Zhodatl class System Defense Boat

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Zhodatl class System Defense Boat
Type: HSVL System Defense Boat
Category ACS
Size 1,000 Tons
Hull Configuration [[{{{hull}}}]]
Tech Level TL–12
Computer TBD
Jump J-0
Maneuver 6 G
Hardpoints 10
Staterooms 0
Crew 28 with 12 Marines
High/Mid Passengers 0
Cargo 94 Tons
Fuel tank 0 Tons
Origin Zhodani Consulate
Cost MCr1,355.452 br />Qty: MCr 1,073.626
Illustration No
Canon Published, fan design
Zhodatl class System Defense Boat

The Zhodatl class System Defense Boat is a ship serving with the Zhodani Navy.

Description (Specifications)[edit]

Ship: Zhodatl
Class: Zhodatl
Type: Missile Boat
Architect: Tobias
Tech Level: 12
1,000 tons standard, 14,000 cubic meters, Needle/Wedge Configuration
Pilot, Navigator, 11 Engineers, Medic, 2 Gunners, 12 Marines
Jump-0, 6G Maneuver, Power plant-7, 70.000 EP, Agility 6
Bridge, Model/6fib Computer
1 100-ton bay
1 100-ton Missile Bay (Factor-9)
Armoured Hull (Factor-12)
70 Tons Fuel (0 parsecs jump and 28 days endurance)
On Board Fuel Scoops, On Board Fuel Purification Plant
14 Staterooms, 94 Tons Cargo
MCr 1,355.452 Singly (incl. Architects fees of MCr 13.42), MCr 1,073.626 in Quantity
120 Weeks Singly, 96 Weeks in Quantity

History & Background (Dossier)[edit]

COMMENTS: Serving with the Zhodani Navy and designed to provide security for system based resources, these missile boats defend many systems within the borders of the consulate.

Selected Variant Types & Classes[edit]

Paramilitary Vessel - Defensive Vessel - System Defense Boat:
Type HSB class System Defense Boat AKA Type SB class System Defense Boat

  1. Type HSVL class Very Light System Defense Boat
    1. Avoram class System Defense Boat
    2. Caryatid class System Defense Boat
    3. Condor class System Defense Boat
    4. Dragon class System Defense Boat
    5. Drakkon class System Defense Boat
    6. Dzegkno class System Defense Boat
    7. Eclipse Serpens class Light System Defense Boat
    8. Exarch class System Defense Boat
    9. Farnex class System Missile Defense Boat
    10. Fazachu class System Defense Boat
    11. Flash class System Defense Boat
    12. Frundsberg class System Defense Boat
    13. Grunt class System Defense Boat
    14. Gundong class System Defense Boat
    15. Harrier class System Defense Boat
    16. Holdfast class Heavy System Defense Boat
    17. Jugendworld class System Defense Boat
    18. K1074 class Heavy System Defense Boat
    19. K282 class Heavy System Defense Boat
    20. K56 class System Defense Boat
    21. Khanate class System Defense Boat
    22. Kuomsi class System Defense Boat
    23. Nassin class System Defense Boat
    24. Penner class System Defense Boat
    25. Pounce class System Defense Boat
    26. Ramrod class Missile Boat
    27. Reginald class System Defense Boat
    28. Ronix class Asteroid Patrol Boat
    29. Roye class System Defense Boat
    30. Scorpion class System Defense Boat
    31. Sentry class System Defense Boat
    32. Shukugan class System Defense Boat
    33. Stedlas class System Defense Boat
    34. Thele class System Defense Boat
    35. Torch class System Defense Boat
    36. Wasp class System Defense Boat
    37. Wolvesbane class System Defense Boat
    38. Wyvern class System Defense Boat
    39. Wyrm class System Defense Boat
    40. Zhodatl class System Defense Boat
    41. Zhodq class System Defense Boat
    42. Zydpedallion class System Defense Boat
    43. Zydpharn class System Defense Boat

References & Contributors (Sources)[edit]

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