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This is a [[world-system]] ''under construction'' and is currently being input-programmed into the Traveller RPG Wiki.
This is a [[world-system]] ''under construction'' and is currently being input-programmed into the Traveller RPG Wiki.
|name= {{World|Dal Hallen|Far Home|Demon's Eye|1428}}
|name= {{World|Dal Hallen|Far Home|Demon's Eye|1428}}
Line 9: Line 8:
|alg    = RiFe
|alg    = RiFe
|class  = Ag Ri / (Quemm)
|class  = Ag Ri / (Quemm)W
|trade  =  
|trade  = ag
|climate = Tp
|climate = Tp
|orbit  = HZ (Orbit 6.5)
|gravity = TBD
|nblty  = -
|nblty  = -
|bases  = M
|bases  = M

Revision as of 11:21, 21 April 2018

This is a world-system under construction and is currently being input-programmed into the Traveller RPG Wiki.

Dal Hallen/Demon's Eye (Far Home 1428)
Classic Era (1116)
StarportA Excellent: Starship Construction, Overhaul, Refined fuel
Size4 Small (6,400 km, 0.32g - 0.46g)
Atmosphere8 Dense
Hydrographics5 Wet World 50%
Population7 Moderate (60 million)
Government3 Self-Perpetuating Oligarchy
Law6 Moderate Law (no firearms except shotguns)
Tech LevelA Early Stellar (jump drive)
See also UWP
System Details
Primary M0 V
Planetoid Belts 2
Gas Giants 4

Dal Hallen is a rich, agricultural world with improving living conditions due to a bustling agro-economy.

  • As an agricultural world, this world is a near-ideal environment for producing quality foodstuffs of plant, animal, and other forms. Quality foodstuffs are a major export commodity for this world.
  • This is a rich world with a prosperous and thriving world economy.
  • This world is rich with high-grade living conditions, a good climate, and a non-harmful environment. Immigration registration for this world is always in high demand.
  • It is a member of the Rimward Federation in the Demon's Eye Subsector of Far Home Sector, which is part of the Distant Fringe.
  • This world-system hosts a Military Base, usually associated with military ground forces, which may be located on or off-world.
  • This is the homeworld of the Quemm, a Minor Race.

Astrography and Planetology

Dal Hallen lies within the Pel Avena cluster and is a member of the Rimward Federation.

Monostellar System

Dal Hallen Monostellar System
Star Name Hierarchy Category Mass (Sol) Temp (K) Luminosity (Sol)
Dal Hallen

M0 V

Primary Main Sequence 0.57 3770 - 3850 0.13982
Unit Diameter Min Distance Hab Zone Jump Shadow M-Drive Limit
AU 0.0027 0.031 0.39 - 0.74 0.27 2.7
Orbit #  *  * 2 0 5

System Data

Gurada-Dal Hallen System

The primary is Gurada, an ordinary red main sequence star. It has a luminosity of 0.04 Sols, a mass of 0.489 Sols, and a diameter of 764,000 km. (I) Dal Hallen orbits within the habitable zone and is designated the mainworld. (II) a dense rocky planetoid belt, (III) a large gas giant, (IV) a large gas giant, (V) a small gas giant, (VI) a sparse icy planetoid belt, (VII) a vacuum iceworld, and (VIII) a vacuum iceworld form the outer system. All of the outer worlds retain satellites.

  • Gurada undergoes periods of flare activity, with coronal mass ejections and significant releases of plasma and magnetic field from its stellar corona. The peak periods of flare activity occur over a 12-year cycle and typically last for four months.

Mainworld Data

(I) Dal Hallen

(I) Dal Hallen orbits Gurada at a mean distance of 0.18 AU (27 million km), within the habitable zone, and is designated the mainworld. It has an orbital period of 39 days 21 hours and a rotation period of 39 days 21 hours: it is tidally locked to the primary. The axial tilt is 72.5 degrees, with the northern pole tilted towards the star: the world wobbles in a regular cycle as it orbits. Dal Hallen has a diameter of 7,184 km, a density of 6.38 g/cm³, and a surface gravity of 0.65 G. It is geologically active and has a strong magnetosphere that protects it from the worst stellar radiation. Its atmosphere is rated as Dense, with a mean surface pressure of 1.71 bar and a composition of 77% nitrogen, 22% oxygen, and 1% argon, carbon dioxide, neon and other trace gases. Approximately 47% of the surface is covered in seas of liquid water: average tidal ranges exceed 1m. Mean surface temperature: 25°C. The atmosphere is dynamic and powerful weather systems, driven by the star and the seas and channeled by the geography, drive across the globe. The climate is seasonal and weather patterns follow regular cycles during the short local year.

Mainworld geography and topography

Total surface area: 162 million km², Land surface area (high plateaus): 86 million km², Water surface area (chasm floors): 76 million km². Dal Hallen is a fractured world, with many broad, deep chasms, canyons and ravines that snake across the surface and link together to form a global network. The high plateaus between the chasms are barren, sterile and arid. The atmosphere is far thinner on their tops, with a mean pressure of 0.65 bar (rated as Thin). The highest plateaus are concentrated within the polar regions.

Chasms and depressions are, on average, around 2500 meters lower than the height of a typical high plateau and have an average width of around 100km, though some depressions are far wider. Within the chasms the atmosphere is rated as dense, averaging around 1.71 bar. The floors of chasms and depressions are filled with liquid water that together form a linked network of lakes and seas: strong winds and huge electrical storms surge among the plateaus. The waters moderate temperatures around the globe: the very starward-facing region of the world, dominated by a large plateau, is arid, scorched desert, whilst only the very spaceward-facing permanently dark face of the world is cold and has a permanent ice-cap. Dal Hallen's wobbling motion as it orbits Gurada gives a regular night-twilight/twilight-day cycle, depending on the latitude. Spectacular aurora are visible all across the starward side of the planet, even in daylight.

Native lifeforms

Dal Hallen has extensive, abundant native life, with organisms inhabiting every ecological niche. Their metabolic functions drive the process of atmospheric renewal. It is the homeworld of the Quemm, a sophont Minor Race.

The local flora is abundant and prolific, growing in the shallow seas and on the lower sides of canyons. It has a tendency towards tall narrow stems and massed small circular leaves: foliage is generally pale greenish-blue in colour. Their metabolic functions power the process of atmospheric renewal. The majority of local fauna is aquatic and follows the body pattern Bilateral N-TSB-FF-FN-T, with cartilage interiors, lymph fluids, and skin exteriors. A significant minority of lifeforms are flyers and follow the body pattern Asymetrical HSB-T-WW-WL-T, with cartilage interiors, lymph fluids, and skin exteriors. Only very small creatures are permanent land-dwellers. Local lifeforms can be digested by humans with few problems, though most have a strong salty flavour that humans tend to find rather overpowering.

  • During periods of stellar flare activity the native flora goes into a state of deep hibernation, and fauna burrows deep below the surface or seeks shelter in the deep recesses of the canyons. Effectively, the world's major ecosystem shuts down.
However, during the same period a secondary ecosystem emerges, made up of tiny radovores (radiation-consuming organisms) that cluster together to form larger structures. They flourish in the irradiated environment and effectively "clean up" the pollution. When the flare activity ceases and they have consumed all available sources of radioactives, the radovore organisms become dormant again, their structures collapse and melt away, and the major ecosystem reemerges.

History & Background (Dossier)

No information yet available.

World starport

Dal Hallen has a Class A Starport, an excellent quality installation which includes all the expected amenities including refined fuel for starships, brokerage services for passengers and cargo, and a variety of ship provisions. There is a shipyard capable of doing annual maintenance, overhauls and other kinds of repair, and construction of both starships and non-starships. Most ports of this classification have both a Highport and a Downport.

  • Peace footing (government modifier x0.9). Port Capacity: 54,000 dTons

World technology level

Dal Hallen possesses a Technology Level of TL–10 or TL-A in Hexadecimal Notation.

World government

Dal Hallen is governed by Self-Perpetuating Oligarchy. A single family or small group provides the leadership and important positions in the government. These positions are inherited by member of the group or their family members. The organization may be monarchy, with titles passed to family members. Or a plutocracy where inheritance of the family fortune includes government position. Or the organization may be more typical organization with positions of power inherited.

World military

See the Rimward Federation entry.

World economy

  • Resources: B (Abundant)
  • Labor: 6 (Millions)
  • Infrastructure: B (Very extensive)
  • Efficiency: +2 (Good)

Trade data

No information yet available.

World demographics

Population: 61,300,000

  • Native Sophonts:
    • Quemm: 59.4 million (96.90% of the population), widely dispersed across the world.
  • Native Non-Human Races:
    • Hoppers: 300,000 (0.49% of the population), concentrated within hives in Quemm communities.
    • Temelik: 8,000 (0.01% of the population), widely dispersed across the world.

World culture

  • Homogeneity: 7 (Discordant)
  • Acceptance: B (Extremely friendly)
  • Strangeness: 2
  • Symbols: 11

Historical data

No information yet available.

World timeline

No information yet available.

UWP listing

References & Contributors / Sources

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This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Far Future Enterprises or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.