Siege of Terra

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The siege and invasion of Terra by the Imperium in 1102.

Description (Specifications)

The Siege of Terra was the major invasion of Terra by the Imperium in 1102 as the culmination of the Solomani Rim War. While the world was ultimately captured, it was taken only with horrendous casualties and can be seen as a pyrrhic victory.

History & Background (Dossier)

The Imperial high command decided that Terra would have to be invaded, in order to end forever all claims of Solomani superiority and thus the use of Terra as a rallying standard elsewhere in the Sphere.

  • In order to invade Terra, a sizable fraction of the Imperial forces in the Solomani Sphere were assembled into an assault force, effectively ending the pursuit of the defeated Solomani fleet. The invasion began in the second quarter of 1002, and the hard fought campaign lasted until nearly the end of the year.
  • In the end, the Imperium conquered the planet.
  • However, the battle for Terra had consumed so much of the Imperial military's resources that the Imperial high command felt they lacked sufficient strength to resume their advance into the rest of the Solomani Sphere. Accordingly, they negotiated a temporary armistice with the Solomani military commanders, who were glad to gain a respite to regroup their remaining forces.
  • The war ended on this basis as both the Imperial and Solomani civilian governments, concerned with the strain placed on their economies by the protracted war, informally agreed to extend the armistice indefinitely.

Imperial Forces

Solomani Confederation Forces

References & Contributors (Sources)

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This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Far Future Enterprises or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.