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Sagamaal: This language is primarily used by the Sword Worlder race throughout the Sword Worlds polity.

  • It is a peripheral or minority language.

Description (Specifications)

The common tongue of the Sword Worlds and surrounds.

  • Technically there are two languages called Sagamaal, Old Sagamaal - the original common tongue spoken by many of the Sword Worlds colonists as a common second tongue.
  • Modern Sagamaal has become the lingua franca of the region, and over time it has picked up words from other Terran and even the Vilani tongues.
  • Modern Sagamaal now has less than 40% of its vocabulary in common with Old Sagamaal.


No information yet available.


Morphology is the study of the internal structure of words.

  • morpheme, inflection, paradigm, declension, derivation, compound, etc.


Phonology, the study of the sound systems of a language.

  • phoneme, allophone, segment, mora, syllable, foot, stress, tone, etc.


Grammar is the structure of a language.

  • tense, aspect, mood and modality, grammatical number, grammatical gender, case, etc.


Syntax is the study of how words combine to form grammatical sentences.

  • phrase, clause, grammatical function, grammatical voice, etc.


No information yet available.


A lexicon is the word supply of a language.

  • word, lexeme, lemma, lexicon, vocabulary, terminology, etc.

See Sagamaal Lexicon


Semantics is the study of the meaning of words (lexical semantics), and how these combine to form the meanings of sentences.

  • meaning, sense, entailment, truth condition, compositionality, etc.


Pragmatics is the study of how language is used by its speakers.

  • presupposition, implicature, deixis

History & Background (Historical Linguistics)

No information yet available.

Worlds & Sectors (Astrography)

This language is primarily in use in the following areas:

References & Contributors (Sources)

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This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Far Future Enterprises or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.