Lilop VI (world)

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Lilop VI/Erest (Spica 2925)
Classic Era (1116)
StarportB Good: Spacecraft Construction, Overhaul, Refined fuel
Size9 Large (14,400 km, 1.03g - 1.33g)
Atmosphere5 Thin
Hydrographics4 Wet World 40%
Population5 Moderate (600 thousand)
Government4 Representative Democracy
Law5 Moderate Law (no concealable weapons)
Tech LevelB Average Stellar (large starships)
See also UWP
System Details
Primary M9 III D
Planetoid Belts 2
Gas Giants 2

Lilop VI is an agricultural, nonindustrial world still lacking adequate means to expand its economy.

  • As an agricultural world, this world is a near-ideal environment for producing quality foodstuffs of plant, animal, and other forms. Quality foodstuffs are a major export commodity for this world.
  • It requires extensive imports of outside technology to maintain a modern, star-faring society. Having to import most manufactured and high tech goods drives the price up for these items at this world.
  • It is a member of the Hive Federation in the Erest Subsector of Spica Sector.

Description / Astrography & Planetology[edit]

No information yet available.

Binary Solar System

Lilop VI Binary Star System
Lilop VI
Solitary Giant M Type.jpg Type Category Mass (Sol) Temperature (K) Luminosity
M9 III Giant 9.2 1900 - 2400 2690
Unit Diameter Safe Distance Habitable Zone Jump Shadow M-Drive Limit
AU 3.34978 4.30191 41.23 - 67.21 334.978 3349.78
Orbit # 5 6 9 12 15
Lilop VI
Solitary D Type.jpg Type Category Mass (Sol) Temperature (K) Luminosity
DA White Dwarf 0.36 14000 - 14000 0.005
Unit Diameter Safe Distance Habitable Zone Jump Shadow M-Drive Limit
AU 0.00016 0.00587 0.06 - 0.09 0.016 0.16
Orbit #  *  *  *  * 0

System Data[edit]

No information yet available.

Mainworld Data[edit]

No information yet available.

Mainworld Geography & Topography[edit]

No information yet available.

Native Lifeforms[edit]

No information yet available.

History & Background / Dossier[edit]

No information yet available.

World Starport[edit]

Lilop Vi has a Class B Starport, a good quality installation which includes all the expected amenities including refined fuel for starships, brokerage services for passengers and cargo, and a variety of ship provisions. There is a shipyard capable of doing annual maintenance, overhauls and most kinds of repair, and construction of non-starships. Most ports of this classification have both a Highport and a Downport.

  • A small, unobtrusive security force is drawn from the most suitable members of the local militia and stiffened with navy regulars.
  • The density of ancillary buildings around the downport means that it is not a good place to build Hiver nests; settlement near a Hive Federation port favours a world's non-Hivers. These communities are difficult to build into predictable social models.
  • Ships are subject to mandatory anti-larval fumigation before leaving, to kill any infant Hivers that might have gotten aboard. Hivers are distressed by the notion that a larva might find itself achieving sapience in an environment absent adult Hivers and suitable nests.

World Technology Level[edit]

Lilop Vi possesses a Technology Level of TL–11 or TL-B in Hexadecimal Notation.

World Government[edit]

Lilop Vi is governed by a Representative Democracy where government leadership is representatives elected by eligible voters. What determines an eligible voter varies. The representatives determine policy, including selecting members of the bureaucracy. There can be referendum, votes by eligible voters on specific subjects.

World Military[edit]

No information yet available.

World Economy[edit]

The Hive Federation currency (or closest equivalent) is the Biyzihn.

Trade Data[edit]

No information yet available.

World Demographics[edit]

No information yet available.

World Culture[edit]

No information yet available.

Historical Data[edit]

No information yet available.

World Timeline[edit]

No information yet available.

UWP Listing[edit]

No information yet available.

References & Contributors / Sources[edit]

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