Vard (world)

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Vard/Srys (Old Expanses 0714)
Solomani Rim War
StarportX No Starport
Size9 Large (14,400 km, 1.03g - 1.33g)
AtmosphereB Exotic (corrosive)
HydrographicsA Water World 100%
Population9 High ( billion)
Government9 Impersonal Bureaucracy
Law7 Moderate Law (no firearms)
Tech Level7 Pre-Stellar (electronics)
Classic Era (1116)
StarportE Frontier - no facilities
Size9 Large (14,400 km, 1.03g - 1.33g)
AtmosphereB Exotic (corrosive)
HydrographicsA Water World 100%
Population9 High (2 billion)
Government9 Impersonal Bureaucracy
Law7 Moderate Law (no firearms)
Tech Level8 Pre-Stellar (superconductors)
See also UWP
System Details
Primary G4 V M7 V
Planetoid Belts 0
Gas Giants 4

Vard is an industrial, high-population fluidic world with a billion or more sophonts.

  • A fluid world has an oceanic geography consisting of heavily contaminated water or a substance such as ammonia, methane, hydrocarbons, or other exotic liquid.
  • As an industrial world, this planet has well-developed manufacturing and processing industries. Manufactured goods are a major export item.
  • This is a "Puzzle" world designated as an Amber Zone. Caution is advised since the world has an environment, laws, customs, life forms, or other conditions that are not well understood and might be a danger to a visitor.
  • It is a member of the Third Imperium in the Srys Subsector of Old Expanses Sector in the Domain of Sol.

Description (Astrography & Planetology)[edit]

No information yet available.

Binary Solar System

Vard Binary Star System
Solitary G Type.jpg Type Category Mass (Sol) Temperature (K) Luminosity
G4 V Main Sequence 0.985 5660 - 5680 0.94848
Unit Diameter Safe Distance Habitable Zone Jump Shadow M-Drive Limit
AU 0.0092 0.0808 0.93 - 1.65 0.92 9.2
Orbit #  *  * 3 3 7
Solitary M Type.jpg Type Category Mass (Sol) Temperature (K) Luminosity
M7 V Main Sequence 0.09 2630 - 2680 0.00022
Unit Diameter Safe Distance Habitable Zone Jump Shadow M-Drive Limit
AU 0.0011 0.0012 0.02 - 0.03 0.11 1.1
Orbit #  *  *  * 0 3

History & Background (Dossier)[edit]

Vard's people are packed into shallow-water arcologies. Their government is a veritable maze of agencies in charge of this and that, often overlapping, never simple to cope with. Because of their sympathies and active cooperation with the Solomani rebels since the last war, Vard has been interdicted by the Imperial Navy.

  • The planetary tech level has been falling steadily since contact was cut off, and the Scout Service predicts that soon the populace will not be able to repair or maintain the arcologies. The IISS has thus petitioned the Emperor for a lifting of the restrictions, lest they lead to genocide. The Navy takes a dim view of this idea. If anything, the interdiction has made the anti-Imperial attitudes worse over the years, but Vard would be hard put to menace the Imperium in its present condition.

Imperial High (Landed) Nobility[edit]

Vard, as a member world of the Third Imperium, holds the estates of two members of the Imperial Nobility, who are charged with overseeing the world.

References & Contributors / Sources[edit]

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