Carasan (world)

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This is a world-system under construction and is currently being input-programmed into the Traveller RPG Wiki.

Carasan/Demon's Eye (Far Home 1126)
Classic Era (1116)
StarportC Routine: No Construction, Major Repair, Unrefined fuel
Size5 Medium (8,000 km, 0.40g - 0.57g)
Atmosphere6 Standard
Hydrographics7 Wet World 70%
Population8 Moderate (100 million)
Government9 Impersonal Bureaucracy
Law9 High Law (no weapons out of home)
Tech Level4 Industrial (combustion)
See also UWP
System Details
Primary K1 V
Planetoid Belts 0
Gas Giants 0

Carasan is a pre-agricultural, moderate population rich world with over a hundred million, but not yet at a billion sophonts in population size.

Description / Astrography & Planetology

This star system is detailed using the Fringian Variant System Description.

  • The supergiant primary of the Demon's Eye system and the huge Demon's Eye Nebula that surrounds it, lying a few parsecs to coreward-trailing, are clearly visible in the sky.

Monostellar System

Carasan Monostellar System
Star Name Hierarchy Category Mass (Sol) Temp (K) Luminosity (Sol)

K1 V

Primary Main Sequence 0.86 5100 - 5170 0.58985
Unit Diameter Min Distance Hab Zone Jump Shadow M-Drive Limit
AU 0.0037 0.0637 0.76 - 1.36 0.37 3.7
Orbit #  *  * 3 1 5

System Data

Vensul-Carasan System

The primary is Vensul, an ordinary orange main sequence star. It has a luminosity of 0.352 Sols, a mass of 0.774 Sols, and a diameter of 1.168 million km. The inner system consists of (II) a trace atmosphere worldlet – orbital position (I) is empty, other than a few minor planetoids following eccentric orbits. (III) Carasan orbits in the habitable zone and is designated the mainworld. (IV) a very thin atmosphere hospitable world forms the outer system. Only Carasan retains satellites.

Mainworld Data

(III) Carasan

(III) Carasan is designated the mainworld. It orbits Vensul at a mean distance of 0.69 AU (103.3 million km), within the habitable zone. It has an orbital period of 237 days 23 hours and a rotation period of 22.5 hours. The axial tilt is 20 degrees. Carasan has a diameter of 8,309 km, a density of 5.79 g/cm³, and a surface gravity of 0.69 G. The world is geologically active. Its atmosphere is rated as Standard, with a mean surface pressure of 0.94 bar and a composition of 79% nitrogen (N2), 20% oxygen (O2), and 1% argon (Ar), water vapor (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), ozone (O3), neon (Ne) and other trace gases. Approximately 68% of the surface is covered in oceans of liquid water: average tidal ranges exceed 0.3m. Mean surface temperature: 27°C. The climate is rated as Temperate-Warm and experiences minor moderate major extreme seasonal changes during the local year. The atmosphere is dynamic and strong weather systems driven by the star and the oceans sweep across the globe.


Carasan retains two natural satellites, a trace atmosphere worldlet named Salacor and a cratered vacuum worldlet named Murit:

(IIIa) Salacor (UWP Y210000-0, orbiting at 25 Diameters/210,000 km)
(IIIb) Murit (UWP Y100000-0, orbiting at 35 Diameters/290,000 km)

Mainworld Geography & Topography

Total surface area: 217 million km², Water surface area: 148 million km², Land surface area: 69 million km². The largest continent, representing approximately one half of the land surface of the world, sits directly under the northern pole: the remainder of Carasan's land area is made up of sub-continental islands and long archipelagos. The primary star and the twin moons cause huge oceanic tides, with average tidal ranges exceeding 0.6m. The climate is generally cool and temperate, with temperatures averaging around 8ºC. There are extensive polar icecaps with glacial offshoots extending into the temperate zones.

Native Lifeforms

Vensul-Carasan System

Carasan, the mainworld, has extensive, abundant native life, with complex organisms inhabiting every ecological niche. Their metabolic functions drive the process of atmospheric renewal. Lush, verdant jungles swathe the equatorial regions while temperate forests and rolling grasslands clad cooler climes. Native fauna is varied and the apex lifeforms are generally large. Avian species are common and the skies are filled with dense flocks and soaring raptors.

The cold marginally hospitable world lying in orbital position (IV) (within the H+ region of the outer system) has primitive native life, consisting entirely of microscopic cyanobacteria-parallels that exist in any location where they can find even a minimal trace of shelter and warmth. Their metabolic functions maintain the process of atmospheric renewal.

No other world in the system is known to have native life.

History & Background / Dossier

Carasan is the homeworld of the Acara, a reclusive and philosophical Sophont species that tend to shun direct contact.

World Starport

Carasan has a Class C Starport, an average quality installation which includes amenities including unrefined fuel for starships, some brokerage services for passengers and cargo, and a variety of ship provisions. There is a shipyard capable of doing maintenance and other kinds of repair. Ports of this classification generally have only a downport, unless this is a trade port or system with an hostile environment mainworld.

World Technology Level

Carasan possesses a Technology Level of TL–4.

World Government

Carasan is governed by an Impersonal Bureaucracy. The leadership of the government is another form (democracy, dictatorship, oligarchy), but the bureaucracy dictates government policy and its execution. Government leadership is reduced to little more than figureheads and does not select the bureaucracy leadership or its members.

World Military

No information yet available.

World Economy

No information yet available.

Trade Data

No information yet available.

World Demographics

Carasan is the Homeworld of the Acara.

World Culture

No information yet available.


No information yet available.

Historical Data

No information yet available.

World Timeline

No information yet available.

UWP Listing

No information yet available.

References & Contributors (Sources)

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This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Far Future Enterprises or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.