
From Traveller Wiki - Science-Fiction Adventure in the Far future
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This is a infobox template for starships, space ships, and other space capable vehicle designs.

  • This template also stores data in the Starship Cargo table. This means the format of the elements is more specific and picky. The parameters to the template are parsed and inserted into tables in the database for query through Cargo.

There are 11 design templates correlating with the 11 Versions of Traveller that should be added to the bottom of ship articles under the references:

  1. Template:CT-Ship-Design
  2. Template:CT-Ship-Design
  3. Template:CT-Ship-Design
  4. Template:CT-Ship-Design
  5. Template:CT-Ship-Design
  6. Template:CT-Ship-Design
  7. Template:CT-Ship-Design
  8. Template:CT-Ship-Design
  9. Template:CT-Ship-Design
  10. Template:CT-Ship-Design
  11. Template:CT-Ship-Design
InfoboxShip-2 Parameters
Parameter Remarks
Name Name of the ship or class of ships. For ship classes, include the word "class" (lower case) in the name. For individual ships Named Ships, enter only the name. Do not add any formatting.
Agility Insert text indicating ship's agility rating.
Also see Insert a related hyperlink with brackets.
Aerodynam / Streamlining Streamlining hull shape or aerodynamics. See Hull page.
Architect The author or ship designer. Usually a realword person, but you can add a fictional one if it's your preference.
  • Multiple architects should have commas between them.
  • Many designs do not have a known architect.
Blueprint yes or no. Deck plans available.
Canon Usually basic information about the ship's canonicity.
Caption Optional - short description of the image. will display under image. Usually basic information to accompany an illustration.
Cargo Cargo size in #.0 Tons
Cost Cost of the ship, in MCr. Includes Cost of the architect fees for designing the ship, in MCr.
Crew Total expected crew size
G maneuver drive or NAFAL drive rating of the ship. Use 0 if none installed
Jump Jump drive or Hop drive rating of the ship, use 0 if none installed
Enlisted optional - number of the crew that are enlisted, or non-officers
EOS End of service. Last operational capability. The last year that it officialy operated.
Era Defaults to 1105. See Timeline or Milieu for categories.
Footnote Optional - extra note for the infobox, if needed. Displays at bottom of infobox.
HP Hard points installed on the ship, used for mounting weapons
Hpass Number of High passage or Middle passage passengers that can be carried.
Hull (shape) Hull type used. See Hull page.
Illustration Yes or no. Does not display.
Image Optional, link created - image for the ship. Displays at top of infobox.
IOC Initial operational capability. The year that it first operated.
Manufacturer Company or polity building it. Not yet used for display.
Model The type of Ship’s Computer used.
Lpass Number of Low passage passengers or Low berths installed
Manufacturer Optional, displayed - Corporation or megacorporation, or polity that primarily manufactures the design.
  • The default is "various" as most designs are shared among many various shipyards although some companies are strongly associated with certain design classes and variants.
  • There can still be a creator of the design or a predominant user most associated with the design such as the Oberlindes Cargo Liner.
Marines optional - number of the crew that are armed fighting men, not crew with smallarms
Officers optional - number of the crew that are officers
Origin Link created - world or empire where this ship class originated. AKA Home Polity of builders.
QSP Optional: T5 Core Rules Quick Ship Profile
ref Reference. Use page cite style. See article Citation.
Size Ship size in Tons
Size-cat Link created - Smallcraft, ACS, BCS, FCS, or WCS
  • Smallcraft, Adventure Class Ship, Battle Class Ship, Fleet Class Ship, or World Class Ship
tdes Type designation - Use the two letter code from the Ship type codes
TL Technology Level of the ship design
Type Link created - Ship type - Please use the types listed in either Military Starship Types or Civilian Starship Types based upon the type designation above. Under development.
USP Optional, displayed - Universal Ship Profile. The High Guard (book) USP for the ship.

Insertable Template (Copy & Paste)


|name         = Zowie class Attack Boat
|aerodynam    = [[Unstreamlined Hull]] 
|alsosee      = 
|architect    =
|blueprint    = No
|canon        = No, unpublished starship design.
|caption      = 
|cargo        = 
|cost         = 
|crew         = 
|enlisted     = 
|era          = 1105
|footnote     =  [[Starship]]s are designed with the [[Classic Traveller]] format, using [[High Guard (book)|High Guard]].
|g            = 
|hp           = 
|hpass        = 
|hull         = [[TBD Hull]]
|illustration = No 
|image        = Wiki Navy.png
|IOC          = 
|jump         = 
|lpass        = 
|manufacturer = Various
|marines      = 
|model        = [[Model/TBD]]
|officers     = 
|origin       = Third Imperium
|QSP          = 
|ref          = 
|size         = 
|size-cat     = ACS
|tdes         = 
|TL           = 
|type         = 
|usp          =