lieutenant
R7 (O1) » Sub-Lieutenant / Ensign
R6 (E6) » Senior CPO (Warrant Officer)
R5 (E5) » Chief Petty Officer
R4 (E4) » Petty Officer (1st & 2nd Class)
R3 (E3) » Leading Spacehand / Senior Hand
R2 (E2) » Able Spacehand / Hand
R1 (E1) » Spacehand Apprentice / Junior Hand
R0 » Spacehand Recruit
Vargr Corsair Ranks (Examples)
(Approximate Translations)
R17 (O9) » Leader ("Admiral")
R16 (O8) » Subleader ("Commodore")
R15 (O7) » Group Coordinator
R14 (O6) » Group Leader
R13 (O5) » Force Leader / Staff Major
R12 (O4) » Captain / Force Subleader
R11 (O3) » Captain-Lieutenant
R10 (O2) » Lieutenant
R9 (O1) » Junior Lieutenant / Ensign
R8 (E8) » Master Spacehand / Master Sergeant
R7 (E7) » Senior Spacehand / Senior Sergeant
R6 (E6) » Leading Spacehand / Staff Sergeant
R5 (E5) » Able Spacehand / Technical Sergeant
R4 (E4) » Spacehand 1st Class / Sergeant
R3 (E3) » Spacehand 2nd Class / Senior Hand
R2 (E2) » Spacehand 3rd Class / Hand
R1 (E1) » Spacehand Apprentice / Junior Hand
R0 » Corsair Recruit
Vargr general.png
Vargr Raider Ranks (Examples)
(Approximate Translations)
R15 » ---
R14 (O8) » General (= Overleader)
R13 (O7) » Brigadier General (= War Leader)
R12 (O6) » Brigadier ("Senior Group Leader" (Large Band))
R11 (O5) » Colonel ("Group Leader" (Large Band))
R10 (O4) » Lt. Colonel ("Group Subleader" (Medium Band))
R9 (O3) » Force Commander (Small Band Leader)
R8 (O2) » Captain ("Force Leader")
R7 (O1) » Lieutenant ("Force Subleader")
R6 (E6) » Leading / Gunnery Sergeant
R5 (E5) » Sergeant
R4 (E4) » Lance Sergeant
R3 (E3) » Corporal
R2 (E2) » Lance Corporal
R1 (E1) » Raider (Private)
R0 » Raider Recruit

Note that there is typically far less of a rigid distinction between "commissioned" and "enlisted" ranks in Vargr services than is typical for Imperial services, and there is typically no "service-academy" that trains officers for commissioning upon graduation. Vargr officers are typically commissioned after having served in enlisted ranks for some prior period, or after having located a suitable officer-mentor to train them in officer-related skills while serving in an enlisted position. The latter comes as close to a service-academy as most Vargr polities have, and typically results in immediate commissioning up from the ranks upon completion of training by the mentor. [1]

Note that Vargr tend to experience both promotion and demotion with much greater frequency depending upon their individual successes in positions of leadership. While it is not possible to ascend to "officer" positions without a "commissioning", officers with a commission (should they be demoted back beyond Rank-O1) will be sent back to the enlisted grades at the rank-level they held prior to being commissioned. Note that there is nothing preventing them from being re-commissioned once again as a result of future successes. [1]

History & Background (Dossier)

No information yet available.

Tables of Organization (Organizational Structure)

There is no standard terminology or organizational format for the various Vargr military and para-military organizations found throughout the Extents. Different polities and individual organizations will often have their own independent organizational structure and naming conventions that are ultimately derived from the cultural traditions and personal preferences of the organizers of the groups and units in question. Nevertheless, most organizations derive their overarching structure from the racial-psychology of the Vargr "pack" mentality, which is largely based upon the personal "charisma" of those individuals holding and maintaining positions of leadership. As a result, many Imperial observers will simply assign roughly equivalent Imperial ranks and titles (or at least familiar terminology) to Vargr groups and organizations as a matter of simple expediency. Most Vargr organizations are assigned the following rough correspondences by Imperial observers:

  • Large Band/Group = ~1000-2000 Vargr -OR- several dozen starships
  • Medium Band/Group = ~500-1000 Vargr -OR- a dozen starships
  • Small Band/Group = ~200 Vargr -OR- several starships
  • Force = ~100 Vargr -OR- a few starships

Vargr Navies

The various Vargr naval organizations among the polities of the Extents comprise the local Vargr interstellar space fleets that patrol the various star systems of the coreward regions of Charted Space.

Vargr Raiders (Ship's Troops / Naval Infantry)

Raiders are members of the armed fighting forces carried aboard starships. Raiders perform boarding actions in space, defend starports and local navy bases, and supplement the ground forces of the militia.

Vargr Corsairs & Raiders

Corsairs are members of independent armed fighting bands which include both space transport and attack vessels as well as carried ground troops. Corsair bands sometimes find employment with governments as legitimate privateers and mercenaries with properly issued letters of marque, but most operate without official sanction as little more than organized roving bands of pirates. Regardless of whether or not they find temporary employment with governments, in the long run they seldom possess a permanent home.

Like naval organizations, corsairs typically carry raiders aboard their vessels as armed fighting forces for the purpose of performing boarding actions in space as well as for potential raiding and looting of under-defended ground targets.

Navy Composition

Along the imperial borders in the Spinward Marches Sector two fleets, the Uthith and the Gireel, have historically held sway. Each of two admirals pulled from a pool of available formations. They had two BatRons, three CruRons, one TankRon and an AssaultRon. All the assault squadrons and cruisers are fully streamlined for fast refueling in wilderness areas. The squadrons all move at a unified rate of jump 3, and the battleships and tankers are partially streamlined.

Selected Ship Types

Some naval ship Types widely used within Vargr Space include:

  1. Type VA class Trader AKA Vargr Trader [2]
    1. Farrou class Far Trader
    2. Hnneshant class Trade Boat
    3. Princess Gunnhilde class Far Trader
  2. Type VB class Battleship
    1. TBD class Battleship
  3. Type VC class Cruiser
    1. Aek Naz class Battlecruiser
    2. Aenoegrr class Strike Cruiser
    3. Dzen class Strike Cruiser
    4. Foghoks class Heavy Cruiser
    5. Gvergh class Cruiser
  4. Type VF class Frigate [3] AKA Vargr Frigate
    1. Az Alrrak class Intruder AKA Leaping Wolf class Intruder
    2. Se Koez class Frigate
  5. Type VJ class Seeker AKA Vargr Seeker [4]
    1. Udzuekh class Mining Vessel
    2. Zukseg class Seeker
  6. Type VM class Packet [5]
    1. Dhaztuen class Far Merchant
  7. Type VP class Corsair [6]
    1. Aeogz class Corsair
    2. Guegha class Corsair
    3. Rrazaghz class Corsair
    4. Ueknou class Corsair
    5. Veng class Corsair
    6. Vengeance class Commerce Protection Vessel
  8. Type VS class Scout [7]
    1. Garr Aedz class Scout AKA Long Claw class Scout
    2. Kanllaz class Scout
    3. Type SF class Scout
  9. Type VX class Courier [8]
    1. Tathoe class Scout/Courier

Selected Ship Classes

Some naval ship classes widely used within Vargr Space include:

  1. Aek Naz class Battlecruiser
  2. Aenoegrr class Strike Cruiser
  3. Aeogz class Corsair
  4. Az Alrrak class Intruder AKA Leaping Wolf class Intruder
  5. Dhaztuen class Far Merchant
  6. Dzen class Strike Cruiser
  7. Farrou class Far Trader
  8. Foghoks class Heavy Cruiser
  9. Garr Aedz class Scout AKA Long Claw class Scout
  10. Guegha class Corsair
  11. Gvergh class Cruiser
  12. Hnneshant class Trade Boat
  13. Kanllaz class Scout
  14. Princess Gunnhilde class Far Trader
  15. Rrazaghz class Corsair
  16. Se Koez class Frigate
  17. Tathoe class Scout/Courier
  18. Type SF class Scout
  19. Type VA class Trader [9]
  20. Type VF class Frigate [10] AKA Vargr Frigate
  21. Type VJ class Seeker [11]
  22. Type VM class Packet [12]
  23. Type VP class Corsair [13]
  24. Type VS class Scout [14]
  25. Type VX class Courier [15]
  26. Ueknou class Corsair
  27. Veng class Corsair
  28. Vengeance class Commerce Protection Vessel
  29. Zukseg class Seeker

Selected Smallcraft

Some smallcraft types and classes that are widely used within Vargr Space include:

  1. Aekguthand class Assault Cutter
  2. Seragh class Cutter

Worlds & Sectors (Astrography)

This fleet can be primarily found in the following areas:
Charted Space - Vargr Extents:

Headquarters Data: 1105

The following mainworld is the primary headquarters of this fleet:

  1. TBD (world)

World Listing: 1105

This fleet often patrols the following systems and worlds:

No world articles for Vargr Navy, Corsairs & Raiders

References & Contributors (Sources)

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This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Far Future Enterprises or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.