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| Imperial
| Imperial
| [[Scout Base]]
| [[Scout Base]]
| Exploration & Surveying
| The [[Imperial Interstellar Scout Service]] ([[IISS]]) is a major service within the [[Third Imperium]], equal in stature to the [[Imperial Army]] and the [[Imperial Navy]], although assigned a variety of unique, primarily non-military missions.  Many of those missions involve exploratory survey missions.
* Intelligence & Paramilitary Reserve
| The [[Imperial Interstellar Scout Service]] ([[IISS]]) is a major service within the [[Third Imperium]], equal in bureaucratic stature to the [[Imperial Army]] and the [[Imperial Navy]], although assigned a variety of unique, primarily non-military missions.  Many of those missions involve exploratory survey missions.
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| [[Explorer Service]]
| [[Explorer Service]]
| Non-Imperial
| Non-Imperial
| [[Explorer Base]]
| [[Explorer Base]]
| Exploration & Surveying
| An [[Explorer Service]] is a non-Imperial service focused on exploration, which is functionally equivalent to the [Imperial Interstellar Scout Service]].
| An [[Explorer Service]] is a non-Imperial service focused on exploration, which is functionally equivalent to the [Imperial Interstellar Scout Service]].

Revision as of 15:40, 11 February 2017

Travelling in Charted Space: In a sector-spanning civilization with little standardization and decentralized governance, travelling the stars can be a risky proposition. The individual government of any world may greatly differ in culture and technology from its neighbor. Not every world that should rate an amber zone or red zone warning gets one in time. Even the quickest of messages take a week of travel. Yet, some individuals possess a wanderlust and sense of adventure that compels them to seek the stars. They have the Traveller Gene.

Please see the following AAB articles for more information:

Description (Specifications)

There are many ways to travel the stars of Charted Space.


A Starpass is a widely accepted prepaid travel voucher ensured by a large financial interest, usually a world government or large interstellar polity. The Starpass investors group keeps the starship crews paid and are sought after by captains for their reliability of income. An individual with a Starpass is a sought after commodity. Travel costs are ensured and reliable. The tickets get paid.


Jumpliners are the most common ways of travelling the stars. They are large passenger starships optimized to carry many passengers at low prices. There are many types of jumpliners each specialized for a specific market or circumstance.

Private Merchants & Tramp Liners

Smaller worlds with less developed economies may not regularly receive significant interstellar traffic. In such cases, passengers may charter passage with individual captains offering berth on postal union or small trading runs. A tramp liner is a starship travelling unchartered runs, seeking fame and fortune.

Interstellar Yachts

The very wealthy individually maintain personal starships and crew retainers. They travel where and when they want. They are still subject to world or system law and may seek Imperial or other supra-polity sanction before entering certain areas.

Starship Crew

The market can never meet demand for skilled starship crew. A talented Traveller can nearly always find a crew slot to fill.

Lab Ships & Science Expeditions

Lab ships roam the stars investigating newly discovered, worlds, studying intriguing cosmological phenomena, and exploring the galaxy's mysterious anomalies. Travellers with specific skill sets are always in high demand. Skilled Travellers rarely have any difficulty finding a skilled crewman-specialist berth.

Colony Ships & Colonial Expeditions

As the Imperial Fringe and other frontiers are developed , colony ships and colonial expeditions frequently send message ahead of their route looking for bodies to fill their berths if not at capacity. Due to low berth losses and the unreliability of passengers, many such starships find themselves with unexpected empty slots. Beggars can't be choosers and sometimes signing onto a colony ship is the most expedient way offworld.

Aslan Ihatei

Aslan Clans and cooperatives regularly launch ihatei expeditions looking for fresh land. It is not unknown for Aslan to allow paying passengers to accompany them.

Vargr Wanderlust

In the Vargr Extents, it is almost a rite of passage to join a corsair crew and satisfy one's canidoid travelling curiosity. Outside of the Extents, Vargr often channel this energy into joining starship crews or signing onto colonial expeditions.

History & Background (Dossier)

The first Travellers existed long before spaceflight. They were adventurous souls with a curiosity that wouldn't quit. They wouldn't abide the status quo and pushed for more. Such individuals dare to go where others won't. They push out every boundary that they find: first to flight, circumnavigators of globes, interstellar explorers... They have the Traveller Gene.

Travel Passage

Traveller Gene

Most people (indeed, whole species) never leave their homeworld: they never venture out of their gravity well, content to work, play, and even thrive on their home planet. Some postulate that there is a genetic basis for the drive of some (and the lack of drive in others) to reach beyond the bounds of a single world into the greater universe: a Traveller Gene.

Travelling Societies

Travelling Societies are organizations, usually business entities, providing services to Travellers. These services are intended to make potentially dangerous interstellar travel much more hospitable.

Octagon Society

Established in 342, the Octagon Society was the first major distressed spacefarer assistance operation to appear in the Spinward Marches. The group thrived on public contributions and on some tax revenues for 150 years; then it collapsed in the late 400s when scandals emerged over the quality of shelter construction and the disposition of certain funds.

Travellers' Aid Society

The Travellers' Aid Society (TAS) is a private organization which maintains hostels and facilities at nearly all class A and B starports in Charted Space.

Interstellar Explorers

Charted Space is but a drop of stars in the vast reaches of Galaxias. There is much to explore, but very few scouts. Non-Imperials performing missions similar to the Scouts are called Explorer Services by the IISS.

Interstellar Exploration Services
Name Allegiance Base Purpose Remarks
Imperial Interstellar Scout Service (IISS) Imperial Scout Base Exploration & Surveying
  • Intelligence & Paramilitary Reserve
The Imperial Interstellar Scout Service (IISS) is a major service within the Third Imperium, equal in bureaucratic stature to the Imperial Army and the Imperial Navy, although assigned a variety of unique, primarily non-military missions. Many of those missions involve exploratory survey missions.
Explorer Service Non-Imperial Explorer Base Exploration & Surveying An Explorer Service is a non-Imperial service focused on exploration, which is functionally equivalent to the [Imperial Interstellar Scout Service]].

References & Contributors (Sources)

Maintenance This article is missing source reference/s. At least one reference, citation, or author if non-canon should be listed for most articles.
This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Far Future Enterprises or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.