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The moment that the rebellion started can be determined quite specifically video cameras recorded the event; precise timers noted exactly when the first shot was fired. At 1517 hours on 132-11 16, Dulinor, the Archduke of Ilelish, fired four shots from his personal sidearm, and in succession, assassinated the Emperor Strephon, the Empress lolanthe, the Grand Princess Ciencia Iphegenia, and the Aslan Yerlyaruiwo ambassador The throne room was in immediate turmoil.

Most of 1116 was taken up in the transmission of the news from Capital to all parts of the Imperium As the news was absorbed, the many constituent factions of the Imperium made choices for the next course of action

In 1117 the basic factions established themselves.

In 1118 each faction struggled to strengthen its own position while weakening all the others

In 1119 the Rebellion settled down to a dedicated battle to the death between Lucan and Dulinor. Other factions contributed their forces to resolving squabbles between them, picking away at Lucan or Dulinor or both, or just trying to survive the chaos that was enveloping the empire.

The Long-Term Rebellion

Each faction of the Rebellion quickly established a base of power. At and within a reasonable radius of that established base of power, the faction could expect to hold a fairly solid base of power. That reasonable radius, computed based primarily on travel times, works out to about 20 parsecs for each faction.

Beyond 20 parsecs faction’s base of power, controlling and directing worlds becomes quite a difficult proposition for the faction. Fleets need orders; armies need supplies and support; and, in addition, attacks need coordination. And the farther the battlefields are moved from the base of power of the faction, the more difficult they are to direct and control. Losing battles is expensive, but on the other hand, so is winning them Even committing fleets and forces uses up resources that might be needed by the faction more desperately later. The least expensive course of action is to cautiously prepare, building strength while waiting for the other side to make a mistake.

Beyond the roughly 20 parsec radius of power, the territory of the Imperium became a no man’s land, left alone, completely to its own devices.

Source: Rebellion Sourcebook