Model/3 Computer

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A Model/3 Computer is a sophisticated electronic computer.

Description (Specifications)

A common model of Ship's Computer. It runs complex programs that control shipboard functions such as interstellar jumps and in-system astrogation.

  • A Model/3 computer using a Navigation Program is capable of initiating up to a Jump-3.
  • It runs multiple background applications including anti virus software, entertainment programs, and routine communications. It maintains passive security programs and monitors life support systems.

Operators are able to interact with the computer via Control Consoles.

Standard Variants

A number of different versions of the Model/3 are available:


The base model of the -/3 series.

No. Category Remarks
1. Designation: Model/3
2. Cost: MCr18
3. Size: 3 Tons
4. Capacity: 5 CPU / 9 Storage
5. Tonnage: 9,999 Tons Maximum
6. TL: TL-9
7. Power: 1 EP


A Model/3fib is a Fiber Optic Computer, a hardened and shielded version that has a fiber optic back-up system to resist radiation damage.

No. Category Remarks
1. Designation: Model/3fib
2. Cost: MCr27
3. Size: 6 Tons
4. Capacity: 5 CPU / 9 Storage
5. Tonnage: 9,999 Tons Maximum
6. TL: TL-9
7. Power: 1 EP

History & Background (Dossier)

The Command Section of a spacecraft typically includes a computer officer.

History & Background (Dossier)

The Command Section of a vessel typically includes a designated Computer Officer.

A Ship's Computer is routinely linked to Anti-hijack Programs.

  • Anti-hijack procedures protect the ship against potential takeovers. The program constantly monitors conditions within the vessel via onboard sensors. If a hijack situation occurs, it automatically locks access doors to the bridge and engineering sections and shuts down control consoles and control panels

Computers of this type may also be found running starports, planetary infrastructure elements, military and COACC facilities, and industrial sites such as automated factories.

Old models of computer can generally be traded in at 25% of their original cost.

Computer Control Standards

Computer Controls: In almost all cases where the Ship's Computer can control a given ship function (gravity, doors, sensors etc.), orders fed in at the central bridge computer take precedence over those fed in at local controls. Only if the computer is inoperative will a computer override be ineffective.[1] Some ships have been known to be built with a different system set-up, but this arrangement is commonplace on most vessels within Charted Space. [2]

References & Contributors (Sources)

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This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Mongoose Publishing or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.
  1. Jordan Weisman. "Book 2." Adventure Class Ships Volume 1 (1982): 6.
  2. Information provided to the library by Maksim-Smelchak