Earlyu (world)
Earlyu/Silraaihe (Trojan Reach 0933) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Classic Era (1116) | B9898L9-D
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||
See also | UWP | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
System Details | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Primary | F3 V M6 V M9 V | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Planetoid Belts | 0 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gas Giants | 1 |
Earlyu is a rich world with a moderate population over a hundred million, but not yet at a billion sophonts in size.
- This world has high-grade living conditions with a good climate and a non-harmful environment. As such, this world is much sought after with large queues for immigration here.
- This is a rich world with a prosperous and thriving world economy.
- Most observers think that the planet's economy and population will prosper in the near future barring outside forces.
- This world is part of the Aslan Hierate, controlled by the Tlaukhu Bloc 1, composed of the Khaukheairl, Estoieie', and Toaseilwi clans, in the Silraaihe Subsector of Trojan Reach Sector.
- This world has an Aslan Tlaukhu Base, which may combine the features of an army base for ground forces, a scout base, or even a naval base for starships.
Description (Planetology)[edit]
The planet's valuable resources include petrochemicals and an anagathic moss, the little-known Earlyuan Moss.
Trinary Solar System
Point of Interest: Anagathic Earlyuan Moss[edit]
The local Earlyuan Moss is a well known component in the manufacture of anagathic drugs.
History & Background (Dossier)[edit]
Earlyu was formerly controlled by the Glorious Empire, but ihatei warriors supported by the Khaukheairl clan conquered the planet in 801.
World Starport (Sp)[edit]
Earlyu has a Class B Starport, a good quality installation which includes all the expected amenities including refined fuel for starships, brokerage services for passengers and cargo, and a variety of ship provisions. There is a shipyard capable of doing annual maintenance, overhauls and most kinds of repair, and construction of non-starships. Most ports of this classification have both a Highport and a Downport.
World Population (P)[edit]
World Demographics[edit]
The population includes less than 500,000 humans, the remains of a human slave population that once numbered some five million before the invasion. These survivors eke out a meager existence in the swamps, selling trinkets or manufacturing counterfeit Imperial goods.
World Languages[edit]
- Trokh: The universal language of the modern Aslan monoculture.
- Aslan Languages: Note that some Aslan clans retain obscure or archaic languages for personal use in addition to Trokh.
The industrial complex of Siroal is a city-sized factory, producing everything from pharmaceuticals to clonemeat to synthetic fabrics.
Aslan architecture tends to the organic and the rounded. They favour artistry over efficiency in the design of their buildings -- every Aslan structure is different. Even in mass-produced housing, residents will strive to make their territory uniquely theirs.
- Since Aslan descend from predators and enjoy open terrain, their buildings often feature both open rooms of great size and a number of concealed rooms, balconies, hidden passageways and hideaways.
World Government (G)[edit]
Earlyu is governed by a Feudal Technocracy. Society divides itself based on the technical requirements of the society. Each of these functions are granted as a fief to an individual or group. Leadership of these fiefs determines the head of the government.
World Law Level (L)[edit]
Criminal acts are rare but not unheard of in Aslan society. Crimes are different from the insults or slurs that provoke duels, and are classified into three categories: crimes of passion, crimes with victims, and crimes of honour.
- Crimes of passion involve misbehavior prompted by temper, anger, or provocation. The accused is judged by the head of the family, pride, or clan involved.
- Crimes with victims involve taking money or items of value, or violating the person of another for profit (kidnapping, terrorism, piracy). General practice is to have an impartial earleatrais consider the case and present findings.
- Crimes of honour involve failure to observe the rituals established for social behaviour. Judgement is made by the pride or clan head, depending on the severity of the crime. Crimes of honour are the most serious in Aslan society; in practice, most are never tried as a duel to the death occurs first.
World Technology Level (TL)[edit]
Earlyu possesses a Technology Level of TL–12 or TL-C in Hexadecimal Notation.
- Common Communication technologies for this TL include: Holovision, Personal Global Communications, and advanced Translators.
- Common Power Generation technologies for this TL include: Increasingly advanced fusion plants and advanced fuel cells.
- Common Transportation technologies for this TL include:
- Land, Water & Air: Personal G-Tubes and advanced gravcraft.
- Space: Advanced interplanetary spacecraft (System Craft).
- FTL: Jump Drive-3.
World Military[edit]
No information yet available.
World Economy (Ex)[edit]
The Khaukheairl issue the Khaukhi currency.
Trade Data[edit]
No information yet available.
World Infrastructure[edit]
This world possesses TBD infrastructure.
World Culture (Cx)[edit]
No information yet available.
References & Contributors (Sources)[edit]
- ↑ "Jump Map API" and map location from Travellermap.com