Harrier class Commerce Raider

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Harrier class Commerce Raider
Type: PR Commerce Raider
Category ACS
Size 200 Tons
Hull Configuration Streamlined
Streamlining Streamlined Hull
Tech Level TL–15
Computer 20
Jump J-2
Maneuver 6 G
Hardpoints 2
Staterooms 0
Crew 8
    Officers X
    Enlisted X
    Marines X
High/Mid Passengers 0
Cargo 30 Tons
Fuel tank 42 Tons
Origin Third Imperium
Year Operational Unknown
End of Service Still in active service.
Cost MCr343.5525
Quick Ship Profile PR-BS62
Blueprint No
Illustration No
Also see Corsair Vessel - Raider Vessel
Canon Published, fan design
Era 1105
Reference Pirates of Drinax: Harrier class Commerce Raider TBD.
Designed with the Mongoose Traveller ruleset.

The Harrier class Commerce Raider is a raiding warship.

Description (Specifications)[edit]

No information yet available.

Image Repository[edit]

No information yet available.

General Description & Deck Plans[edit]

The Drinax Harrier-class commerce raider (named V'Hurg) has extremely advanced internal systems (TL15) with an upper and lower deck. It has a 200 ton streamlined, reinforced hull and bonded superdense armor (4). The bridge has holographic controls.

The ship has two hardpoints with a particle barbette (accurate, high yield) and a single turret (missile rack-12 missiles) mounted. Its advanced technology makes it well suited for hostile areas. It has a jump-2 range and a 6G maneuver drive. The hull uses smart materials and synthetic compounds, giving it a greater resilience when compared to similar Imperial hulls. Internally, it is luxurious beyond normal battle ready ship standards. The staterooms have velvet cushions and soft beds, while the bridge consoles are covered in dark oak with brass and crystal controls.

The ship has eight staterooms; four with double beds for officers and for for crew with bunks. There are also eight low berths adjoining the cargo 29.7 ton cargo bay. These can be used for prisoner transport or emergency life support. It has an armory, cargo scoop, fuel scoop, fuel processor (40 tons/day) and holographic hull. Its software suite includes Evade/1, Fire Control/2, Jump Control/2, Library and Maneuver/0. It also has advanced sensors and a military countermeasures suite. To top it off, it offers 8 tons of common area located to the rear of the staterooms.

Basic Ship Characteristics[edit]

Following the Imperial Navy and IISS Universal Ship Profile and data, additional information is presented in the format shown here. The small craft factor indicates the number of squadrons (...of ten subcraft) carried on the ship. Tonnage on the universal ship profile is shown in kilotons (...thousands of tons) where necessary. [1]

Basic Ship Characteristics [2]
No. Category Remarks
1. Tonnage / Hull 200 tons.
2. Crew 8 crew.
3. Performance / Engineering Propulsion:
4. Main Section / Electronics Rating 20 ship computer.
5. Hardpoints 2 hardpoints.
6. Armament / Weaponry The normal weapons fit-out for it is:
7. Defenses Defensive Equipment:
8. Craft / Drones None
9. Fuel Treatment Fueling Equipment:
10. Cost MCrTBD.
11. Construction Time TBD months to build, TBD months in quantity.
12. Remarks Other Equipment:

History & Background (Dossier)[edit]

The Drinax Harrier-class commerce raider originated from the Kingdom of Drinax during the Long Night, between the fall of the Second Imperium and the rise of the Third Imperium. It saw conflict during the Aslan attack that decimated the surface of Drinax, but the drive malfunctioned upon arriving in system. The crew was subjected to a lethal dose of radiation and the ship drifted in space for 200 years before being recovered by the King of Drinax during the early 1100s, prior to the assassination of Emperor Strephon.

Class Naming Practice/s & Peculiarities[edit]

Vessel Peculiarities: No information yet available.

Class Naming Practice/s: No information yet available.

Selected Variant Types & Classes[edit]

Paramilitary Vessel - Corsair Vessel - Raider Vessels:

  1. Type PR class Raider
    1. Chameleon class Commerce Raider
    2. Habari class Raider
    3. Harrier class Commerce Raider
    4. Kaashik class Raider
    5. Kranz class Raider Escort
    6. K'Thunk class Raider Tender
    7. Shark class Raider
    8. Sokhkhun class Raider Q-Carrier
    9. Spul class Raider
    10. Viper class Scout Raider

References & Contributors (Sources)[edit]

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