20th Fleet

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The 20th Fleet serves the Third Imperium.

Description (Specifications)

There is a single Scout Base in the system, for this subsector. This base at Pungitore (world) serves as the defacto fleet headquarters and the home base of the 201st ScoutRon.

Goals (Mission)

Several Red Zone culture quarantine zones must be monitored by fleet assets. Taskforces are allocated to Panar (world), Asrow (world), and Waxstetter (world).

Strategy & Doctrine (Operations)

This fleet has been forced to use colonial assets from local shipyards to provide system defense squadrons.

History & Background (Dossier)

The lack of naval bases so near the Solomani border is of historical note. Several front line combat units have been rotated out of this region and reassigned to other fleets in distance sectors. This may reflect the perceived threat level for this region of the empire. The subsector duke is nominally responsible to the fleet finances and expenses. A subsector fleet naval office is collocated with imperial governmental headquarters and administered from Anise (Ma 2904) (world). A harried sector fleet attaché is attached to liaison and coordinate with local naval resources and personnel.

Tables of Organization (Organizational Structure)

There is a single Imperial Line ScoutRon assigned to the fleet.

A colonial 2001st BatRon of 15 locally produced, obsolete TL–13 Trireme class Battleships has been generously provided from the orbital boat yards of Darrukesh (world) in the neighboring Ultima Subsector. This squadron is nominally on loan from the admiralty of the 295th Fleet. These battleships are split into three taskforces and stand guard at the three red zone worlds. They also serve as a strategic reserve against Solomani incursions The thinly stretched scout squadron is forced to provide logistic support to the colonial formation which lacks organic reconnaissance and resupply assets.

The fifteen Battleships combined embark the rough equivalent of a 6,000 strong, fleet Marine assault brigade. Each task force R1, R2 and R3 has 2,000 marines in a light infantry regiment composed of five 400 strong battalions of Imperial Marines. This unit is all teeth and no tail. It lacks organic transportation and support beyond the CAS the fighter squadrons can supply and a few ATVs. These marines rotate through these assignments and are always equipped to imperial TL–15 standards.

Representative Equipment & Classes

The following sub-units form this fleet:

Worlds & Sectors (Astrography)

This fleet can be primarily found in the following areas:
Charted Space:

Headquarters Data: 1105

The following mainworld is the primary headquarters of this fleet:

  1. Pungitore (world)

World Listing: 1105

This fleet often patrols the following systems and worlds:

No world articles for 20th Fleet

References & Contributors (Sources)

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This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Far Future Enterprises or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.