Ishdaga (world)

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Ishdaga/Kerr (Massilia 0402)
Classic Era (1116)
StarportG Poor quality spaceport with unrefined fuel; no repair facilities, no starport
Size6 Medium (9,600 km, 0.60g - 0.81g)
AtmosphereA Exotic
Hydrographics5 Wet World 50%
Population1 Low (0)
Government1 Company/Corporation
LawA Extreme Law (no weapons)
Tech LevelC Average Stellar (robots)
See also UWP
Jump map from [1]

The moon of Ishdaga is the fourth moon of the small gas giant Sigdashku in the Kaggushus System. It is controlled by the Kaggushus Intermural Finance Foundation (KIFF) which operates a number of industrial facilities. Public tours and visits are welcomed and even encouraged by KIFF. A number of antebellum TL–16 facilities remain in near pristine condition, and KIFF is using the proceeds from paid tours and public donations to fund future salvage operations.

System Data[edit]

Kaggushus System
Kerr/Massilia 0402
Position Distance Name UWP
Primary 'Uumgadi' 'F1 V'
1 AU - (Empty Orbit)
2 0.4 AU Liilirsi GS0051B-C
3 0.7 AU Dirmida Y200000-0
4 1.0 AU Gankhaka H52030B-B
5 AU - (Empty Orbit)
6 2.8 AU Kaggushus A442AAB-C
1 3   * Shuushan' GS00219-B
7 5.2 AU Apdiga YS00000-0
1 45   * Igesh' FS00328-B
8 10 AU Ashmu SGG (Size 90)
1 5   * Alpha' H300000-0
2 50   * Beta' YS00000-0
9 20 AU Lankadir LGG (Size 160)
1 2   * Ring' YR00000-0
2 3   * Ring' YR00000-0
3 6   * Alpha' YS00000-0
4 8   * Beta' Y200000-0
5 15   * Gamma' H10016A-C Re
6 45   * Delta' Y400000-0
10 40 AU Sigdashku SGG (Size 70)
1 2   * Ring' YR00000-0
2 7   * Alpha' Y300000-0
3 45   * Ishdaga' G6A511A-C Re
11 154 AU Larkun SGG (Size 70)
1 5   * Alpha' Y400000-0
2 9   * Beta' YS00000-0

Description / Astrography & Planetology[edit]

The moon of Ishdaga is the fourth moon of the small gas giant Sigdashku in the Kaggushus System. It has an exotic atmosphere composed of an unusual gas mix which requires the use of oxygen tanks, but protective suits are not needed.

History & Background / Dossier[edit]

Ishdaga is controlled by the Kaggushus Intermural Finance Foundation (KIFF) which operates a number of industrial facilities. Public tours and visits are welcomed and even encouraged by KIFF. A number of antebellum TL–16 facilities remain in near pristine condition, and KIFF is using the proceeds from paid tours and public donations to fund future salvage operations.

Ishdaga is also home to the Uumgadi Co-Prosperity Development Trust, in which the Kaggushus Intermural Finance Foundation plays a significant role. This Zirunkariish subsidiary that is committed to economic development of the Kaggushus System through direct investment and other projects anywhere within the Kaggushus system, except on the mainworld of Kaggushus and the worlds of Gankhaka and Liilirsi. It is headquartered on Ishdaga. Ownership: Zirunkariish--50%, Shiishuginsa family--15%, Hortalez et Cie--10%, and Kaggushus Intermural Finance Foundation--25%.

Ishdaga has Zirunkariish offices that include a major trading clearinghouse, and both the Massilia Sector and Kerr Subsector headquarters offices.

Trans Galactic Starlines, in partnership with Vilani megacorporation Zirunkariish have set-up alternate starports for ease of access and use with connecting in-system service provided to passengers. In the Kaggushus system, Ishdaga is used. This alternate starport has a Brubek's gastropub and a Medel's Mega Mart.

Image Repository[edit]

TravellerMap (T5SS):

References & Contributors / Sources[edit]

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