The Webrunners are a group of free- and far-traders, acting in concert, providing shipping and communications within the I'Sred*Ni Heptad and among its colonies. * IDES have been investigating several well-founded charges that the Webrunners are in reality a highly organized coalition of freebooters and pirates operating under Letters of Marque granted by the Zydarian Codominium. [1]
Description (Specifications)[edit]
Organization: Webrunners' is very much like a normal trading company. Its organization is a syndicate made of stockholding captains, officials, crew & non-Webrunner stockholders. The syndicate is run by a board of 24 directors elected during the annual stockholder meeting on Araniopa. These directors in turn elect the Chairman, the Comptroller, and the Chief Director of Operations.
Other than Voringest on Araniopa, Webrunners do not run or own any starports. They prefer to place as many Operations Centers as possible throughout the Beyond's subsectors. What bases they do have are leased from planetary or national governments.
Unlike Dark Goddesses, Webrunners make it a policy to invest in stock in various shipyards throughout the Beyond. They do share the benefits accrued through these investments with Dark Goddesses.
Webrunner personnel, when not disguising themselves, effect a chocolate brown vest & beret, both adorned with the Webrunner logo. Officers' vest will be trimmed in cobalt blue, while DO's will have a maroon trim their vest. Other than that, Webrunner personnel pretty wear what they want. Non-humanoid personnel usually wear the company badge.
History & Background (Dossier)[edit]
Non-canon: A group of far traders from Jinx/Five Sisters (Spinward Marches ) established a concern called Traders Beyond on Nangat Parban/Mal'Gnar Radiant (The Beyond ) to exploit the trading opportunities in the Beyond. In 40 years they established routes though the Mal'Gnar Radiant, Die Weltbund, and NE Middle Beyond subsectors. Running afoul of the Alekhine Syndicate (Alekhine, Shequonor, Hel, Macchu Picchu in Die Weltbund subsector, plus El Uqsor in the Mal'Gnar Radiant), the traders found themselves shifting to smuggling and out right piracy to survive.
- Webrunners includes members of all races except the Sred*Ni. A high percentage of crews, however come from Die Weltbund(15%), either as refugees, outlaws, or political offenders.
- There is mutual hostility between Webrunners and Beaufort Lines over Beaufort vessels lost in the Zydar subsector.
- In 844 Nangt Parban's starport of Naz Reiol was destroyed by Alekhine naval forces, forcing a relocation to Phyllis' Surrender/Northeast Middle Beyond (The Beyond ).
- In 863, however an enterprising captain named Tres Iolilk discovered and established relations with the non-human Sred*Ni. Iolilk was able to make Traders Beyond the sole shipping contractor with the I'Sred*Ni Heptad and their colonies. With this new alliance Traders Beyond changed its named to Webrunners, with a corporate logo of a silver starship on a golden web on a dark blue circle. Enriched, Webrunners moved their headquarters to Serenity on Araniopa/Araniopa (The Beyond ).
- In 903-907, Webrunners gained revenge on the Alekhine Syndicate by a massive smash and grab campaign against Alekhine shipping. Also rebellions were financed and support with arms, resulting in the successful revolt of El Uqsor. In 908, Webrunner dilpomacy brought the Mal'Gnar into open war with the Alekhine Syndicate. The Mal'Gnar decimated the Alekhine fleet at Hel in 909. With the conquest by the Mal'Gnar of Hel(909) and Shequonor(910), the Alekhine Syndicate faded away.
- Die Weltbund Navy has standing orders to fire upon Webrunners vessels when indentified since 923.
- In 934, Webrunners received letters of marque from the Zydarian Codominium, an arrangement profitable to both parties..
- In 927, after an undeclared war of three decades, Webrunners signed a treay of alliance with the other great league of corsairs, Dark Goddesses. This alliances includes mutual defense, use of bases, and exchange of data.
Military & Intelligence (Force Projection)[edit]
No information yet available.
Ground Forces[edit]
No information yet available.
No information yet available.
Intelligence Forces[edit]
No information yet available.
No information yet available.
Worlds & Sectors (Astrography)[edit]
This organization is known to operate out of the following areas:
The Beyond[edit]
Webrunners bases are purely piractical in nature. Their main defense, deception, usually with each base pretending to be a naval base of the host government. Webrunner personnel (shipboard & ground) will dress as units of the local navy and will be versed in the local dialect or language. In the I'Sred'Ni Heptad Webrunners personnel pose as foreign mercs or military advisors.
- Mirmon Luagor/I'Sred*Ni Heptad (The Beyond 0104) Sred*Ni base.
- Mystere/Middle Beyond (The Beyond 0807) Sred*Ni base.
- Dizurgo/Zydar (The Beyond 0208) Dizurgo Self-Defense Force base. Webrunners are also the sole shippers of Dizurgo's rish gems and minerals.
- Zydanar/Zydar (The Beyond 0609) Zydar Star Navy Research Center. Much of Webrunners' technical loot makes its way to this base.
- Clanheim/I-Glathriel (The Beyond 0609) Clanheim System Defense Force base located on Clanheim's second, smaller moon.
Operations Centers[edit]
Trojan Reaches[edit]
- Insee/Yggdrasil (Trojan Reaches 0116) Das Tharon, DO.
- Kabal/Yggdrasil (Trojan Reaches 0319) Desmona Flynn, DO
The Beyond[edit]
- Araniopa (Araniopa 405) Webrunners home port and headquarters. Drin Kobash, DO.
- Sentalmonte (Araniopa 803) Sept Corlois, DO. Webrunners' facility is a station in orbit around system's gas giant.
- Xotl (Araniopa 103) Caz Roos, DO
- Moe Junkin (Araniopa 109)
- Wyrm (Araniopa 201) Gandar Frazer, DO
- Firemoor (Araniopa 202) Franz Weichs, DO
- Miramon Luagor (I'Sred*Ni Heptad 104) Yoshi Grace, DO
- Fuergis (I'Sred*Ni Heptad 105) Petra Mann, DO
- Signature (I'Sred*Ni Heptad 205) Dominic hault Regg, DO
- Akarana-Zaman (I'Sred*Ni Heptad 207) Zeff Marlborn, DO
- I'Sred*Nispr (I'Sred*Ni Heptad 406) Shurussh Thurn (Toishani), DO
- Jiird (I'Sred*Ni Heptad 503) Montar Hun (Murian), DO
- Rolk (I'Sred*Ni Heptad 601) Ragnar Santiago, DO
- Cibola (I'Sred*Ni Heptad 607) Glenn Cord, DO
- I'Sred*Nillol ( I'Sred*Ni Heptad 808) Hrau Grauffish (Vargr), DO
- Zydanayl (Middle Beyond 109) Karl Schroder, DO
- Zydterranal (Middle Beyond 209) Massa Nurin, DO
- Wahl's Academy (Middle Beyond 605) Jurisyf Schaenk (Toishani), DO
- I'Sred*Nihil (Middle Beyond 804) Justin Priz, DO
- Six Mile Run (Zydar 309) Kev Fruen, DO
- Farhaven (Zydar 401) Hana Lopek, DO. Webrunners R&R planet.
- Battalle (Zydar 410) Ismail Mazdak, DO
- Zydhanali (Zydar 510) Marguerit Sanchez Tolka, DO
- Zydtompir (Zydar 610) Muski Naj (Toishani), DO
- Xeres (Zydar 701) Ben Marhu, DO
- Disengage (Zydar 804)
- Zydar (Zydar 810) Hans Tobler, DO. Shipyard.
- Zydpellion (I-Glathriel 102) Hawk Naru (Darrian), DO
- Hichmakani (I-Glathriel 505) Sondra Tlalloc, DO. R&R Planet.
- Big Harpe (I-Glathriel 607) Lurz Xech (Toishani), DO
- Shaft (I-Glathriel 709) Liz Montoni, DO
- Thule (I-Glathriel 805) Vanya Krihnaya, DO
- Corrigan's Revenge (Delta 508) Fadv Ze (Esylat), DO
- Xanadu (Delta 509) Mantok Willis, DO. Major IDES Presence is currently threatening this center.
- Tindalos (Delta 605)
- Pleiades II (Delta 808) Dante N'Thaka, DO
- Trayfowen (Mapepire 302) Treys Long, DO
- Vlad (Mapepire 403). Mros Thiun (Esylat), DO. R&R planet.
- Niquithah (Mapepire 410) Tanis Rulkh, DO
- St. Foy/Liberty Hall (The Beyond 0902) (aka Thieves World) Constans Vasylli, DO
World Listing: 1105[edit]
References & Contributors (Sources)[edit]
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- Classic Traveller Paranoia Press, Beyond
- Classic Traveller Paranoia Press, Beyond, 1991 online updates by Chuck Kallenbach
- Author & Contributor: Darkhstarr
- ↑ Donald P. Rapp. Beyond (Paranoia Press, 1981), 26.