Maneuver Drive

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The Maneuver Drive is the general term for one of the three primary engineering systems used in starships and spaceships. The Maneuver drive moves ships through normal space, throughout systems, and on and off planets.

Please refer to the following AAB Library Data articles for further information:

Description (Specifications)

Because the M-Drive carries the word Maneuver in its title, various references to Maneuver Drives can be confusing: the word may refer to a specific type of drive (the Maneuver Drive or M-Drive), or to a general class of drives that propel ships. The meaning can usually be derived from context. [1]

The specific technology used for the maneuver drive depends upon the Technology level of the worlds producing the ships.

Alternative drives

In addition to the widely-available gravity-based vector movement drives, other drives are available. These are used by cultures who never developed, or don't have access to, the grav based drive systems.

History & Background (Dossier)

No information yet available.

References & Contributors (Sources)

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