Bright Conclave

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5106AD–Present. A Polity of Halcyon Sector.

  • It administers 6 star systems.

Description / Specifications

The Bright Conclave is a center of learning and the hub of a strong trading network.

Background & History

Brief History of the state


Improvements in the standard of living for its citizens.

Technological and social advancement.

Interstellar Relations

Friendly with the Esaran and the High Senate

Lingering antipathy towards the Enlightened

Government & Politics (Leadership)

A progressive and liberal state.


The capital system Selasia (0436 Halcyon).

Head of State:

The head of state is the Patriarch.

Governmental Structure

The government of the Conclave is the College, a meritocracy where only those of proven ability are elected to power – the vast majority of its members are academics drawn from the University of Selasia.


The College is supported by an extensive bureaucracy divided into different Departments.


Summary of the laws the government enforces


Judicial structure of the state.

What happens to criminals.

Personal Freedom:

The degree of personal freedom that citizens of the state enjoy


The Bright Conclave has a population of approximately 3.12 billion Sophonts, primarily humans of Terran descent but with significant minorities of other NILs.

Linguistic Topography

Primary spoken languages within the state

Culture and Society

Chosen HASS values

  • Homogeneity: D (Fragmented)
  • Acceptance: A (Very Friendly)
  • Strangeness: 5
  • Symbols: D

Details, notes and summary.

Social Status

General overview of social status.

Social Status
Soc Equivalency
0 Prisoner, outcast
1–9 Citizen
A Citizen-Emeritus
B Constable of the Conclave
C Associate of the Conclave
D Fellow of the Conclave
E Fellow-Emeritus of the Conclave
F Warden of the Conclave
G Patriarch of the Conclave

Military Forces

The armed forces are referred to as the Militia, despite being a modern professional fighting force.

Selasia is the main ship building center of the Conclave. There is a Conclave Military Base located within the Selasia system with a capacity of 100,000 dTons at TL–12. Rysos contributes massive man-power reserves and troop strength, should the need arise. Current assets include:

Selasia Garrison

Troop Strength:

  • Army: 1,200 battalions in 12 army corps (used for defense, not mobilized).
  • Marines: 120 battalions in 6 marine divisions


Historical data

It consolidated from the core trading area of Bright Expansion following the disastrous Associations War of 4998AD–5000AD and the humiliating peace terms that were imposed on the company. The Bright Conclave has a population of approximately 3.12 billion Sophonts, primarily humans of Terran descent but with significant minorities of other NILs.

The peace terms imposed on Bright Expansion in 5000AD left the Alasim Cluster and the surrounding systems under the company’s control. However, Bright Expansion had been forced to allow commercial competition, which gradually eroded its profits and its power. Internal reforms begun during the Associations War continued, often punctuated by civil uprisings. Bright Expansion was forced to modernise and restructure itself, and in the process it handed more and more of its authority to civil agencies. Systems gradually became independent of Bright Expansion control.

In 5102AD the systems of the Alasim Cluster drew up the Charter of Selasia, a treaty that formally removed Bright Expansion as a governmental authority in the region and established a series of mutual defense and economic treaties. In 5106AD the Charter worlds formally incorporated themselves as the Bright Conclave.

World timeline

  • 5000AD: End of the Associations War
  • 5102AD:
  • 5106AD: Charter Worlds become the Bright Conclave

Physical (Astrography)

The following astrographic features are associated with the state:

World Listing:

6 of 6 World articles in Bright Conclave
Alasim  •  Oom  •  Palosil  •  Rysos  •  Selasia  •  Thizet  •  
startbacknext(6 listed)

References & Contributors / Sources

This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Far Future Enterprises or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.