Pador-Yerrin Credit Union

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Pador-Yerrin-Credit-Union 13-Oct-2019.png

Pador-Yerrin Credit Union (or more commonly PRCU) is a corporation of the Distant Fringe.

Market Ticker Code[edit]

This business entity is traded under the following interstellar market code/s:

Market Ticker Code
Name Code Type Charter Remarks
Pador-Yerrin Credit Union PYCU 4 to 12 alphanumeric character LLC None

Description (Portfolio)[edit]

Pador-Yerrin Credit Union (generally referred to as PYCU) is considered to be a part of the Banking, Insurance, and Legal Business Sector. It operates throughout the Distant Fringe, though its interest is strongest in the central parts of Far Home Sector. It is involved with finance and economics of all kinds.

Commercial Competencies[edit]

  • Asset allocation, asset management.
  • Bond trading, commodity trading, equities trading, investment and stock portfolios.
  • Brokerage services, capital market services, investment management and retail brokerage.
  • Commercial banking, corporate banking, investment banking and retail banking.
  • Conglomeration services, debt resolution, and mediation and advisory services.
  • Futures and options trading, stock trading.
  • Mortgages, mortgage loans and underwriting.
  • Risk management, finance and insurance, venture capital.
  • Treasury and security services, remittance services.

Governance & Organization[edit]

PYCU is governed by a President and a Board of Directors. It is run by a Executive President, Senior Executive Officers and Bureau Directors. It has an extensive Records Bureau, an Internal Audit Department, a large Legal Bureau, a Sophont Resources Bureau, a very large Public Relations Bureau, and a large Internal Security Bureau.

Head Office:[edit]

The head office is located on Yerrin, a rich world lying within the Pador-Aredian Cluster. As well as the main administrative complexes its headquarters includes corporate retreats and spa complexes, executive villas, and large private estates with associated recreational facilities where business may be undertaken in complete privacy. The company controls a number of private spaceport facilities on the world.

Major Divisions:[edit]

  • Financial Services Bureau
  • Finance Management Division
  • Investment Banking Division
  • Private Banking Office
  • Securities Division




Stock ownership:

Best Known Products & Services[edit]

This business is best known for:

  1. Commercial public banks.
  2. Mortgages and loans.
  3. Starship mortgaging.

Corporate Holdings[edit]

The company maintains Regional Head Offices, administrative centers, prime real estate, secure properties and compounds, holding facilities, heavily protected vaults and secure areas, ancillary facilities, commercial premises and large private estates on worlds across the region. It holds substantial amounts of vehicles, supplies, and the supporting equipment and technology necessary to maintain operations. These assets and holdings are protected by PYCU's highly trained and well equipped corporate security. It vigorously pursues those who cross its interests.

  • PYCU holds deposits and vault cash, reserves, loans including interest from consumer and business loans, rights, and investments and securities.
  • It has a corporate fleet of light transport vessels and private armed escort craft.

History & Background (Dossier)[edit]

The Pador-Yerrin Credit Union is closely associated with the neutral world of Pador, an industrial and economic powerhouse dominating the rimward half of Far Home Sector.

Trade Partners[edit]


Trade Competitors[edit]


Corporate Timeline[edit]

No information yet available.

Worlds & Sectors (Astrography)[edit]

This business is best known for frequenting the markets of the following worlds and systems:
Uncharted SpaceDistant Fringe:

Facilities Data[edit]

This business is known to host facilities in the following locations:

World Listing[edit]

This business can be found on the following worlds and systems:

No world articles for Pador-Yerrin Credit Union

References & Contributors (Sources)[edit]

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This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Far Future Enterprises or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.