Nulinad County

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Nulinad County is a large and politically influential County of Nulinad is currently in turmoil, as a local dynastic conflict has suddenly shifted into a wave of assassinations, suicide bombings, and corporate violence.

  • Much of the ruling nobility are trying to kill each other, gone into hiding, and/or have fled the County. Among the dead are the former Countess of Nulinad and her chosen heir: her surviving kinsmen are now just one more party of combatants.

Description (Specifications)[edit]

Under the leadership of Duke Michael, Imperial forces have tightly contained the interstellar violence within the county systems within the borders of the Empty Quarter, shifting the conflict to clearly marked battlefields far from population centers. However, while most of the population of the county is within the Empty Quarter, most of the systems are beyond her borders, and are subject to the jurisdiction of different Imperial Dukes. The other Dukes are not as interested in “cleaning up some other Duke’s mess”, yet they refuse to grand Duke Michael permission to send his forces to restore order to the county systems out of his sector. An appeal to the Empress is making its way to the Iridium Throne, but it will take many months before a reply arrives.

In peaceful times, the County of Nulinad is a prosperous region of the Empty Quarter, with living standards only somewhat below that of the Imperial norm. The capital region on Nulinad is fairly cosmopolitan, with a broad smattering of alien races set against the predominantly human population. Outside of the capital city of Yulinz, the rest of the planet follows what is best described as a laid-back Mediterranean/Egyptian lifestyle, with a high-tech flavour of Imperial Catholic and Orthodox Catholic beliefs shaping the culture. The importance of saints and icons is hard to overestimate, and no work is done on the numerous saint’s days. The other major population centre in the region is Zukhisa; the local citizens there, who follow a separate culture and belief system, are eager to compete with the Nulinadians. Their world is even more pleasant to live in than Nulinad, with smaller deserts and a stronger gravity well, but the techlevel still lags a bit.

History & Background (Dossier)[edit]

A strong Pitth presence is present on Nyambii Dal. The friendly nature of the local psionic Jellyfish – the common nickname of the Pitth – has turned the world into something of a centre of mysticism, heretical secret societies, and vague, barely comprehensible belief systems.

Interstellar Country Relations[edit]

Relations with the Third Imperium: Historically, the County of Nulinad has always been willing to back the authority of the Iridium Throne: by doing this, the rulers of the county got a fair bit of Imperial spending and honours directed their way.

As the Ducal throneworld, Nulinad system has a beefed-up system security flotilla, and is the home barracks of three Imperial Marine regiments. Empress Changpu was expected to provide additional privileges to the county, but the outbreak of a countywide war – fought primarily over which family of which world gets how much Imperial pork – has soured her on the idea. The Imperial military is doing a good job in restraining the local factions: but they should be ready to deploy across the sector at any time, instead of being tied down in peace-keeping actions in their home county. Some serious consideration is being made on relocating the sector capital to wealthy Hebrin.

Worlds & Sectors (Astrography)[edit]

This subpolity can be primarily found in the following areas:
Charted Space:

Capital/s: 1105[edit]

The capital/s of this subpolity is/are located in the following location/s:

Worlds: 1105[edit]

The county extends beyond the borders of the Empty Quarter:

World Listing: 1105[edit]

The following systems and worlds are a part of this subpolity:

No world articles for Nulinad County

References & Contributors (Sources)[edit]

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