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The locals make their living by seabed mining and fish-farming. Equus contains a small population of [[Dolphin|uplifted dolphins]] that assist the human inhabitants in herding the fish schools.
The locals make their living by seabed mining and fish-farming. Equus contains a small population of [[Dolphin|uplifted dolphins]] that assist the human inhabitants in herding the fish schools.
=== Major Historical Events Timeline: 1116 ===
'''Non-canon:''' This is some of the more important history associated with this event:
;[[-1500]] to [[-1450]] :Probable sighting of planet and initial colonization of SM2714 by sublight colonist ships. During this period, the system was named because it was the closest binary system (~52 ly) in the Terran constellation "Equuleus." The binary system was called "Equus-Bovine," the horse and cow. The name stuck since it is believed that the first colonists were from Sol-[[Terra (world)|Terra]].
* [[-1500]] to [[-1450]]: Probable sighting of planet and initial colonization of SM2714 by sublight colonist ships. During this period, the system was named because it was the closest binary system (~52 ly) in the Terran constellation "Equuleus." The binary system was called "Equus-Bovine," the horse and cow. The name stuck since it is believed that the first colonists were from Sol-[[Terra (world)|Terra]].
* [[-420]]: The first Sword World colonists leave [[Terra (world)|Terra]].
;[[-420]] :The first Sword World colonists leave [[Terra (world)|Terra]].
* [[-389]]: Sword World colonists contact "colonists" of Equus. Some remain. Tursiops galacti ([[Dolphin]]s) introduced to Equus eco-system. They establish a colony on Equus which eventually reaches 200,000 in population.  
* [[-102]]: Equus sends a contingent of support to Gram during the Sword Worlds Rebellion.
;[[-389]] :Sword World colonists contact "colonists" of Equus. Some remain. Tursiops galacti ([[Dolphin]]s) introduced to Equus eco-system. They establish a colony on Equus which eventually reaches 200,000 in population.  
* [[60]]: The Imperial Senate is established at [[Mora (world)|Mora]]. "The Mora Moot."
* [[525]]: Equus established representatives at the Mora Moot.
;[[-102]] :Equus sends a contingent of support to Gram during the Sword Worlds Rebellion.
* [[624]]: X-boat stations are established throughout the Imperium.
* [[700]]: Equus receives its X-boat station and begins communicating with the {{Imperium}}.
;[[60]] :The Imperial Senate is established at [[Mora (world)|Mora]]. "The Mora Moot."
* [[758]]: Myteria-Seru Tragedy - Undersea colony floods, killing 1.5 millions. Report published three years later, thus helping undersea colonial technology and thereby increasing the populations of all Imperial worlds with sea-based colonists.
* [[829]]: The War of the Princes - factions supported by several trader families go to war. Initially, a trade war ensued. This eventually led to bloodshed when certain factions could not come to grips with the economic realities of the situation, namely bankruptcy. To stop bankruptcy from happening, one family began to eliminate the leadership of each faction. Slowly, each faction began to lose control over its share of the markets and profits.  
;[[525]] :Equus established representatives at the Mora Moot.
;[[624]] :X-boat stations are established throughout the Imperium.
;[[700]] :Equus receives its X-boat station and begins communicating with the {{Imperium}}.
;[[758]] :Myteria-Seru Tragedy - Undersea colony floods, killing 1.5 millions. Report published three years later, thus helping undersea colonial technology and thereby increasing the populations of all Imperial worlds with sea-based colonists.
;[[829]] :The War of the Princes - factions supported by several trader families go to war. Initially, a trade war ensued. This eventually led to bloodshed when certain factions could not come to grips with the economic realities of the situation, namely bankruptcy. To stop bankruptcy from happening, one family began to eliminate the leadership of each faction. Slowly, each faction began to lose control over its share of the markets and profits.  
:One family, Familia Santiago, remained solvent and gained the upper hand, eventually eliminating all competition. Famila Santiago named itself as the ruler of Equus, and so started the tradition of the Trade Dictators.
:One family, Familia Santiago, remained solvent and gained the upper hand, eventually eliminating all competition. Famila Santiago named itself as the ruler of Equus, and so started the tradition of the Trade Dictators.
* [[979]]: [[Third Frontier War]] begins. Equus sends volunteer battalions to [[Inthe (SM 2410) (World)|Inthe]]. These battalions are loaded into the 154th Battle Rider Squadron ships as part of the Imperial army's Colonial Contingent.  
;[[979]] :[[Third Frontier War]] begins. Equus sends volunteer battalions to [[Inthe (SM 2410) (World)|Inthe]]. These battalions are loaded into the 154th Battle Rider Squadron ships as part of the Imperial army's Colonial Contingent.  
* [[980]]: [[Battle of Porozlo]] - the 154th BRS assists. Equus Volunteer Battalions lose 80% of their effectives during the orbital assault. Veterans return to Equus with honors. Some veterans supposedly joined the 4518th Lift Infantry Regiment. Normally Wet Navy Marines, the Equus Volunteers were not familiar with land tactics and suffered the consequences.
* [[986]]: [[Third Frontier War]] ends. Colony established on Melfred by veterans of the Battle for Porozlo. Transport provided by Imperial Navy/Army.  
;[[980]] :[[Battle of Porozlo]] - the 154th BRS assists. Equus Volunteer Battalions lose 80% of their effectives during the orbital assault. Veterans return to Equus with honors. Some veterans supposedly joined the 4518th Lift Infantry Regiment. Normally Wet Navy Marines, the Equus Volunteers were not familiar with land tactics and suffered the consequences.
* [[998]]: [[Solomani]] exiles arrive at Equus and settle on Equus and Melfred.
* [[1010]]: Rugerio Family become the feudal overlords of Equus.
;[[986]] :[[Third Frontier War]] ends. Colony established on Melfred by veterans of the Battle for Porozlo. Transport provided by Imperial Navy/Army.  
;[[998]] :[[Solomani]] exiles arrive at Equus and settle on Equus and Melfred.
;[[1010]] :Rugerio Family become the feudal overlords of Equus.
== References & Contributors (Sources) ==
== References & Contributors (Sources) ==

Revision as of 21:38, 16 February 2016

Equus/Lanth (Spinward Marches 2417)
Classic Era (1116)
StarportB Good: Spacecraft Construction, Overhaul, Refined fuel
Size5 Medium (8,000 km, 0.40g - 0.57g)
Atmosphere5 Thin
HydrographicsA Water World 100%
Population8 Moderate (200 million)
Government5 Feudal Technocracy
Law8 High Law (controlled blades)
Tech LevelB Average Stellar (large starships)
Hard Times (1130)
StarportB Good: Spacecraft Construction, Overhaul, Refined fuel
Size5 Medium (8,000 km, 0.40g - 0.57g)
Atmosphere5 Thin
HydrographicsA Water World 100%
Population8 Moderate (200 million)
Government5 Feudal Technocracy
Law8 High Law (controlled blades)
Tech LevelB Average Stellar (large starships)
See also UWP
System Details
Primary F6 V M1 V
Planetoid Belts 0
Gas Giants 2
Jump map from Travellermap.com [1]

Equus is a moderate population water world with over a hundred million, but not yet a billion sophonts in population size.

Description (Astrography & Planetology)

Equus is located on a major trade route to the Rhylanor Subsector.

  • Equus' land mass is almost all swamp or steep mountains rising straight from the oceans.

Binary Solar System

Equus Binary Star System
Solitary F Type.jpg Type Category Mass (Sol) Temperature (K) Luminosity
F6 V Main Sequence 1.25 6280 - 6350 2.18366
Unit Diameter Safe Distance Habitable Zone Jump Shadow M-Drive Limit
AU 0.0126 0.1226 1.36 - 2.36 1.26 12.6
Orbit #  * 0 4 3 7
Solitary M Type.jpg Type Category Mass (Sol) Temperature (K) Luminosity
M1 V Main Sequence 0.5 3620 - 3660 0.08839
Unit Diameter Safe Distance Habitable Zone Jump Shadow M-Drive Limit
AU 0.0047 0.0247 0.31 - 0.59 0.47 4.7
Orbit #  *  * 1 1 6

History & Background (Dossier)

An Imperial-aligned water world in the Lanth Subsector of the Spinward Marches. Equus also contains an Imperial Scout Base.

The population lives in underwater cities reached by submarine from the Downport atop Mount Bellis. In addition to Equus Startown, other major settlements on Equus include Gummifish, Ulir City, Kerouac, and Kagasisli.

The locals make their living by seabed mining and fish-farming. Equus contains a small population of uplifted dolphins that assist the human inhabitants in herding the fish schools.

Major Historical Events Timeline: 1116

Non-canon: This is some of the more important history associated with this event:

  • -1500 to -1450: Probable sighting of planet and initial colonization of SM2714 by sublight colonist ships. During this period, the system was named because it was the closest binary system (~52 ly) in the Terran constellation "Equuleus." The binary system was called "Equus-Bovine," the horse and cow. The name stuck since it is believed that the first colonists were from Sol-Terra.
  • -420: The first Sword World colonists leave Terra.
  • -389: Sword World colonists contact "colonists" of Equus. Some remain. Tursiops galacti (Dolphins) introduced to Equus eco-system. They establish a colony on Equus which eventually reaches 200,000 in population.
  • -102: Equus sends a contingent of support to Gram during the Sword Worlds Rebellion.
  • 60: The Imperial Senate is established at Mora. "The Mora Moot."
  • 525: Equus established representatives at the Mora Moot.
  • 624: X-boat stations are established throughout the Imperium.
  • 700: Equus receives its X-boat station and begins communicating with the Imperium.
  • 758: Myteria-Seru Tragedy - Undersea colony floods, killing 1.5 millions. Report published three years later, thus helping undersea colonial technology and thereby increasing the populations of all Imperial worlds with sea-based colonists.
  • 829: The War of the Princes - factions supported by several trader families go to war. Initially, a trade war ensued. This eventually led to bloodshed when certain factions could not come to grips with the economic realities of the situation, namely bankruptcy. To stop bankruptcy from happening, one family began to eliminate the leadership of each faction. Slowly, each faction began to lose control over its share of the markets and profits.
One family, Familia Santiago, remained solvent and gained the upper hand, eventually eliminating all competition. Famila Santiago named itself as the ruler of Equus, and so started the tradition of the Trade Dictators.
  • 979: Third Frontier War begins. Equus sends volunteer battalions to Inthe. These battalions are loaded into the 154th Battle Rider Squadron ships as part of the Imperial army's Colonial Contingent.
  • 980: Battle of Porozlo - the 154th BRS assists. Equus Volunteer Battalions lose 80% of their effectives during the orbital assault. Veterans return to Equus with honors. Some veterans supposedly joined the 4518th Lift Infantry Regiment. Normally Wet Navy Marines, the Equus Volunteers were not familiar with land tactics and suffered the consequences.
  • 986: Third Frontier War ends. Colony established on Melfred by veterans of the Battle for Porozlo. Transport provided by Imperial Navy/Army.
  • 998: Solomani exiles arrive at Equus and settle on Equus and Melfred.
  • 1010: Rugerio Family become the feudal overlords of Equus.

References & Contributors (Sources)

This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Mongoose Publishing or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.