Clan Aroaye'i
A major vassal Aslan clan known as the Gatekeepers of the Great Rift, since they control the J-5 Trans-Rift Hierate Route. The Aroaye'i are a member of the Ya'soisthea Council and a principal owner of the Khu Su'ikh corporation.
History & Background (Dossier)[edit]
An upstart clan from the world Aulryakh (Riftspan Reaches 0507) which in -750 challenged the Wahtoi for control of the Great Rift Crossing and in less than a year forced them to share the control and the ownership of the company Khu Su'ikh. Shortly thereafter, the Fteweyeakh takeover of the Wahtoi resulted in the Aroaye'i becoming liege to a small remnant of the Wahtoi. There is no information about when they became vassals of the Hlyueawi. It is probably their trans-rift holdings that the Hlyueawi are losing to the Hlaotiyoiho.
Note that the Ya'soisthea was established by the Aroaye'i and Wahtoi clans, to cope with the communications delay back to the Hierate across the Great Rift.
Clan Allies[edit]
- Master: Vassal clan of the Hlyueawi ranked 397th in (ca.) 1120.
- Vassals: One of its own vassal clans has, at times, been the Wahtoi.
Clan Enemies[edit]
Territorial Holdings: 1116[edit]
- J. Andrew Keith, Marc Miller, John Harshman. Aslan (Game Designers Workshop, 1984), 7.
- Marc Miller. Merchant Prince (Game Designers Workshop, 1985), 8.
- Marc Miller. Referee's Companion (Game Designers Workshop, 1988), 71.
- Gary L. Thomas, Joe Fugate. "Riftspan Reaches Sector Overview." The Travellers' Digest 19 (1990): 22.
- Peter G. Celella, James Holden. Solomani & Aslan (Digest Group Publications, 1991), 49.
- Andy Slack, David Thomas, David L. Pulver. Alien Races 2 (Steve Jackson Games, 1999), 15, 28.
- Paul Drye, Hans Rancke-Madsen, Robert Prior. Sword Worlds (Steve Jackson Games, 2004), 7, 8.
- Gareth Hanrahan. Aslan (Mongoose Publishing, 2009), 209, 215, 217, 51, 63, 157, 158, 163.
- Matthew Sprange. "The Arhiyao Clan." Journal of the Travellers' Aid Society volume 3 (2019): 52-54.
- Randy Dorman. The Deep and the Dark (Mongoose Publishing, 2023), 114, 132-133.
- Randy Dorman. Clans of the Aslan (Mongoose Publishing, 2025), 101, 127-128, 128-129, 165-166, 168.