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MT 0216 Coacc.jpg
Close Orbit and Airspace Control Command
Author Terrance McInnes
Publisher Game Designers Workshop
Version MegaTraveller
Edition 1st
Format Book (Softback)
Language English
Pages 98
Year Published 1989
Canonical Yes
Available from RPGNow
ISBN 0-943580-72-2 Stock #0216
Table of Contents
Introduction 5
The Origins of COACC 6
Military Control of Atmosphere 10
Air Units 14
Aircraft 16
Overview 22
Aircraft Design 26
Designing Fixed-Wing Aircraft 28
Helicopter Design 36
Airship Design 42
Air-to-Air Combat 48
Air-to-Ground Combat 56
Aircraft Ordnance 66
Ground-to-Air Combat 70
Bases 74
Maintenance 78
Defending a World 82
The Eddum Campaign 84
Flyer Characters 90

COACC is a Game Designers Workshop product.

Description (Specifications)

The army controls the ground!

The navy controls space!

But the interface between the two belongs to COACC — the fliers. Aircraft of all types — jets, props, helicopters, dirigibles — come under the Close Orbit and Airspace Command. COACC provides rules for fliers in the Traveller universe. Coverage includes character generation, COACC organization, aircraft design sequences, example aircraft, and air-to-air combat rules.

A detailed treatment of aircraft and the characters that fly them in MegaTraveller. This 98-page sourcebook includes:

  • Character generation for flyers in MegaTraveller.
  • Detailed analysis and description of the organization and operation of COACC, the definition of COACC responsibilities (...anything that uses wings is ours), the missions that COACC undertakes, who controls COACC, and mercenary COACC units.
  • Aircraft design rules for producing and rating fixed-wing propeller and jet-propelled aircraft, rotary-wing aircraft (helicopters) and airships.
  • Air combat rules for resolution of military encounters between airplanes. Both a hasty and a detailed system are included. Chapters address the types of ordnance and bombs that aircraft carry for attacks against other aircraft and for ground strikes.
  • Tech Level tables showing the evolution of, and types of aircraft throughout the Imperium.
  • Examples of aircraft (...including their design ratings and illustrations) are scattered throughout the text.
  • The Eddum Campaign. A complete COACC campaign incorporating aircraft design and combat in a unique battle to win the hearts and minds of the people of Eddum to specific factions within the Rebellion

Table of Contents

Section Page/s
Introduction 5
The Origins of COACC 6
Reading Aircraft Specifications 9
Military Control of the Atmosphere 10
COACC Organization 12
Air Units 14
Squadron Organization 14
Aircraft 16
Overview 22
Tech Level Chart 22
Aircraft Technology 24
Aircraft Design 26
Fixed-Wing Aircraft Design Charts 28
Helicopter Design 32
Rotary-Wing Aircraft Design Charts 36
Airship Design 42
Airship Design Charts 44
Air-to-Air Combat 48
Maneuver Grid 50
Off-Angle Diagram 52
Missile Types 54
Air-to-Ground Combat 56
Aircraft Loadouts 60
Air-to-Ground Combat Charts 64
Aircraft Ordnance 66
Ordnance Charts 68
Ground-to-Air Combat 70
Bases 74
Bases Diagram 76
Maintenance 78
Daily Maintenance Points 80
Defending a World 82
The Eddum Campaign 84
Campaign Map 86
Flyer Characters 90
Enhanced Flyer Characters Chart 94

Library Data Entries (Public)

  1. Aircraft
  2. Atmosphere
  3. Autocannon
  4. Base
  5. Bomb
  6. Eddum (world)
  7. FAC
  8. Flyer
  9. Flying Creature
  10. Missile
  11. Ordnance
  12. Pilot AKA Flyer
  13. Rebellion
  14. Riding Beast
  15. Rocket
  16. Tech Level
  17. Terran Confederation

Selected Aircraft Types

  1. Airplane
  2. Airship
  3. Balloon
  4. Biplane
  5. Bomber
  6. Dirigible
  7. Fast Subsonic Aircraft
  8. Fighter
  9. Fixed Wing Aircraft
  10. Glider
  11. Heavier Than Air Aircraft AKA Aerodyne
  12. Helicopters
  13. Hypersonic Aircraft
  14. Lighter Than Air Aircraft AKA Aerostat
  15. Medevac
  16. Monoplane
  17. Jets AKA Jet Aircraft
  18. Orbital Fighter
  19. Props AKA Propellor Aircraft
  20. Rotary Wing Aircraft AKA Rotorcraft
  21. Spacecraft
  22. Space Fighter
  23. Spaceplane
  24. STOL
  25. Subsonic Aircraft
  26. Supersonic Aircraft
  27. Transonic Aircraft
  28. Triplane
  29. Ultralight
  30. VTOL

Selected Military Organizations

  1. Air Force
  2. Close Orbit and Airspace Control Command AKA COACC
  3. Ground Force
  4. Nautical Command
  5. Orbital Force
  6. Terran Space Force
  7. Terran Space Navy

Selected Smallcraft

  1. TBD class TBD
  2. TBD class TBD
  3. TBD class TBD

Selected Sophonts

  1. Lastenti of Troolian (world)
  2. Staln of Drist (world)

Selected Vehicles


  1. Abilene class Jet Fighter
  2. Cheyenne class Jet Fighter
  3. Chicago class Heavy Attack Aircraft
  4. Laramie class Jet Fighter
  5. Lombard class Helicopter
  6. Nuremberg class Attack Aircraft
  7. Pleiku class Light Attack Aircraft
  8. Port Stanley class VTOL Medium Attack Aircraft
  9. Pretoria class Fighter
  10. San Diego class Medium Attack Aircraft
  11. Tuscon class Fighter
  12. Ypres class Primitive Fighter
  1. TBD class TBD
  2. TBD class TBD
  3. TBD class TBD
  4. TBD class TBD
  5. TBD class TBD


  1. Daytona class Orbital Fighter/Interceptor
  2. TBD class TBD
  3. TBD class TBD
  4. Reno class Hypersonic Fighter/Interceptor

Meta-history & Background (Dossier)

COACC is a MegaTraveller source and adventure book.

Credits (Primary Sources)

Credits (Primary Sources)
Credit Authors & Contributors
Design Terry McInnes
Additional Design Marc W. Miller
Cover Illustration A. C. Farley
Interior Illustrations A. C. Farley, and Bryan Gibson

External Link/s

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References & Contributions (Sources)

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