Dromedary class Tanker/Replenishment Ship

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Dromedary class Tanker/Replenishment Ship
Type: RG Tanker
Category FCS
Size 300,000 Tons
Hull Configuration Flattened Sphere Hull
Streamlining Streamlined Hull
Tech Level TL–15
Computer Model 9/fib
Jump J-4
Maneuver 4 G
Fuel Treatment Scoops, Purifier
Hardpoints 30000
Staterooms 987
Crew 1,974
    Marines 300
High/Mid Passengers 0
Cargo 586 Tons
Fuel tank 222,000 Tons
Carried craft 2 50t shuttles
Origin Third Imperium
Cost MCr141,493.31
Quick Ship Profile QF-0MU44
Universal Ship Profile RG-T6444J4-099909-99007-0
Blueprint No
Illustration No
Canon Unpublished, fan design
Designer Ronald B. Kline Jr.
Design System High Guard
Era 1105
Reference Fan: Ronald B. Kline, Jr.

The Dromedary class Tanker/Replenishment Ship is an TL–15 Tanker and Naval Auxiliary.

Description (Specifications)[edit]

The Dromedary class is a relatively common type of large auxiliary vessel operating within the Domain of Sylea. It carries a pair of 50 Ton Cutters as personnel transports and general utility craft. It is particularly notable for mounting a massive amount of Sandcasters for defense. The ship is designed to be capable of ocean refueling. The internal tanks have a total capacity of 222,000 Tons of fuel: ...the ship is 74% hydrogen tankage, by volume.

Basic Ship Characteristics[edit]

Following the Imperial Navy and IISS Universal Ship Profile and data, additional information is presented in the format shown here. The small craft factor indicates the number of squadrons (...of ten subcraft) carried on the ship. Tonnage on the universal ship profile is shown in kilotons (...thousands of tons) where necessary. [1]

Basic Ship Characteristics [2]
No. Category Remarks
1. Tonnage / Hull The Dromedary class is constructed using a 300,000 Ton hull built in a generally Flattened Sphere configuration, although the shape is more often referred to as a "teardrop". The hull is fully streamlined, giving good atmospheric performance that is further enhanced by its onboard gravitic systems.
  • There are multiple airlocks located around the vessel. The cargo hold is accessed by large doors and has a loading ramp.
  • The vessel has hardened and contoured ventral surfaces, allowing surface landings.
2. Crew x1,974 personnel.
  • x198 Officers.
  • x1,776 Enlisted, including 300 Security.


  • There are 987 Staterooms. All quarters are double occupancy.

Accessible areas of the hull are fitted with grav plates and inertial compensators and have full life support and environmental systems.

  • There are internal monitoring and security systems throughout the vessel. Individual sections of the hull can be sealed off.
  • There are multiple emergency lockers.
3. Performance The vessel mounts a Jump-4 drive, a Maneuver-4 drive, and a Power Plant-4, giving performance of Jump-4 and 4-G acceleration. The ship has an agility rating of 2 and an emergency agility of 4. The internal fuel tankage is sufficient for one Jump-4 and gives the power plant four weeks duration.
4. Electronics Adjacent to the bridge is a Model/9fib computer: no backup computer is installed.
  • There are multiple workstations and control points throughout the vessel.
  • The vessel is fitted with communications equipment, an advanced sensor array, and has an avionics suite.
    • It is fitted with backup commo and sensor systems.
  • It has a transponder unit that can be deactivated on command.
  • It is equipped with a sophisticated ECM package.
5. Hardpoints x3,000 hardpoints.
  • The listed battery groupings are standard configurations for the class. Alternative battery groupings may be designated for specific missions.
6. Armament The normal weapons fit-out for it is:
7. Defenses The hull is unarmored.
8. Craft Flight Section

The Cutters are housed in a dedicated hanger: the hanger can be sealed and has a total volume of 130 Tons.

9. Fuel Treatment The vessel has internal fuel tankage of 222,000 Tons.
  • The hull is fitted with fuel scoops.
  • The vessel is equipped with a fuel purification plant that can refine all onboard fuel in a few hours: the plant is operated and maintained by the engineering crew.

Refuelling Tankage

  • 90,000 Tons of the internal tankage is set aside for refuelling operations.
10. Cost The basic cost of the vessel is MCr141,493.310
  • Architects Fee: MCr1,414.933
11. Construction Time 227 weeks (53 months) as standard.
  • Build times can be reduced by mass production and the efficiencies such processes generate, by increased financing, and by allotting additional yard resources and facilities to the construction contract.
12. Comments Standard cargo capacity amounts to 586.0 Tons.
  • The cargo hold can be sealed and has independent life support and environmental systems. Sections of the hold may be isolated if desired and can be provided with specialized environmental conditions, typically refrigeration.

History & Background (Dossier)[edit]

The Dromedary class Tanker sees service in Fleets across the Domain of Sylea and beyond. The class carries two 20-Ton Gigs for crew transport and weather reconnaissance.

Oreo Pattern Hulls[edit]

"Oreo Pattern" hulls are a naval design feature that grew out of the "Oreo Settlement", and which was initially implemented in Oreo Subsector of Massilia Sector for economic reasons following the Civil War. Fundamentally, it is the process of creating hybrid technology ships. Unarmored hulls are locally built at lower tech levels, transported aboard commercial vessels, and fitted out as TL-15 warships at the more advanced shipyards in the region. "Oreo Pattern" starships have proven just as capable as their counterparts originating in other regions of the Imperium and it is now an accepted quirk of warships originating within the Domain of Sylea. [3]

Selected Variant Types & Classes[edit]

38 Representative Tanker (RG) Classes[edit]


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Classic Traveller This ship was originally designed using one of the Classic Traveller ship design rules:
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