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The Lishun Suugugki is a stateless cultural region that is located in Gzirr!k'l Sector and Kaa G!'kul Sector.

Astronavigational Codes

Polity Astronavigational Codes
Polity Survey Code Type Remarks
Lishun Suugugki Pre-Imperial Hs No standard code None
Lishun Suugugki 1st Survey (300) Hs 2-ltr code None
Lishun Suugugki 2nd Survey (1065) LhSu 4-ltr code None

Description (Specifications)

The Lishun Suugugki are a nomadic people descended from a Vilani splinter group who left Vilani space three thousand years ago. Their ships, ranging from the ancient ancestor of the Beowulf Free Trader to larger superfreighters and LASH Liners, roam a zone more than four subsectors in size, making themselves useful to as many of the local powers as possible. Where assets on the ground are needed, the Lishuun rent space or build supply dumps in remote corners of systems claimed by others. A few larger bases are located in unaligned systems.

Image Repository

No information yet available.

History & Background (Dossier)

The Lishun Suugugki was thought by outside observers to be an interstellar polity acting as a buffer state between the Hive Federation and the K'kree of the Two Thousand Worlds. Its more far-flung members support the idea of a homeland state in that position, but the reality is that the ancestors of the Lishun Suugugki never managed to claim more than a world or two in the region before the borders of the Two Thousand Worlds, Hive Federation, and the Krotan Primacy hardened around them following the K'kree-Hiver War. Their original choices lost to politics and war, the Lishun Suugugki remained nomadic, though they decided to stay in the Pocket, the Hiver/K'kree buffer zone mainly found in Gzirr!k'l Sector.

The origins of the Lishun Suugugki are mysterious, though they claim to be Vilani who left either the Ziru Sirka or the Rule of Man for reasons no longer known or important. Making the difficult transit across the trailing wilds in a variety of ships, they reputedly encountered the Hivers while they were still exploring and settling with little worry. Greeted warmly (or as warmly as Hivers can be), they were invited to settle anywhere that took their fancy. Unfortunately, this came just before the K'kree Crusade stumbled into Hiver territory, triggering a war. The worlds that had seemed promising to the Lishun were quickly sequestered behind one line or another in the war, their ships threatened, and all welcomes revoked (according to their own records). Insufficiently armed to aid the Hivers, and unwelcome distractions to the K'kree, the Lishun fled into the Pocket, a coincidentally calm zone between the two fronts of the war, to wait out hostilities.

With the war over, the Lishun attempted to restart colonization efforts to build a new home. The best locations were, however, no longer without strings attached. Not wanting to tie themselves to any of the powers emerging after the war, the Lishun opted instead to build remote logistics and emergency redoubts in less attractive unaligned systems and be more patient about real home building. This wait and see approach never ended.

No further information yet available.

Worlds & Sectors (Astrography)

This cultural region can be primarily found in the following areas:
Charted Space:

Capital/s: 1105

The capital/s of this polity is/are located in the following location/s:

World Listing: 1105

The following systems and worlds are a part of this polity:

No world articles for Lishun Suugugki

References & Contributors (Sources)

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This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Mongoose Publishing or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.