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|S1= {{Ludography cite|name=Atlas of the Imperium|page=38}}
|S1= {{Ludography cite|name=Atlas of the Imperium|page=38}}
|S2= [https://web.archive.org/web/20050908131012/http://home.earthlink.net/~ngc5139/FDA/spic1116.html] - Federation Development Agency - [[Leroy W.L. Guatney]]
|S2= [https://web.archive.org/web/20050908131012/http://home.earthlink.net/~ngc5139/FDA/spic1116.html] - Federation Development Agency - [[Leroy W.L. Guatney]]
|S3= [https://web.archive.org/web/20051205111945/https://home.earthlink.net/~ngc5139/FDA/rt-states.html#PA] - Federation Development Agency - [[Leroy W.L. Guatney]]
|S4= [https://web.archive.org/web/20080517153225/http://www.downport.com/bard/bard/peri/peri0006.html] - [[Leroy W.L. Guatney]] and [[Lewis Roberts]]

Latest revision as of 11:55, 4 February 2024

Meridian/Naav (Spica 0102)
Classic Era (1116)
StarportE Frontier - no facilities
Size5 Medium (8,000 km, 0.40g - 0.57g)
Atmosphere5 Thin
Hydrographics0 Desert World 0%
Population8 Moderate (00 million)
Government8 Civil Service Bureaucracy
Law7 Moderate Law (no firearms)
Tech Level5 Industrial (mass production)
See also UWP
System Details
Primary M3 V
Planetoid Belts 3
Gas Giants 5

Meridian (Sp 0102) is a poor, moderate population desert world with no free-standing water and a population over a hundred million, but not yet at a billion sophonts in size.

Description / Astrography & Planetology[edit]

Meridian is a monostellar system with 8 planets, 2 planetary belts and 37 major satellites.

Meridian (Sp 0102) has a solitary primary star.
Meridian (Sp 0102)
Solitary M Type.jpg Type Category Mass (Sol) Temperature (K) Luminosity
M3 V Main Sequence 0.37 3270 - 3430 0.03081
Unit Diameter Safe Distance Habitable Zone Jump Shadow M-Drive Limit
AU 0.0034 0.0146 0.18 - 0.35 0.34 3.4
Orbit #  *  * 0 1 5

System Data[edit]

Orbit Distance UWP Notes
A --- --- M3 V
A: 1 0.1957 AU E550887-5 Main World
A: 1-1 32583 km HS00000-0
A: 2 0.4152 AU Y000000-0
A: 3 0.5578 AU --- Large Gas Giant
A: 3-1 244800 km 0R000000-0
A: 3-2 1360000 km YS00000-0
A: 3-3 1360000 km HS00000-0
A: 3-4 2140800 km HS00000-0
A: 3-5 2918400 km HS00000-0
A: 3-6 4480000 km YS00000-0
A: 3-7 4480000 km Y100000-0
A: 3-8 4870400 km Y100000-0
A: 3-9 5260800 km YS00000-0
A: 3-10 9552000 km Y100000-0
A: 4 0.7004 AU Y6A4000-0
A: 5 0.7781 AU --- Medium Gas Giant
A: 5-1 211200 km 0R000000-0
A: 5-2 256000 km YS00000-0
A: 5-3 682667 km Y314000-0
A: 5-4 1002667 km Y100000-0
A: 5-5 2090667 km Y100000-0
A: 5-6 5952000 km Y2A4000-0
A: 5-7 6272000 km Y2A2000-0
A: 5-8 6592000 km YS00000-0
A: 6 0.8948 AU --- Large Gas Giant
A: 6-1 1433600 km YS00000-0
A: 6-2 1702400 km YS00000-0
A: 6-3 1971200 km YS00000-0
A: 6-4 4838400 km Y6A4000-0
A: 6-5 5913600 km YS00000-0
A: 6-6 5913600 km YS00000-0
A: 6-7 12812800 km YS00000-0
A: 7 1.1524 AU Y9D9000-0
A: 8 1.5153 AU Y000000-0
A: 9 2.0008 AU --- Large Gas Giant
A: 9-1 211200 km 0R000000-0
A: 9-2 1536000 km YS00000-0
A: 9-3 1536000 km YS00000-0
A: 9-4 2389333 km Y100000-0
A: 9-5 2816000 km Y100000-0
A: 9-6 3242667 km YS00000-0
A: 9-7 3669333 km HS00000-0
A: 9-8 9770667 km HS00000-0
A: 9-9 20992000 km YS00000-0
A: 10 2.4155 AU --- Medium Gas Giant
A: 10-1 232320 km 0R000000-0
A: 10-2 1344640 km HS00000-0
A: 10-3 2407680 km YS00000-0
A: 10-4 2762027 km Y501000-0
A: 10-5 3116373 km Y100000-0
A: 10-6 10344107 km YS00000-0
A: 11 3.2752 AU Y000000-0

Mainworld Data[edit]

Meridian is the first planet around the star with an orbital period of 98 days. The world is tidally locked to its star.

Mainworld Size (S)[edit]

This world is a Meso World between 7,200km and 8,800km in diameter. The world has a standard gravity between 0.4G and 0.57G. The horizon will appear about 4km away.

Mainworld Atmosphere (A)[edit]

This world has a pressure of 0.43 to 0.70 atmospheres. The Thin Atmosphere does not require survival gear although it may be hard on sophonts not accustomed to it.

Mainworld Hydrosphere (H)[edit]

This world has no free-standing water or ice on the surface. Wilderness refueling isn't possible on this world. Water for the inhabitants needs to be imported and extensively recycled. These worlds are classified Desert World or a Hell World depending on their atmosphere.

Mainworld Geography & Topography[edit]

No information yet available.

Mainworld Map[edit]

No information yet available.

Native Lifeforms[edit]

Meridian does not have native life.

History & Background (Dossier)[edit]

No information yet available.

World Starport (Sp)[edit]

This world has a Class E Starport, a frontier quality installation with few expected amenities. There is unrefined fuel for starships and a limited variety of ship provisions. There is no shipyard of any kind, but there may be parts and technical support for doing minor services and repair. Ports of this classification generally consist of a downport.

World Population (P)[edit]

This world has a population of 100,000,000 sophonts (hundreds of millions).

World Government[edit]

This world is governed by a Civil Service Bureaucracy. The leadership of the government is another form (democracy, dictatorship, oligarchy), but the bureaucracy leadership influences policy. The government leadership may select the bureaucracy leadership, but not its membership. Usually the governmental leadership is divided, or incapable of setting policy and the bureaucracy provides a stabilizing influence. The bureaucracy may be the full government bureaucracy or a section with limited jurisdiction but considerable influence like the military.

World Law Level (L)[edit]

This world has a moderate law level with laws covering many areas of government and interaction. These laws are simple enough that most people can act as their own advocate, though for serious issues a professional is recommended. Law enforcement officials will be present, but not in great numbers. All firearms, and anything more destructive, are typically regulated or prohibited.

World Technology Level (TL)[edit]

This world possesses a Technology Level of TL–5.

Category Subcategory Level
Common High 5
Low 5
Comfort Energy 5
Computers/Robotics 6
Communications 6
Medical 6
Environment 5
Transportation Land 6
Sea 3
Air 5
Space 5
Military Personal 6
Heavy 6
Novelty B

World Military[edit]

No information yet available.

World Economy[edit]

No information yet available.

World Demographics[edit]

No information yet available.

World Culture[edit]

No information yet available.

Historical Data[edit]

No information yet available.

World Timeline[edit]

No information yet available.

References & Contributors / Sources[edit]

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This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Mongoose Publishing or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.