Norris Aella Aledon

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of the
Duchy of Regina
Assumed office 
Preceded by Willem
Succeeded by None

Born 1063
Died n/a

Duke of Regina, Count Aledon, Marquis of Regina, Baron of Yori.

Description (Specifications)

Born 1063, second issue of Duke Willem Caranda Aledon and Fiorella Havasu Aella of Efate. The family symbol is the Bridled Steed, common to their coat of arms, penant, and other symbology.

History & Background (Dossier)

Entered Imperial Naval Academy 1081; graduated with honors and commisioned ensign in the Imperial Navy 1084. Attended Imperial Staff College 1085. Promoted sub-lieutenant and posted to Diaspora 1086. Served in terrorist suppression on several worlds in Diaspora and Old Expanses sectors 1087-1088. Attended Staff College 1089. Promoted lieutenant 1090. Served in Diaspora 1090-1092. Promoted lieutenant commander and posted back to the Spinward Marches 1093. Assigned to Tactics College on Macene 1094-1096. Promoted commander 1097. Became heir to the Duchy of Regina upon the death of his elder brother William 1097. Leave of absence 1097-1098. Resigned commission 1098. Inherited Duchy of Regina 1098. Assumed command of Imperial forces in the Spinward Marches by authority of Imperial Warrant #1106/11 132-1109.

  • Norris was enjoying a successful career in the Imperial Navy when the accidental death of his older brother William in 1097, during what would turn out to be their father's last year of life, forced him rapidly into the unaccustomed role as the impending heir. As he was unmarried and had no heir, one precaution that he was convinced to take during this period was the creation of a clone which he insisted be female. This clone is Seldrian Aledon Aledon, still his heir.
  • Norris acceded to the Duchy of Regina in 1098, but it was not until the Fifth Frontier War was won thanks to his predictions and forethought in requisitioning reinforcements before the fact from Emperor Strephon that his reputation as a leader of the first rate was established.
  • As of 1115, Norris is still engaged in repairing the damages wrought by the recent war.

Alternate History

Some alternate information is available about this individual:

Rebellion Era (Click Show to reveal)
of the
Assumed office 
Preceded by ?
Succeeded by n/a

Born 1063

Norris Aella Aledon, Archduke of Deneb. Supported by many nobles in the Moot, Norris is highly respected for his very competent handling of the Fifth Frontier War and for his ability since Strephon's murder to keep intact an important border region of the Imperium. Because it would have been easy for Norris to declare independence for his territories, particularly since the so-called Restored Vilani Empire region now falls between the Domain of Deneb and the Imperial Core, Norris's loyalty and fidelity to the Imperium have attracted support for him from nobles.

Norris acceded to the Dukedom of Regina in 1098, but it was not until the Fifth Frontier War was won thanks to his predictions and forethought in requisitioning reinforcements before the fact from Emperor Strephon that his reputation as a leader of the first rate was established. His leadership was again demonstrated by his response to news of Strephon's assassination. While it was assumed that Strephon was planning to elevate Norris to the new position of Archduke of the Domain of Deneb, Norris used his supply of Imperial Stationery to appoint himself to the post in Strephon's name, predating the appointment back to 1114. Although this was strictly speaking deceitful, it was the sort of decision that great leaders are sometimes required to make. We have seen that Strephon himself has approved of Norris' initiative, and history has judged that the decision was a good one. By creating one clear line of authority in the Domain of Deneb, Norris ensured the ability to effectively organize and coordinate its defense once it was cut off, surely saving millions of lives.
Alternate non-Rebellion Timeline (Click Show to reveal)
of the
Assumed office 
Preceded by Willem
Succeeded by Seldrian

Born 1063

Norris Aella Aledon, Archduke of Deneb. Supported by many nobles in the Moot, Norris is highly respected for his very competent handling of the Fifth Frontier War, and his loyalty and fidelity to the Imperium have attracted support for him from many nobles.

Norris acceded to the Dukedom of Regina in 1098, but it was not until the Fifth Frontier War was won thanks to his predictions and forethought in requisitioning reinforcements before the fact from Emperor Strephon that his reputation as a leader of the first rate was established. As a result, Emperor Strephon elevated Norris to the new position of Archduke of the Domain of Deneb on 140-1116. Formal investiture by the Emperor personally took place with Archduke Norris present at the Imperial palace on Capital on 001-1117, an unusual occurrence in view of the vast distances involved.
The New Era (Click Show to reveal)
of the
Assumed office 
Preceded by Willem
Succeeded by Seldrian

Born 1063

References & Contributors (Sources)

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This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Far Future Enterprises or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.