Bremen class Caravel

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Bremen class Caravel
Type: A Free Trader
Category ACS
Size 600 Tons
Hull Configuration Cone Hull
Streamlining Streamlined Hull
Tech Level TL–10
Computer Model/1
Jump J-1
Maneuver 1 G
Fuel Treatment Scoop/purifier
Hardpoints 6
Offensive 2 3x beam laser, 2 3x missile launcher
Defensive 2 3x Sandcasters
Staterooms 23
Low Berths 10
Crew 10
    Officers 2
    Enlisted 8
High/Mid Passengers 16
Low Passengers 10
Cargo 250 Tons
Fuel tank 126 Tons
Carried craft 1 50 ton launch
Construction Time 96 Months
Origin Plavian League
Cost MCr216.736
Blueprint No
Illustration No
Canon Unpublished, fan design
Designer Ronald B. Kline Jr.
Design System High Guard
Era 1105
Reference Fan: Ronald B. Kline, Jr.

The Bremen class Caravel is a TL–10 civilian mercantile starship.


The Bremen class Caravel originates within the Plavian League. It is a general-purpose design intended to carry both passengers and freight, with roomy holds that are capacious enough to carry both bulk loads and high volume items. The fuel scoops and fuel purification plant allow wilderness refueling, further extending the potential profit margin. These hardworking vessels are a familiar sight working their way along the backwater routes throughout the region. They are popular with their crews.

General Description & Deck Plans

The Bremen class is constructed using a 600 Ton hull built in a generally Conical configuration. The hull is fully streamlined and has airfoil surfaces, giving good atmospheric performance that is further enhanced by its onboard gravitic systems.

There are multiple airlocks located around the vessel. The cargo hold is accessed by large doors and has a loading ramp. The vessel has a sturdy retractable undercarriage, allowing surface landings.

The ship has a Crew of 10 (2 officers, 8 enlisted) 1 Captain/navigator, 1 pilot, 2 engineers, 1 steward, 1 medic, 3 gunners, 1 flight crew.

There are 23 Staterooms. 5 Staterooms are given over to the crew. All crew quarters are double occupancy. Up to 8 High Passage passengers may be carried. The steward sees to their needs. Up to 10 additional Middle Passage passengers may be carried. There are 10 Low Berths. They are tended by the vessel's medic.

On routes that generate more passenger revenue, the crew complement and stateroom usage is often adjusted as follows: Crew of 11 personnel (2 officers, 9 enlisted). 1 Captain/navigator, 1 pilot, 2 engineers, 2 stewards, 1 medic, 3 gunners, 1 flight crew. 6 Staterooms are given over to the crew. The Captain has an individual cabin: all other crew quarters are double occupancy. Up to 16 High Passage passengers may be carried: the stewards see to their needs. One stateroom is given over to use as a well-appointed lounge and dining area. There are 10 Low Berths. They are tended by the vessel's medic.

Accessible areas of the hull are fitted with grav plates and inertial compensators and have full life support and environmental systems. There are internal monitoring and security systems throughout the vessel. Individual sections of the hull can be sealed off. There are multiple emergency lockers.

The vessel mounts a Jump-1 drive, a Maneuver-1 drive, and a Power Plant-1, giving performance of Jump-1 and 1-G acceleration. The ship has an agility rating of 0 and an emergency agility of 1. The internal fuel tankage is sufficient for two consecutive Jump-1s and gives the power plant 4 weeks duration. The engineering section has a main control room. The jump drive utilizes a lanthanum hull grid.

Adjacent to the bridge is a Model/1 computer: no backup computer is installed. There are multiple workstations and control points throughout the vessel. The vessel is fitted with communications equipment, a basic sensor array, and has an avionics suite. It has a transponder unit that can be deactivated on command.

6 hardpoints. The listed battery groupings are standard for the class. Alternative battery groupings may be designated for specific routes. The normal weapons fit-out for a Bremen class is:

The ship carries a 50-Ton Cutter. The Cutter is housed in a dedicated hanger: the hanger can be sealed and has a total volume of 50 Tons.

The vessel has internal fuel tankage of 126 Tons. The hull is fitted with fuel scoops and is equipped with a fuel purification plant that can refine all onboard fuel in a few hours: the plant is operated and maintained by the engineering crew.

The basic cost of the vessel is MCr216.736. Architects Fee: MCr2.167

Construction Time is 96 weeks (22 months) as standard.

Standard cargo capacity amounts to 250 Tons. The cargo hold can be sealed and has independent life support and environmental systems. Sections of the hold may be isolated if desired and can be provided with specialized environmental conditions, typically refrigeration.

History & Background

Although ships of the Bremen class can't compete with more specialized vessels, they are well suited to their intended niche. The streamlined hull allows landings directly at dirtside starports. Their large fuel tankage and onboard fuel purification allows the crews a profitable sideline supplying refined fuel to poorly serviced or backwater facilities.

Class Naming Practice/s & Peculiarities

No information yet available.

See also

17 Representative Free Trader (A) Classes


This article has metadata.
Classic Traveller This ship was originally designed using one of the Classic Traveller ship design rules:
Traveller 5th This ship was originally designed using Traveller 5th edition ship design rules.
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