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==== Safety of the Starways ====
==== Safety of the Starways ====
No information yet available.
The main function of the [[Imperial Navy]] is to safeguard the starways. It also enforces the [[Emperor]]'s will, but keeping [[Charted Space]], or at least [[Imperial Space]], safe for trade is a key function of the military of the [[Third Imperium]], as outlined in the [[Warrant of Restoration]].
=== United Military & Local Levies ===
=== United Military & Local Levies ===

Revision as of 20:02, 1 March 2017

The Feudal Confederation of the Third Imperium is one of its must successful and enduring institutions. It simultaneously binds people to the Imperium through the good leadership of talented nobles and leaves enough room for world societies to develop meaningful solutions to local exigencies.

Please see the following AAB articles for more information:

Description (Specifications)

The Imperium is a far-flung interstellar community encompassing over 1,100 worlds within a region approximately 700 parsecs across. It has now ruiled its territory for eleven centuries and looks to continue for many more. Interstellar gocernment over such a large area, however, becomes a philosophical question; the problem initially seeming to be insurmountable. Distance, travel time, and communication lag all conspire against a functioning, efficient structure which can meet the needs of its subject population. But the lessons of history serve as a guide. Spain, in 16th century Terra, ruled much of the New World, with travel times of up to a year between the seat of government and the new territories. In fact, through most of history timely government communication, with both a rapid dispatch of instructions and an equally rapid response, has been a dream, not a reality.

The Imperium has come upon two solutions, which together ameliorate the problems of distance, the X-boat network and feudalism. [1]

The X-boat Network

Please see AAB article: X-boat

Feudal Confederation

Feudalism: With such great distances separating stellar systems, individual responsibility and authority become of great importance. The Imperium is divided into sectors (twenty of them), each 32 by 40 parsecs in size. Each sector is divided into sixteen subsectors, each 8 by 10 parsecs in size. And within a sector are perhaps thirty or forty systems, on average, each within a star, worlds, and satellites.

Individual worlds, and even entire systems, are free to govern themselves as they desire, provided that ultimate power is always accorded to the Imperium. Interstellar government begins at the subsector level, on one world designated the subsector capital. The ruling figure at the subsector capital is a high-ranking noble selected by higher levels of government. The duke has a free hand in government, and is subject only to broad guidelines from his superiors. But at the same time, the duke owes fealty to the higher levels of government, ultimately to the Emperor himself. The feudal approach depends greatly on a sense of honor, one cultivated by the hereditary aristocracy. This sense of honor is very strong within the Imperium; it has proven essential to the survival of such a far-flung community. [2]

History & Background (Dossier)

The Ziru Sirka was enormously coercive while the Rule of Man was enormously permissive. Neither worked terribly well as an enduring example of long-term interstellar governance despite the longetivity of the Vilani. Cleon Zhunastu had studied both and knew that any new, lasting interstellar empire would need to steer in-between those goal posts.

Federalized Economic Model

One of the key features of the Warrant of Restoration is its relatively laissez-faire attitude towards interstellar commerce. Apart from extracting a cut of profit, the Imperium, for the most part, is a very hands off organization.

Free Trade

No information yet available.

Safety of the Starways

The main function of the Imperial Navy is to safeguard the starways. It also enforces the Emperor's will, but keeping Charted Space, or at least Imperial Space, safe for trade is a key function of the military of the Third Imperium, as outlined in the Warrant of Restoration.

United Military & Local Levies

The Third Imperium insists upon control of its Sovereign Territory through an all powerful Imperial Navy, but that Navy has very defined jurisdictional limits. Apart from taxes and security, it is not to participate in the internal affairs of members. And while a Unified Forces of the Third Imperium exists on paper, the pragmatic reality is very different.

Subsector Militaries

Please see the following articles for more information:

Imperial Military

Please see the following articles for more information:

References & Contributors ( Sources)

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This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Far Future Enterprises or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.