Corella Subsector

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Corella Subsector
Eslyat Mapepire Freya

map from

Sector The Beyond
Capital Corella (world)
No. of Stars 27
Majority Control Corellan League - %
2nd Control Non-Aligned - %

Subsector E of The Beyond Sector.


The Corella Subsector consists of 27 systems and a population of 11.037 billion sophonts, including more than 5 billion Kemlae, the most populous non-Human race within the Corellan League. Every system in the subsector is a member of the Corellan League and the subsector includes more than 86% of the League's population and a similar proportion of its economic output. Several of the subsector's worlds have been settled for more than two and a half millennia, since the fall of the Sindalian Empire.

Subsector Summary: 1116[edit]

World Listing: 1116[edit]

15 Worlds in the Corella Subsector
Aytah  •  Azathoth  •  Corella  •  Dorstyal  •  Garr  •  Gehenna  •  Kemlos  •  Qat's Key  •  Quatenon  •  Sha'anoe  •  Siva (Be 0815)  •  Utopia  •  Valhalla (Be 0618)  •  Xanadu (Be 0519)  •  Z'chmel  •  

Astrographic Features & Trade Routes[edit]

History & Background (Dossier)[edit]

Polity Listing: 1116[edit]

Native Sophonts[edit]

The following species are believed to have originated in this area:


Significant populations of the following sophont races exist within this subsector:

Major Historical Events Timeline: 1116[edit]

These are some of the more important historical events that have affected this subsector:

  • -1597: Corella is settled by refugees from Oberon, and the original Corellan Constitution is signed.
  • -1531: The Kemlae are contacted by Corellan explorers.
  • -1525: Corellan scouts make first contact with the Aniyun.
  • -1380: After having gained a consensus of the majority of Aniyun communities, the Corellan League finally names Quatenon as a member.

References & Contributors (Sources)[edit]

Alternate Versions:

  • Sunbane (Jeff Zeitlin)
  • Paranoia Press (1991)
  • T5 Atlas of the Imperium: Second Survey (FFE)

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This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Mongoose Publishing or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.