Ashigaar (world)

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Ashigaar/Shumduur (Fornast 1738)
Classic Era (1116)
StarportA Excellent: Starship Construction, Overhaul, Refined fuel
Size5 Medium (8,000 km, 0.40g - 0.57g)
Atmosphere3 Vacuum (very thin)
Hydrographics6 Wet World 60%
Population9 High (4 billion)
Government7 Balkanization
Law6 Moderate Law (no firearms except shotguns)
Tech LevelF High Stellar (anagathics)
See also UWP
System Details
Primary K0 V
Planetoid Belts 0
Gas Giants 2

Ashigaar is a high-population world with a billion or more sophonts in population size.

Description (Astrography & Planetology)[edit]

No information yet available.

Ashigaar has a solitary primary star.
Solitary K Type.jpg Type Category Mass (Sol) Temperature (K) Luminosity
K0 V Main Sequence 0.88 5170 - 5270 0.63928
Unit Diameter Safe Distance Habitable Zone Jump Shadow M-Drive Limit
AU 0.0076 0.0663 0.78 - 1.4 0.76 7.6
Orbit #  *  * 3 2 6

History & Background (Dossier)[edit]

A deeply competitive race, the Bhunj of nearby Ketial (Fornast 1933) embraced the mercantile freedoms of the Rule of Man. The power void left as the Rule of Man retracted toward Core led to the formation of the Second Bhunj Exclusion, which would persist in some form through nearly half of the Long Night; as it collapsed, Bhunj communities were left on a number of worlds, including this one.

Imperial High (Landed) Nobility[edit]

Ashigaar, as a member world of the Third Imperium, holds the estates of two members of the Imperial Nobility, who are charged with overseeing the world.

World Population (P)[edit]

Ashigaar has a population of 4,000,000,000 sophonts (billions).

World Demographics[edit]

  • Human, just above 95%
  • Bhunj, slightly less than 5% (just under 200 million)
  • Statistically insignificant pockets of other species.

References & Contributors (Sources)[edit]

This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Mongoose Publishing or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.