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Capital Ship Combatants Escort Combatants Military Smallcraft Support Ships
Battleship Cruiser Carrier Destroyer Escort Frigate System Defense Boat Fighter Assault Transport Smallcraft Auxiliaries
Commercial Mercantile Ships Non-Mercantile Commercial Ships Non-Commercial Ships Civilian Smallcraft Highports & Satellites
Merchant Liner Transport Commercial Industrial Commercial Ships General Research Private Auxiliary Orbital

Battleship (Military) Synopsis

Jump-capable starship intended to stand in the line of battle in space combat.

Battleship (Military) Description

Two opposite views in naval architecture have dominated the design of the major battleships of space navies. The battleship concept involves large, well armed and well-armored starships of massive tonnage and capable of meeting almost any adversary. In a battle against a superior force, however, the battleship can flee using its own jump drives. The opposite concept (of the Battle Rider carried into combat by a Battle Tender) does not allow for the possibility of superior force; no matter how good a rider is, if it meets a superior adversary, it is placed in a position of winning or dying. Retreat is nearly impossible without losses.

The power of the Imperial Navy is concentrated in its battleships. The definition of a battleship is a ship which, due to its armament and protection, is capable of standing in the line of battle. When a battleship meets any lesser type of ship, its victory is almost guaranteed. When battleships on two sides meet, victory goes to the better armed, better armored, and better directed ship.

The battleships of the Imperium are designed to overcome any opponent in battle. As technology advances, these designs also advance, both to take advantage of any possible technological benefits, and to experiment with new strategies and construction techniques.

Battleship (Military) Classes

Battle Rider BT/R-14/-15 The battle rider system was developed in an attempt to produce battleship strength vessels in greater numbers. The BT/R-14 system combines non-jump battle riders with a jump capable battle tender. The BT/R-15 system is an evolution of the BT/R-14. Although the battle rider is a non-jump capable vessel, it is otherwise armed and armored like a battleship. With the elimination of the jump drives and the associated controls and power plant support, the internal space can be reallocated to additional armor, weaponry, or agility. On a ship to ship basis, battle riders normally have superior combat capabilities compared to jump-capable battleships of similar tonnage, but they, of course, lack the ability to retreat from a system without their tender. Due to the battle riders need for battle tenders for transportation between star systems, the battle tender tends to be the largest vulnerability of battle rider system. Elimination of the lightly armor tender removes battle riders strategic flexibility, isolating them to their current system.
Battle Rider Hybrid BZ-15: The BZ-I5 takes the battle rider system one step further and places a battle rider on a battleship for combat support deployment. This design is a hybrid of the BT/R-15 system and the BL-15. This change addresses the greatest weakness associated with the battle rider/battle tender system.
Battleship BB-11/-12/-13 The technological basis for Imperial battleships is the BB- 11. From it was developed the BB-12 and then the BB-13.
Light Battleship BL-13/-14/-15 The light battleship line is based on the BB-12, but showed great innovation in producing a smaller tonnage vessel. The BS-15 and BM-15 are also members of this line.
Heavy Battleship BH-14/-15 The heavy battleship line (BH-14 and BH-15) is a hybrid of the lessons learned and techniques developed in both the BI-13 and the BB-13.
Monitor M-14/-15 Large spaceship with armament equivalent to a battleship, used primarily for system defense roles. Generally based on a planetoid hull (and so automatically unstreamlined), these craft depend heavily on pre-positioned caches and fuel shuttles. The large size of these craft make them generally impossible to move inter-system. Like battle riders, they are in a conquer-or-die situation if facing superior forces. Their deterrent value is therefore fragile as well as powerful.
Strike Battleship BS-15 The Strike designation is typically associated with a vessel having a long jump capability. Often the term is an unofficial designation associated with new, faster construction.
Superbattleship BI-13/-14/-15 At TL 13, it was decided to produce a superbattleship, the BI-13, which was later developed into the BI-14. The BI-15 was an independent design. Superbattleships are also known as dreadnoughts. A dreadnought is a superbattleship, designed to be the best possible battleship. The Imperial Navy places the dreadnought designation on its latest, most-effective battleships, redesignating them simply as battleships when their superior abilities are supplanted by newer construction. The concept of dreadnought does not mean that battleships are not built as well. Due to the expense of dreadnoughts, the Imperial Navy also acquires battleships as such.

Battleship (Military) Representative Battleship (BB) Classes

Class Size Jump
15 Oblivion Class Battleship 300,000 tons J-4
15 K'kree Kirunika'rra Class Battleship 250,000 tons J-4
15 Strike Class Battleship 200,000 tons J-6
15 Courageous Class Battleship 200,000 tons J-2
15 Kishkii Class Battleship 200,000 tons J-4
15 Hedron Class Battleship 100,000 tons J-4
14 Solomani Murrain Class Battleship 150,000 tons J-3
13 Voroshilef Class Battleship 200,000 tons J-3
13 Solomani Miotos Class Battleship 50,000 tons J-3
12 Caledonian Prince Stuart IV Class Battleship 320,000 tons J-3
12 Caledonian Prince John III Class Battleship 320,000 tons J-3
12 Darrian Battleship 200,000 tons J-3
12 Caledonian Prince Morris I Class Battleship 240,000 tons J-3
12 Sword Worlds Furious Anger Class Battleship 200,000 tons J-3
12 Terran Indomitable Class Battleship 30,000 tons J-3
12 Caledonian Prince Roger III Class Battleship 240,000 tons J-3
12 Caledonian Prince Ian II Class Battleship 240,000 tons J-3
11 Caledonian Prince Colin III Class Battleship 160,000 tons J-2
10 Marlheim Grzying Class Battleship 15,000 tons J-1

Battleship (Military) Representative Superbattleship (BI) Classes

Class Tonnage Jump
15 Warmoon Class Dreadnaught 1,000,000 J-2
15 Duke of Sanches Class Dreadnought 800,000 J-3
15 Tigress Class Dreadnought 500,000 J-3
15 Khurkish Class Dreadnought 400,000 J-4
15 Plankwell Class Dreadnought 200,000 J-4
14 Titan Class Dreadnoughts 1,000,000
14 Thingen Class Dreadnaught 600,000 J-4
14 Kokirrak Class Dreadnought 200,000 J-4
12 Sword Worlds Grendal Class Dreadnought 300,000 J-3

Battleship (Military) Representative Battle Rider (BR) Classes

Class Tonnage
15 Template:Darrian Battle Rider 20,000 tons
15 Cleon Class Battle Rider 19,000 tons
15 Staban Class Battle Rider 2,000 tons
12 Template:Darrian Nosea Battle Rider 20,000 tons
11 Marlheim "Vdyank" class Battle Riders 70,000 tons
11 Joao Class Battle Rider 20,000 tons

Battleship (Military) Representative Monitor (M) Classes

Class Size
15 Empress Troyhune Class Monitor 50,000 tons
14 Stormrider Class Monitor 8,500 tons
10 S'raak Empire Khaar's Will Class System Monitor 49,000 tons
10 Mapian Class Monitor 200 tons


This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Far Future Enterprises or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.