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A Nebula is an interstellar cloud of dust, hydrogen, helium and other ionized gases.

Description (Specifications)

Interstellar clouds are regions of gas, dust, and plasma that have a higher average density than the general interstellar medium. They are typically composed of about 70% hydrogen, the bulk of the remainder being helium with traces of other elements.

Basic Nebula Types

Interstellar clouds can be classified into 3 general types based on the primary form of hydrogen found within:

  1. Neutral Clouds (H I regions - formed of atomic hydrogen)
  2. Ionized Clouds (H II regions - formed of ionized hydrogen [i.e. "Plasma"])
  3. Molecular Clouds (Molecular Hydrogen - formed of H2)

Hydrostatic Equilibrium

Under normal circumstances interstellar clouds exist in a state of hydrostatic equilibrium, in which the natural self-gravitation that would otherwise cause the cloud to collapse is balanced by the outward pressure within the cloud due to motion of the atoms and molecules that compose it. Star formation is normally caused within molecular clouds by a triggering event which locally disturbs this equilibrium, causing runaway local collapsing regions within the cloud. Such causes can be the collision of one cloud with another, or the shock-wave within the interstellar medium caused by a nearby supernova explosion.

Selected Nebulae

  1. Basilisk Nebula
  2. Block Nebula
  3. Coalsack Nebula
  4. Curtain Nebula
  5. Lesser Curtain Nebula
  6. Dark Cloud
  7. The Dark Nebula
  8. Demon's Eye Nebula
  9. Helix Nebula
  10. Holowon Cloud
  11. Hook Nebula
  12. Horsehead Nebula
  13. Inferno Nebula
  14. North American Nebula
  15. Pelican Nebula
  16. Rim Reach Nebula
  17. Greater Shell Nebula
  18. Lesser Shell Nebula
  19. Separe Cloud
  20. Spark Nebula
  21. Verant's Head Nebula

History & Background (Dossier)

No information yet available.

Nebula Sizes

Nebulae are typically measured in the following units:

Nebula Size & Location
Size Typical Metrics Remarks
Astrographic Hex Parsec or AU Smaller nebulae typically represented on a single astrographic hex.
Subsector Light-year or Deshi Smaller nebulae by astronomic standards, but less than a subsector in size.
Sector Light-year or Deshi Typical nebulae, often several subsectors in size. Some might be proto-galaxies, failed galaxies, or accreted star clusters... possibly the remants of a nova starburst.
Multi-Sector Light-year or Deshi Truly massive nebulae, often several sectors in size.

Nebula Effects on Ships

Nebulae often interfere with sensors, especially commercial ship sensor suites. They can affect other ship equipment as well.

References & Contributors (Sources)

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This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Far Future Enterprises or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.