Union of Garth

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In 695 The Protectorate granted independence to its colony worlds in Taemerlyk of the Far Frontiers Sector, which form the Union of Garth.


No information yet available.

History & Background (Dossier)

In 788, a Zhodani-supported insurrection of four Union worlds -- Uldor, Dloshl, Hearth, and Zishilicti -- threw the Union into civil war. Claims that this was due to the equal status given to Vlazhdumecta in relation to Solomani-Vilani settlers have never been proven. In any case, the so-called Four Worlds allied themselves in a secret pact with the Zhodani, who sent warships and weapons for future treaty considerations. In a well-coordinated assault, all Union installations on the four planets were captured and the Four Worlds broke free from the Union.

Government & Politics (Leadership)

Every ten years the Union's King comes up for reappointment by the Parliament of Industry on Garth. This governmental body is composed of the various planets' leading merchants, technologists, and corporate executives.

Technology & Trade (Economy)

Their forces vary from TL–9 to TL–11 equipment. Their warships can double has armed merchant marine vessels. Their cavernous hangers can be used to transport large cargoes when needed.

Military & Intelligence (Force Projection)

The planet Garth (world) has a Naval Base in the system which is the headquarters for the UGSN aka the Union (of) Garth Space Navy. The fleet is assembled from off the self, commercial components. All designs use standardized hulls and drives. The carry a high percentage of 10 ton missile fighters and 40 ton pinnaces. Their protected forces use 10 ton tracked AFVs and ATVs. They use 2 ton 4x4 Wheeled Solar-Electric Scout Cars and quarter in 6 ton advanced bases. The pinnace deliver and recover these forces to the surface. These are stock commercially available vehicles purchased retail. Each warship carries a small landing force to secure ground targets and conduct security and garrison missions. Protected forces training is stressed. Troopers and scouts wear vac suits, and combat armor when finances permit. The personal weapons vary considerably. Accelerator rifles, snub auto pistols, laser carbines and rifles are preferred for zero-G work. Man portable TAC missiles and light RAM mortars are issued to every vehicle with dismounts.

Worlds & Sectors (Astrography)

Garth (world) is an important port for the union and the site of much of their ship construction. There is also an UGSN base at Ulintl (Far Frontiers 2028 B543885-A), they have there own fighter squadrons and pinnace flotillas for system defense.

The Union of Garth has jurisdiction over six worlds with its at Garth (FarF 2228).

Far Frontiers – Six Systems

Taemerlyk (FarF K) - 6

  1. Agravaine (FarF 2127)
  2. Bloemtol (FarF 2328)
  3. Garth (FarF 2228)
  4. Numicta (FarF 2428)
  5. Rellon (FarF 2129)
  6. Ulintl (FarF 2028)

5 Worlds in Union of Garth
Agravaine  •  Bloemtol  •  Numicta  •  Rellon  •  Ulintl  •  

References & Contributors (Sources)

This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Mongoose Publishing or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.
  • Author & Contributor: Lord (Marquis), Captain, and Lead Naval Architect Ronald B. Kline, Jr. of the Imperial Navy
  • Dale Kemper, Traveller Chronicle 03; Sword of the Knight Publications; 1994, Pg 11