Echtovr Dazhia class Council Cruiser

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Echtovr Dazhia class Council Cruiser
Type: AY Private Trader
Category ACS
Size 2,000 Tons
Hull Configuration Close Structure Hull
Streamlining Streamlined Hull
Tech Level TL–12
Computer Model/6
Jump J-3
Maneuver 2 G
Hardpoints 1
Staterooms 40
Low Berths 10
Crew 10
High/Mid Passengers 20
Cargo Tons
Fuel tank 1,240 Tons
Carried craft 1 200t Courier, 1 4t G-Carrier, one 40t Pinnace
Construction Time 32 Months
Origin Zhodani Consulate
Cost MCr
Blueprint No
Illustration No
Canon Unpublished, fan design
Design System Book 2
Era 1105
Reference Zhodani 41.

The Echtovr Dazhia class Council Cruiser is an TL–12 Zhodani-designed Council Cruiser.

Description (Specifications)[edit]

The Zhodani Council cruiser is a fast vessel typically placed in the hand of senior supreme council members or agents for use on council business.

Fuel tankage for 1,240 tons support the power plant and a total of six Jump-1. Adjacent to the bridge is a model/6 ship computer. There are 40 staterooms and 10 emergency low berths. The ship has twenty hardpoints and twenty tons of fire control. Installed in the hardpoints are 20 triple turrets, each mounting one beam laser, one missile rack, and one sandcaster. There are three ship's vehicles: One G-Carrier, one 40-ton Pinnace, and one type ZC courier; all three fit into faring on the outer hull. The hull is streamlined.

The Council cruiser requires a crew of 10; Pilot, navigator, seven engineers, and medic. It typically operates with a crew of 30, which adds a Noble commander, and Intendant commander's assistant, three watch officers, a courier crew of five, and a force of ten gunners (who also act as a security force). Members of the security force are capable of operating the pinnace and the GCarrier. This ship can carry passengers in empty staterooms (usually up to ten in the ship and four more in the courier). The ship takes 32 months to build.

History & Background (Dossier)[edit]

No information yet available.

Selected Variant Types & Classes[edit]

6 Representative Trader (AY) Classes[edit]


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