Mirkigli (world)

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Mirkigli/Old Suns (Dagudashaag 1206)
Milieu 1116
StarportB Good: Spacecraft Construction, Overhaul, Refined fuel
Size3 Small (4,800 km, 0.24g - 0.34g)
Atmosphere1 Vacuum (trace)
Hydrographics0 Desert World 0%
Population6 Moderate (9 million)
Government7 Balkanization
LawB Extreme Law (control of movement)
Tech LevelC Average Stellar (robots)
See also UWP
Jump map from Travellermap.com [1]
System Details
Primary G3 V
Worlds 7
Gas Giants 3
Planetoid Belts 0
Cultural Details
Government Balkanization
Law Level Extreme
Cultural Extension 877E
Army Size (BEs) 1
Economic Details
Technology Level 12
Economic Extension
Labor5Moderate (900 thousand)
Infrastructure5 Limited
Importance Extension 1
Resource Units 825
GWP (BCr) 33
World Trade Number 4
Trade Volume (MCr/year) 4,168
Starport Details
Classification Class-B
Port Size 4
Building Capacity (Tons) 9,000
Port employees 330
Port passengers (annual) 7,000

Mirkigli has an unbreathably thin atmosphere and very little surface water. The system has a population between 1 million and 10 million sophonts, lacking the industrial base to be completely self-supporting. This is a high technology world with available technology over the standards for Charted Space. It is a member of Third Imperium in the Old Suns Subsector of Dagudashaag Sector and in the Domain of Vland. Mirkigli, as a member world of the Third Imperium, holds the estate of an Imperial knight, a member of the Imperial Nobility charged with overseeing the world. This world has a nearby Imperial Naval Base, capable of handling warships. 100% of the world's population is the Minor Human Race Lancian. During the Long Night this world was named Uddiki.

Astrography and Planetology[edit]

Mirkigli is a member of the Guukian Cluster. The naval base hosts elements of the 186th Fleet.

Mirkigli is a small escaped moon in a stable orbit around its star.

Stellar Data[edit]

Mirkigli has a solitary primary star.
Solitary G Type.jpg Type Category Mass (Sol) Temperature (K) Luminosity
G3 V Main Sequence 0.99 5680 - 5720 0.96544
Unit Diameter Safe Distance Habitable Zone Jump Shadow M-Drive Limit
AU 0.0093 0.0815 0.94 - 1.66 0.93 9.3
Orbit #  *  * 3 3 7
Remarks None

History and Background[edit]

Mirkigli is one of only two totally Lancian colonies within the subsector.

Originally settled for its radioactives, it has long since been milled out and now old mine shafts have become cities. The people mainly make their living from trade and many Vilani businesses have supply offices here.

World Starport (St)[edit]

Mirkigli has a Class B Starport, a good quality installation which includes all the expected amenities including refined fuel for starships, brokerage services for passengers and cargo, and a variety of ship provisions. There is a shipyard capable of doing annual maintenance, overhauls and most kinds of repair, and construction of non-starships. Most ports of this classification have both a Highport and a Downport.

World Population (P)[edit]

Mirkigli has a population of 9,000,000 sophonts (millions).

World Languages[edit]

World Government (G)[edit]

Mirkigli has a Balkanized Government. There is no central world government. The world has several governments competing for control of the world. These may be allies, cooperating, competitors, or at war with each other.

World Military[edit]

Most Lancians do not like the idea of permanent military forces, and even less the idea of serving in them. As a result, most standing forces, the Pulehov, are small and often composed of non-Lancians. In times of war, the combined Lancian community -- the peoples' army, the Silkku -- is the ultimate defense of this and other Lancian worlds.


Lancian courts, called Ammeinha, are made up of 13 person "benches", a combined judiciary and jury, similar to Solomani Courts Martial. Each district's Ammeinha reflects the district demographics. The emphasis is very much on trial by one's peers.

References and contributors[edit]

This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Mongoose Publishing or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.